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Blog Comments posted by Helius

  1. 16 minutes ago, Cursed_King said:

    Looks good, I hope there will be heavy marketing to target new players, once it gets done right players will return to give LSRP a new try especially with the many new features the server has now.

    Please keep the management involved as it'll give the player hope and hype.

    Marketing is something we're working on at the minute, but we need players to do their part as well. We want to showcase the factions we have and the overall player base as a whole. Server events is an example, that's the only base line we have at the moment. Advertising the server directly is in the works, but in terms of social media (eg. TikTok, Twitter etc) we want to showcase the factions we have (both legal and illegal), business owners, solo role play and the list goes on and on.

    I would love to see people getting involved in creating their own factions, creating their own role play because that's what we need at the moment. For example, I'm re opening the Irish faction because not only do I miss it, it provides role play to others as well as bringing up the player base.


    Overall a great update and plenty more to come!

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