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We need to talk ...




Hey everyone,


The last dozen or so posts we've made have been more or less pragmatic, to inform everyone about updates & what to expect next. It's been a while since I made a post about the server and its direction in general. I want to open a honest dialogue about where the server currently stands, and how we can move onwards and upwards from here. 


There's no sugar coating it — we're in a tough position right now, from multiple angles. The player base has been stable for quite a while, but took a major hit in the recent week or two. We had a day and a half of downtime recently caused by network issues and a DDOS attack, and after bringing the server back up we're seeing peak numbers that are lower than we had during the premium only pre-release. Saying it's sub optimal is putting it mildly. I will do my best to avoid any excuses and focus on facts, problems and solutions.


If you ask ten people, you'll get ten reasons why the player base has declined. I'll dive into details of some of the issues we currently face. We've solutions for some of those problems, but I'd like to extend the discussion of how to handle some of these issues to you, the community, as well. 


Failure to manage expectations

I feel that one of the issues we had from the beginning was our failure to manage the expectations. Handful of us worked on the gamemode for roughly two years, in the spare time we had when we felt like it and weren't working or otherwise busy. The aim from the beginning was to create a barebones MVP, which we could then expand on. I feel that I failed to communicate that, and as a result of that, a lot of the community expected us to be an equal competitor from day one. This led to a massive spike in interest initially, with the player base dwindling over time once more people realized that the experience we offer isn't as complete as they might need. Other players seeing the decline in player base could be another contributing factor to further decline.


I feel like there isn't a simple solution for mismanaged expectations after the fact. I will use this as a much needed learning experience.


Development not keeping up

Another major contributor to the decline in morale and by proxy in player base is the way development progressed after release. We simply aren't doing enough to measure up. Initially, our main focus was on ensuring stability of the server and fixing critical issues post-release. We got some much-requested features out, but we haven't had more than a handful of completely new features come out since release. That's a major problem.


With only a few exceptions (big shout out to Imperium, who has been carrying the team for the past month or so), the majority of our Development Team either became increasingly busy with work after release, or simply burned out. This was my case as well, as I started a new job in May and had to do a lot of adjusting and some travel; the time I had left was mostly spent on maintenance, handling technical issues, legal/biz aspect and managing the server as a whole. The timing was unfortunate, because we all knew that the real work begins post-launch to make sure the needs of our community are met. While some aspects of this can't be affected by me, I still came short — I failed to keep the development team motivated and to make sure people don't burn out. 


This, in the end, lead to some promises left behind, which is something I really wanted to leave in the SA-MP era. Unfortunate.


There's several solutions that can be applied here. We'll be once again taking in more developers in the coming days to help us with the amount of work that needs to be done. I'll also look for a way to offload my work with managing the system infrastructure, so even fewer things are reliant solely on me and can be handled by another developer as well.


Leadership & Communication

I feel that a significant chunk of us in the core team (leadership, team leads and devs) switched to a coasting mode too quickly. We got comfortable and complacent. I believe that motivation and strength comes from top to bottom, and we as the leadership must do better to innovate, push forward, show face and communicate everything with the community. This became harder in the recent weeks and there's no other way about it, we simply must do better.



Of course the list above isn't exhaustive. We're aware of the frequent shootouts, abundance of weapons in the server, frequent shootouts, jobs becoming stale, etcetera. We put together a two-week plan of action of things we'd like to accomplish. I'll share it with you, but please take it with a grain of salt as it may change and some things may be added, or taken out.


Immediate (today/tomorrow)

- Communicate the current state of the server (this post)

- Add more developers to the team

- Reach out to player-owned companies and factions to make sure they've everything they need 

- Reach out to admins regarding long report times, and not answering difficult reports


Week 1

- Fix vehicle loan payments, and transfervehicle after paying off loan

- Ability to "trade in" a leased vehicle, with the ability to get a % of your principal back

- Add more clothing mods

- Make Horsepower affect vehicle performance

- Level requirement for equipping a weapon (across all characters) to curb DM

- Add interior presets & interior change

- Add separate group for /setprop access, so property reports aren't reliant on Leads

- Adjust mechanic / vehicle part prices (wheels, etc)


Week 2

- Some gambling script (even if just slots, lotto or blackjack)

- Graffiti

- Add more vehicles, whether existing GTA ones to pdm, or modded

- More trucking routes

- Investment into marketing

- Schedule another community meeting


To reiterate, we probably won't be able to do all of these, but these are some of the things we've identified need immediate attention.


