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  1. Haha what is this now? Tell me more, I'm genuinely intrigued.
  2. God damn stop trying so desperately to find someone you can complain to. Maybe, just maybe, it's no one's fault?
  3. Biggest bullshit in this thread, not gonna lie. Lots of entitled and demanding people in here spewing bullshit lol
  4. What's funny about this is that people still found a way to complain about it and tried complaining that Lenny the train addition was a completely and utter useless addition that no one asked for...
  5. I'll piggy back on Martin and Michael and more or less just echo what they're saying. I haven't spent nearly as much time as them, but I still think I brought a lot to the table, but my experience was already the same as theirs. I add one thing and it's all fine for a day or two, then it's back to "priorities are wrong!", "that's useless!", "what about us?!", etc. Nothing that will be added will be sufficient for anyone, but even so, we're playing on a script that has been maintained for over a decade, there won't be any game changing features that will change how you play or experience the game at this point. I remember Kane working hard as fuck some years ago adding new stuff left and right, and everyone seems to have suddenly forgotten about all those contributions as if they never happened and it's now impossible to roleplay on the server. It's left to the community to get together and form what LS-RP used to be and keep it running, but everyone is busy complaining at management and each other. Nothing will be done at this rate and we're headed to a rapid descent. I'm not saying that as in "we're destined to fail" but rather as a wake up call to get together and actually play the game to enjoy the game. There's definitively a possibility of turning the descent around, but it won't happen with all the negativity that the community is orbiting around. If you don't think it's possible to "save" the community, one has to ask what the fuck you are still doing here complaining.
  6. File a staff report then if you think someone is cheating.
  7. You can't. You can buy a name change to change the name though.
  8. Have you done any faction report that has gone unhandled or what is the complaint exactly about?
  9. It's not possible. If you must know: a SA-MP server will not send data about a player to you if you are not within certain meters of the player. However, this only works for X and Y coordinates. SA-MP does not care about the Z distance, meaning you can be in space, and still see everyone below you, and players below you, can still see you above. Tell me again, how a camera mod is affecting their streaming distance?
  10. Not how the game engine works, lol.
  11. Nah just give PD the Hotring racers and give the criminals the monster trucks.
  12. b[rackets] is my wild guess
  13. Can we chill with calling people shit at roleplaying and the shitty attitude that is building up? Thanks.
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