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February 2025 Staff Update

Hi All   Hope everyone had a good starting month to the year 2025, we've not much to report on this month since a lot of our efforts have been going into the well awaited 14.0 SA-MP Feature update that was deployed yesterday, you can find out more about that here:     Illegal Faction Team updates We've a small update from our Illegal Faction Team Council;   As per the new illegal faction team regulations all new (or recently re-opened) factions are oblige

SA-MP 14.0

Hello everyone,   after weeks of hard work, I'm happy to say that today we're bringing you the 14.0 SA-MP Game Update. This update includes several new environmental maps, burglary system (stealing and selling furniture), enterable vehicle interiors, graffiti updates, peepholes, furniture objects, and many other features, changes and fixes.   I'd like to give a big shoutout to danut & Kane who worked hard on completing this update, and Cake for starting the work on severa


Mmartin in General

End of Year Update

Hello everyone,   2024 is over and it marks yet another year spent together on LS-RP. This was quite a big year for us, as we reopened our SA-MP server and the community underwent several major changes. We officially relaunched our SA-MP server on LS-RP's 17th birthday, May 17th. Let's take a look at some interesting stats from these 7 and half months.   In 2024, there were 8,217 new accounts created! Surprisingly, 87% of players who played on SA-MP last year were new ac


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LS-RP Christmas Giveaway '24

Hello everyone,   holidays are well underway & I hope you managed to spend time with the ones close to you, whether you celebrate or not. As announced in our December Update, we're running a giveaway this month as a token of appreciation and means to give back to our community. While I've plenty of interesting and exciting updates to share with you, I'll save those for the end of year update and focus solely on the giveaway today, so you can return to indulging in gluttony, or perh


Mmartin in General

December Community Update

Hello everyone,   Welcome to the December Community Update. We're entering the last month of a year that has overall been a very good one for LS-RP. The return of SA-MP gave our community a much needed breath of fresh air, and it allowed us some time to step back and reflect on what we really want to do next. It's not quite the time to look back yet so I'll save all of that for the End Of Year update, but this year we decided to make it easier than ever to look back — we'll be doing a


Mmartin in General

SA-MP Game Update 13.4.0

Hello everyone! This game update is packed with some highly requested features, such as the train returning to the server, spawning furniture anywhere in the open world, transporting bicycles, bikes, and forklifts on other vehicles, add furniture to your vehicles, picking a vehicle door with a mini game and 3 new civilian skins for anyone to use!   We've been hard at work bringing you these features and we're not stopping here, we have lots more in the works so just stay tuned!  


Cake in General

November 2024 Staff Update

Hello and welcome to our November update! As I'm sure you've seen, there's been frequent development updates, but what about the community? We're full steam ahead for bringing more and more players to LS-RP, meaning on both our SA-MP server and our GTA V server. I've seen some ideas floating around this month that SA-MP was never a priority, and this is simply not true. We have people within the LS-RP staff team and indeed the wider community that are committed to only SA-MP, some that are commi


ImperiumXVII in General

SA-MP Game Update 13.3.19

Hiya folks, this one is more of a quick Quality of Life update while we're hard at work on other features that we think you'll love, so don't expect anything big this time around! Notably however the taxi system was revamped to allow more "part time Uber"-style taxis, meaning people can go on taxi duty in their personal cars, even if they already have a job and a side job, and pick up calls for cash whenever they have a spare 10 minutes.   - Adds new modernised taxi system - Changed ta


ImperiumXVII in General

SA-MP Game Update 13.3.18 / RageMP Game Update 2.5

Hello! I'm here with the changelogs for SA-MP Game Update 13.3.8 and RAGE Game Update 2.5, which you can find below!   First off, though, I want to thank everybody that has applied for the Tester Team, there are so many of you, best of luck to all!   If you haven't been keeping up, check out #snippets on discord for some cool pictures of what we've been working on recently on both V and SA!   [RAGE Multiplayer Game Update 2.5] - Added serial scratching system for wea


ImperiumXVII in General

SA-MP Game Update 13.3.17

This game update is a mix and match of minor features, some balanacing (like PD/SD/DCR only getting 2 taser bullets before having to "reload" instead of 150), some QOL furnishing features, and a new feature for the mechanic job - extinguishing car fires! Gone are the days where you need to report for an admin to unlock a door in your complex after a server restart as now all tenants have access to unlock the main door!   Tractors have been added for the aspiring country folk among us (


ImperiumXVII in General

October 2024 Staff Update

Happy spooky season to all my spooky fellows! This staff update isn't going to be big as we're currently testing a game update and I don't want to take away from the big update post that we're going to be doing for the game update! I do have some cool news for this update though to share with you   Illegal Faction Team updates I am happy to say that @Flip has been added to the Illegal Faction Team Council! Flip has been with LS-RP for a long long time and it's honestly a big de


ImperiumXVII in General

Server IP Change

Hello,   For over a year now, we've used path.net as our game server network provider to mitigate DDOS attacks. This has been a largely successful choice, as within that time we've managed to fight off countless attacks (going even as high as 1Tb/s) without anyone noticing. Unfortunately, general stability of the network isn't that great and we're experiencing excess packet loss for the last few weeks, with the last few days being much more noticeable. While this would pass on its own