Despite the admittedly grim situation with the player base right now, I believe we can turn things around. The entire situation is very humbling and has been a big reality check and a learning experience for me. We've a lot going for us — we've a great staff team, a lot of knowledgeable and dedicated folk on our side, other major servers providing us assistance whenever we need it. But most importantly, we've fostered an awesome community which is what I focus on when it's time to push forward no matter what. I'm sorry I let some of you down, it hurts especially because I know a lot of people really believe in the project and want it to do well.


This is where I'll turn the post towards you. If you're good at something and want to use your skill to help us make the server better, please reach out. If you've opinions you want to share, please do so below. I welcome opinions of anyone with the best interest of the server at heart.




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Donated to the server. Server launched. I got the wrong euro to credit conversion rate. I submitted a ticket on the 12th of June. Here we are, more than two months later, my ticket remains unanswered. If you can’t get simple things right, what good is this post? 

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Brutal honesty, but important honesty. There are much things left to do for a good quality time on the server and I still am optimistic that LS-RP will do it in future.

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I'll say one thing that I've shared to other members on the community as well. Invest in Marketing. Most of us joined LS-RP in the first place because we've seen it on youtube or been told by friends. Pay RAGEMP youtubers to post videos / posts on instagram. The playerbase will definetly have an incline as some people will like it. We need to share the server with people who were never on samp. 


These are my two cents. I care and love the LSRP project and I wish I could help more than I already do. 

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24 minutes ago, honeyburger said:

Donated to the server. Server launched. I got the wrong euro to credit conversion rate. I submitted a ticket on the 12th of June. Here we are, more than two months later, my ticket remains unanswered. If you can’t get simple things right, what good is this post? 

2nd that I've been waiting since early June for a credit for a bug that was passed to MMartin and still waiting.

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So far as I see it, the only thing that irks me is I am told that only lead admins could do payouts on schemes.


I messaged one on forums, and I was told that senior admins could do payouts for schemes.


It irks me whenever I try to get a payout, thinking senior admins could do it, only to be told that it’s only lead admins that can do it.


I believe only one group being able to do a payout is an oversight, can cause a flood of issues with schemes because now you have to hunt lead admins, and it tells me that I should disregard what I was told before for some reason.


Communication is key, and when I am told one thing, then told another, it becomes somewhat frustrating, and I notice that is something huge when it comes to this server. It needs to be clearer and there needs to be some clarification with stuff like scenario schemes to give an idea of who can do stuff like payouts or not.


Just something I noticed.

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  • Senior Lead Admin
5 hours ago, fakedrainer said:

Props to Imperium for all the work he's put in as recently his efforts have contributed massively towards improving user experience. Although there has been some OOC run ins with Nature, he has been great on supporting illegal factions through reports IG and on the forums. But, I notice a lot of bad chatter about gang RP and how many guns are in the server, causing a lot of neglect towards illegal factions right now. There is very limited script pushed towards illegal factions, with drugs barely ever being brought by anyone as I believe they offer no benefit right now and also guns seem to have become more scarce meaning it's very hard to make money illegally right now with the state of the script. A few weeks ago, I saw a lot of active factions on their blocks, now it seems very hard to interact with other factions. This doesn't just include making money illegally as there are also very limited ways of making money legally as well.


Another addition already mentioned, is graffiti. This is a massive miss right now, as tagging up walls on opposing factions blocks was a major part of RP back on SA-MP and I hope to see this come back soon, along with more features toward illegal RP as a lot of the chatter right now is based on businesses and legal factions such as SD and FD.


Appreciate the honesty from you though, Martin. I hope to see the server get to the state we all know it can achieve. 


I know the Faction Team, along with the Development Team is definitely looking into ways (other than the ones currently being worked on & implemented) to mediate the amount of weapons in the server. We should definitely be able to keep tabs on these a lot more in the future. There’s no doubt there’s too many guns right now. 

In terms of illegal factions, I’ll be the first to say I believe a lot of the factions are being ran by people that are just coming into what I’d refer to as “LS-RP Illegal Faction culture” — meaning they probably were involved in precious GTA V communities that allowed a lot of the shenanigans to go on. I’ve been working with the Faction Team Council to find a healthy balance between being fair on players breaching the Rules of Engagement, but also setting the foundations of what is to be built on in the future for illegal factions. If you, or anyone have any feedback, my forum or Discord messages are always open. I have a positive outlook for the future of illegal factions, and LS-RP collectively, and I think the people that are in place genuinely care, and want to see it prosper. If we all work together & start reading out of the same book, illegal roleplay will start to produce good fruit, where it can be nurtured! 

