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Server IP Change






For over a year now, we've used path.net as our game server network provider to mitigate DDOS attacks. This has been a largely successful choice, as within that time we've managed to fight off countless attacks (going even as high as 1Tb/s) without anyone noticing. Unfortunately, general stability of the network isn't that great and we're experiencing excess packet loss for the last few weeks, with the last few days being much more noticeable. While this would pass on its own as it has in the past, we chose to explore other competitive offerings that should bring the same level of protection but with more stability.


We're switched to GCORE today to do just that. Since we're changing our network provider, the game server IP will change. It's important to:

  • Make sure you have the server stored in favorites as server.ls-rp.com:7777, not via direct IP.
    • You may need to wait for a bit for your DNS records to update. You can try flushing your DNS records manually.
  • To avoid redownloading all the models on connect, rename our cache folder from to
    • Cache folder is in your Documents, mine is in "C:\Users\Martin\Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\cache"


We'll keep the old IP attached for a few days, so a notice shows in the SA-MP server browser, to smoothen the transition.


- Martin

  • Strong 3
  • Love 8


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