Mmartin in General

SA-MP Game Update 13.3.16

Here we have a myriad of bug fixes, a few cool new features that I'm sure everyone will love, and a nice new version number to go with it 🙂 Here is the changelog   Adds vocal range adjustments based on vehicle window & door state Adds ~700 new furniture textures Adds 15 furniture material slots instead of 5 Adds highlighting of used furniture material slots Adds extra hours (0800-1300) to happy hour timeframe Adds the location of parked vehicles in the /v get menu Adds various m


ImperiumXVII in General

SA-MP Game Update 13.3.15

Hello,   Even though the temperature (at least here in Europe) wouldn't let you think that, summer is coming to a close. We're all slowly returning back to work and school from holidays and time off, though the same can't be said about the development team which has been busy bringing yet another update to our gamemode.   Although it's been less than a week since we added five new developers to the team, they've already been hard at work and I can proudly say that the vast ma


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September Staff Update

Hello everyone,   Welcome to September's staff update. I'd like to reflect back on August, which has been a very good and productive month for the community. Three new factions became official and we've had 5 game updates released, which I consider a great success considering we're juggling summer holidays. This trend of active development that we've been able to set for the past few months is on a good track to continue, as today we're welcoming five new developers to the team!  


Mmartin in General

SA-MP Game Update 13.3.14

- Adds new prison/parole system - Adds automatic hiding of weapons when trunk is closed & windows are up - Adds new radio range system - Adds police/fire dispatchers - Adds more meta info to /stats - Adds free entry for biz employees - Adds ability for LSFD to despawn bodies - Adds new faction and company skins - Adds new company mapping - Fixes premium phone contacts not loading - Fixes to trucking system   First off, exciting news, we're expanding our dev team very soon - keep an e


ImperiumXVII in General

Illegal Faction Update - August 2024

Hi guys,   We're excited to announce the recent addition of three new official factions to our SA-MP roleplay server! These factions have showcased an outstanding quality of roleplay, dedication, and have been focused on creating dynamic and exciting scenarios in-game. For the last two months, several factions have been part of our Official Faction Candidacy scheme, where the factions in question have been closely monitored and mentored by members of the Illegal Faction Team in order t


badhbh in General

Hold these

Hello,   Tonight we're releasing SA-MP Game Update 13.3.12. We've added a bunch of items (a lot of them from the new Trap House furniture pack, too) that you can hold on to for dear roleplay. Try it ingame via /hold. We've also /transferdrug, so you can now mix drugs of different strengths with proper results. This also enables /cutdrug again.   The full changelog is: - Added /hold (/hold L, /hold R, /hold L/R index, etc) - Added construction where GFU used to be (just sou


Mmartin in General

Game Update 13.3.11

Hello,   With today's game update we're adding the ability to cut your drugs with dilutants and a set of furniture items to enhance your trap house interiors. We've also done tweaks to the algorithm for businesses accepting trucking cargo & fixing crashes related to that. We're also actively working with the community to revamp trucking route rewards to be more balanced.   [Game Update 13.3.11] - Added ingredients - /myingr, /buyingr, /giveingr, /dropingr - Added drug cutti


Mmartin in General

SA-MP Game Update 13.3.10

We're back with yet another SA-MP update and this time we've got lots to unpack. Most notably, we've added 1500 new furniture objects and 3000 new textures to apply to your furniture objects so you can really create the interiors of your wildest dreams, thanks to @Caledonite! Also big thanks to @Kremz who, as part of the Mapping Team, has given us some custom models to add into the server and create roleplay around - the new and moved Vinewood gas station really fits the area.   We hav


ImperiumXVII in General

RageMP Game Update 2.4

Very big thanks to the hard working @danut to make this update happen, with (as I understand it) the help of @danielswe 🙂 This update focuses on modifying cars, bringing in new ways to upgrade your car's engines, brakes, and all-round sports performance!   You can see the changelog below, but why not try it out later at the Grand Prix event? At 21:30 (server time) tonight!     [RAGE Multiplayer Game Update 2.4] - Adds new vehicle performance system based on vanilla G


ImperiumXVII in General

July 2024 Staff Update

This month we haven't got so much in terms of feature development as we've been quite busy with some more quality of life additions, bug fixes, and most importantly tackling this persistent server crash! We have actually identified the cause now and have already made significant progress in patching it thanks to the dedicated @Noble so we should soon see his hard work come to fruition.   This month we held a small, limited time, localised environmental event that we think contributed m


ImperiumXVII in General

SA-MP Game Update 13.3.9

Hello!! It's Sunday again so we're here with another game update! This one doesn't add a whole lot in the way of script features but is more focused on QOL and bug fixes.   - Added 200% booster to exp gain in happy hours between 7pm and 11pm - Adds beginning of drug paraphernalia furniture items (glass bongs) - Adds more detailed logging around player damages - Adds the ability to /leavegun a camera - Adds current entrance fee to business info printout for restaurants - Fixes a server cr


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