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  • Senior Lead Admin
3 hours ago, honeyburger said:

Donated to the server. Server launched. I got the wrong euro to credit conversion rate. I submitted a ticket on the 12th of June. Here we are, more than two months later, my ticket remains unanswered. If you can’t get simple things right, what good is this post? 

Hi honeyburger,


I apologise that your ticket has been open for such a long period of time, please send me a message on Discord, or the forums & I’ll make sure it’s escalated for you.

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a lot of trust has been placed into the team, you and the project from the start. im sure everyone appreciates clarity. but, trust is also important to be maintained. with a lot of false hope in most cases, it is important you re-build this trust with the community in order to re-build. this post definitely helps, but a lot of work has to be done for that to be regained fully.

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4 hours ago, ZenoShow said:

I'll say one thing that I've shared to other members on the community as well. Invest in Marketing. Most of us joined LS-RP in the first place because we've seen it on youtube or been told by friends. Pay RAGEMP youtubers to post videos / posts on instagram. The playerbase will definetly have an incline as some people will like it. We need to share the server with people who were never on samp. 


These are my two cents. I care and love the LSRP project and I wish I could help more than I already do. 


I completely agree with @ZenoShow here. Promoting the server through RageMP or non RageMP Youtubers/Influencers is an excellent way to fish more players. LSRP definitely has potential and I have high hopes that it will be able to bounce back in the upcoming months. Let's keep our fingers crossed and see what the future holds.

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I roleplayed almost daily with one week off since the server launched, and after playing SAMP longer than I care to admit V actually got me excited to roleplay again.


Frankly, I didn't mind the low player base or bare-bones script because I saw initiative and activity from the staff (which was lacking toward the end of SAMP. Let's be honest). I always view servers, factions, characters, et cetera as long-term projects.


However, what drove me off about a week or a week and a half ago was seeing behind-the-scenes on the Economy Team after which I took some time to analyze.


Pardon my bluntness but I think the economy is neither realistic nor has a long-term future. The fundamentals are extremely poor, and the system is designed to hurt new players and benefit players in legal factions or part of the companies/businesses/factions scheme.


A key issue in SAMP was inflation, and LSRPV has already printed millions upon millions into the economy while new players struggle with basics for their roleplay. 


When I raised my concerns (having literally studied economics and finance in real life, and designed game economies in the past) I encountered non-explanations and got kicked from the Economy Team because ''it wasn't ready for public'' despite being invited as non-staff in the first place. I wasn't invited back (I was told I would) and I saw no interest shown in my economic feedback.


I hope I will be proven wrong but nothing that I witnessed from the economy team indicates they actually understand economics, which means that there are going to be fundamentally similar issues to what SAMP faced only different methods. 


Personally, as I have roleplayed in LSRP since 2007, as other servers in SAMP and MTA, right now LSRP has no competitive advantage. When I log in I don't feel as if there's anything new. If I'm completely honest, I don't even see many issues from SAMP solved or improved upon. 


At this point, you're only going to maintain nostalgic players loyal to the LSRP brand. 

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The saying goes, "It isn't over until the fat lady sings." We understand that it's challenging for you all to manage everything simultaneously, and there's a multitude of tasks to improve. However, progress takes time, dedication, and patience. Ultimately, hope is the only thing we possess.


Keep your spirits up, everyone. Things will improve soon. Thank you for also including us players in the conversation and keeping us informed. Personally, I've submitted my application as a developer and I'm hopeful it can contribute. Additionally, I'd like to suggest a minor adjustment concerning the UCP. Perhaps consider lowering the passing score by 1-3p, so it's not necessary to achieve a near-perfect score like 34/35 or 35/35, or whatever the current requirement is.

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It's great that you're transparent and completely honest in your post, but to be frank with you, we've seen these kinds of posts from you too many times. As you yourself mentioned, which I believe is the biggest failure of LS:RP:


"I believe that motivation and strength come from the top down, and we, as the leadership, must do better to innovate, push forward, show face, and communicate everything with the community."


With that said, I think you should start asking yourself if you have the capacity and discipline to run this community. The owner must be able to dedicate 110% of their time to the community. That's the challenging part of owning a roleplay community like this; otherwise, it'll just die out.


To be blatantly transparent with you: everything starts with you. We've heard these promises from you too many times, and I'm skeptical that you'll do anything different this time. You reappear after a period of inactivity, make an update like this, push a few updates (maybe), and then vanish again for a long time, causing everything to fall apart. You need to step up and be consistently active.


I hope I'm wrong this time, and you'll prove us all wrong.


Kudos to @ImperiumXVII

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14 hours ago, ImperiumXVII said:



I sent my application for more than 5-6 weeks ago and he has not even opened up the message. FYI

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I think a big part of the issue in regards to the playerbase are these shock changes that come out of nowhere but have massive impact to people's experience.

To list a couple, trucking was suddenly completely nerfed, then it was reverted, then another update which left it in a state it should've been originally. Another was the PF gun prices. Why would raising the prices 10x ever be a good idea? Even as a short term fix, it was ridiculous. It isn't even about the short term affects these changes have, but how they were so obviously the wrong decision to make and these types of decisions are made time and time again. And this is proven when the player count is noticeably affected when these sorts of changes are made.


And that's a common theme, there's aspects of the script which make you think, or rather know, there hasn't been much forward thinking put into them or have been entirely glossed over. I remember one community meeting someone asked if you can sell a car once the loan is paid off, nobody knew. Considering how GTA servers are played, that is such a crucial thing to not only implement, but even know if it is implemented or not. It all just screams incompetence and poor management.


The gambling scripts would be well received. A weekly lotto could bring a bit more excitement to the server. I'm picturing a lotto ticket item purchasable from 24/7s and the winner is picked automatically and announced, the money sent straight to their bank account. Blackjack would be a really good addition too. Poker would be great but could take a while to implement, nevertheless I think this and blackjack should be prioritised as it would make the gambling scene a lot more viable, as right now it's painful to use /rnumber and /dice and so on. Gambling is one of the things which tends to blur the worlds of legal and illegal RP as well which is why I think it's such an important thing for the server.


The vehicle changes sound good, but it feels like there needs to be a bigger overhaul for how all this works. There's no way to preview the changes you're making to the car, and the mechanic controls it all. Instead the customer should be able to configure what they want done to their car, actually see it previewed on their vehicle, and then submit a request to the garage. The mechanic working for the garage can then accept this request and begin performing the roleplay for the job. To add on to this, more visual mods should be added like bumpers, side skirts, exhausts, wheel colours, etc. Performance mods should be added as well, but I think visual mods should be prioritised over them for now. On a similar note, add the ability to spawn in multiple vehicles at once. And why is /v setpark even a thing? Just make it /v park and you can park anywhere. I've also made a pretty lengthy suggestion here which would add a lot more depth to vehicles on the server and boost the second hand car market. It could be a bit overkill and a money sink for where the server and the economy is right now, but it is quite modular and could be implemented in phases.




The furniture system, while already pretty good to be fair, is missing some key features which would make mapping much more user friendly. The ability to copy the location and rotation of one object and apply it to another would be very beneficial. It also seems like if objects do not face north, then using the static movement doesn't actually work, say if the object is facing north east, pressing up will move it towards north, and not north east, which is incredibly frustrating and makes mapping so much more time consuming when trying to line up walls and so on. What should take a couple seconds max can end up taking 30s - 1m, which when applied to a whole project, is substantial. Add more furniture items too. Having to retype /furniture and navigate through the furniture screen after performing certain actions wastes a lot of time too. If these things could be sorted then mapping would be so much faster.


There also seems to be a lot of hand holding on the server which can slow things down. Why an admin needs to set the spawn point for the interior is beyond me. Players are given the freedom to map custom interiors but not choose where players spawn within those custom interiors? I don't even know what the reasoning would be for this, it seems like a pointless restriction. If someone is going to abuse it, police it when it is noticed, don't gatekeep the functionality for the entire playerbase just in case someone abuses it. Similarily selecting different interiors for your properties. This could be something that is done via the UCP and removes work for the admin team. Again, if an unsuitable interior is selected, that should be reported and dealt with accordingly, but put some trust into the playebase that 99% of people will pick appropriate interiors. On a similar note, custom interiors should have to match the exterior of the buildings. There seems to be a lot of interiors that are much bigger than the exteriors or have a completely different layour / footprint which does seem a bit cheaty.


I think the gun and drug schemes could be changed massively. As @memooh mentioned, gun parts should be able to be bought on the darknet and you can assemble these to make a gun, this would also give illegal roleplayers more things to trade. Serial numbers on PF guns should be able to be filed off. Similarily PF guns should be a lot harder to acquire (but not more expensive). Make the process more time consuming (even if artificially inflated), require a test of sorts, some roleplay IG with a licensing official (an interview, check of the player's home to make sure the gun can be stored appropriately, etc). As for the drug schemes, you could add the ability to buy items and create drugs from them. Get seeds from the darknet and grow weed which takes time, requiring you to water the plants and so on. Other drugs like meth, all the chemicals could be bought which need to be combined in a series of actions to result in the end product. These seeds / chemicals can also be traded as well then. You get the idea. This doesn't need to replace straight up buying the drugs or guns, but go alongside it (and be cheaper).

Another thing to keep in mind is software development takes time. Ideas are all good and well but they take a lot of effort and time to implement, so players can't expect the world immediately. Even these barebones features we are missing, don't expect those to come in a week or two. If people want to see the server grow and succeed, try to look past some of the downfalls for now and enjoy the server for what it is. You can still have a good time on the server if you seek this out. My faction The Road Slayers Motorcycle Club and I even struggle with this sometimes when thinking is it even worth hopping IG when we see the playerbase around 40 - 60, but then we do and open one of our businesses or host an event like our recent car show and end up having a great turn out and it motivates us to play more. It has to be said that the community here does feel a lot better considering the player count and people are more open to roleplaying with people, so just keep doing that, give the script time to mature and the playerbase and playing experience will no doubt improve.

Edited by RoryR
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Why does the staff neglect scheme requests and respond after a week, when they're clearly active in the forums/Discord?


I second Giovanni Sgroi's opinion, the economy is still a huge deterrent, especially for new players, the ones who don't complain are civilian characters who stand idly inside a bar. Let's face it, you need disposable income in order to also create roleplay, curb your "realistic economy" rhetoric.

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  • Management
1 hour ago, RoryR said:

To list a couple, trucking was suddenly completely nerfed, then it was reverted,

This was my fault, my mindset behind it was to make cypress logistics earn less money so then people are more forced into the ideal world of working for player owned trucking companies to provide more roleplay, rather than the typical scripted job element  I didn't think of the implications it had towards the other community members. It was then reverted. Hold my hands up to that.

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Fix the basic game system, how things go along, and WHO you set in-charge of things going along, you'll notice a significant improvement.


Make amends in your development teams, make sure they are always motivated and up to new scripts to work on. Monthly check up on factions, make faction feedbacks and polls to address them with the factions' leaderships. Find the reasons players get demotivated and simply leave everything behind to move to a different community, is it because of the basic scripts causing the boredom, or another player that ruined the fantasy? You tell us.


All of these issues must be addressed first before making promises to the future. Fix this shit.

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Here's another suggestion: creating regular polls on a weekly or monthly basis, where us, the players (community members), can have a say in determining the priority of upcoming features and fixes.


For instance, you could provide a list of different items as bulleted points, and then allow us to vote on what we believe should be given higher priority:



Improvement of Gun scheme or mechanics: 15 votes
Enhancements to Car Features (engine w/e): 5 votes
Resolution of Car Loan Bug: 2 votes

By adopting this approach, you can effectively gauge our collective preferences and prioritize accordingly. This will likely lead to more satisfaction among a greater number of people.

Edited by DonStrapzy
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I have been following this thread since its first page of comments. I still think and believe that LS-RP will raise again with their playerbase, sooner or later. Of course, mistakes have been done and having some kind of feeling that important things have been slipped by and ignored. Every server has earned a chance to build themselves up from scratch.


Other players, including me, were playing on LS-RP SA-MP and everybody knows that this server took a while to release, unfortunately a bit too late, but there is still hope and opportunities for the community, especially for the staff team (developers and so on) to implement stuff quickly into the server.


I just wish that little details like turning the /roadblock and /spikes (/ss) features into a more user-friendly system or having the opportunity to adjust your animation while you are sitting, etc. I see a lot of script-updates in the #git Discord Channel, which are very useful and good things, but it just takes too long to implement and release them onto the server.


And yes, last but not least, the gun problem, I don't think I have to repeat it once more. There are too many guns on the server and there must be a solution to reduce them to a minimum. That everyone on both sides is satisfied and agreeing in a good way.


Thanks for your transparency, Martin. And I hope this will go more smoothly than it did before. This just can become good, there is hope and it should be used as well and fast as anyone can.

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To reiterate, we probably won't be able to do all of these, but these are some of the things we've identified need immediate attention.

Not a good thing to say to the community given the situation you guys currently find yourselves in.

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