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Major Update 1.5




Hello, it's me, I was wondering if after all these weeks you'd like an update post?


First and foremost: 

- Added vehicle mod shop to add spoilers, roll cages, etc. to your vehicle in a mechanic area
- Added medical fees for using /acceptdeath if you are level 3+
- Added loadout options for government type factions
- Added drug effects: cocaine reduces recoil and meth reduces incoming damage (more to come)
- Added a cost for using /heal at a hospital
- Added animations when using your cellphone
- Added a 40% buff to lawnmower pay
- Added a 50% buff to garbageman pay
- Added setup for new trucking routes to be created
- Added ability for Company Team to create private hospitals
- Added /v tow and /canceltow
- Added cruise control
- Added rebinding horn key for emergency vehicles
- Added a fix for trucking routes disappearing over time
- Fixed /fixsiren
- Fixed automatically equipping a weapon when exiting a vehicle if it had modifications
- Changed tapering to reset every 4 hours instead of 8 hours
- Removed vanity plates as an option from the DMV - still accessible via UCP Premium Central


This has been a while in the making, I know, but I hope it's worth the wait! There was a lot to consider this update, and test, and re-test, as some of our changes this update were potentially game changers - drugs increasing your health & recoil especially, as that has ramifications on the upcoming weed growing script and the current drug economy!


We have all been hard at work on major features right now, which, in hindsight, meant the small features and quality of life additions got neglected. That's a scheduling mistake on our part, especially as we moved over to a new project management tool, and it's something we've now rectified for the future. Hopefully Dos Santos' recent post alleviated some fears that we had all buggered off!




We've heard a lot of feedback recently, especially regarding tapering. I want to assure everybody that tapering is working as expected and is benefitting the majority of players that can only play for a few hours a day. The intention is that you log ingame and you only have to work for 3 hours to get a majority of your expected pay, and that the remaining 5 hours of potential work time in the cycle is spent roleplaying and not worrying about grinding for cash, and this is working as intended. The unintended side effect of this is people do not see a reason to be ingame after the first 3 hours or so as they believe their pay is nerfed after this point - I want to stress that this is not the case, as without the tapering system a player's pay would be a flat rate of $100 or so, rather than starting out high and lowering over time, meaning much more grinding is required.


Regardless, we have taken on board the feedback and have halved the amount of time required for tapering to be reset, which means now your time will be reset in 4 hours, not 8. This applies to everything that is tapered, from trucking, to fishing, to faction paychecks. If your cyclical pay is $850 (as it is for trucking, for example), you will now be able to make $850 in 4 hours instead of $850 in 8 hours, or $1700 in 8 hours.


And in addition, both the garbageman and lawnmower jobs have seen a considerable buff in rewards, with garbage man now +50% more profitable and lawnmower 40% more profitable per square, and an additional 75% more profitable for a good job (every square cut).


Another much requested feature (and one of the most reported for services) is /v tow - you can now tow your vehicle. Another player interacting with your car has the ability to cancel the tow with /canceltow, in case they are roleplaying around it, or are trying to break in and steal it. Another vehicle addition is finally the addition of cruise control! This will be added to both dealerships and mechanics shortly.




Medical bills have reared their ugly heads, but in an entirely fair way. If somebody kills you, you will not be penalised as we feel this opens the door for players to maliciously deduct $800 from you without roleplay. No, only if you /acceptdeath will you be liable for costs, and only if you are level 3 or above. This is to encourage roleplaying with the Los Santos Fire Department or any private hospitals the state may soon decide to sell! /heal will also now cost money to prevent people from running into a fire station, using the command, and running back out like nothing happened.


And as for the drug effects, they were balanced quite well from testing - you can see a reduction of up to 50% recoil and incoming damage, but you need to be really messed up to get to that point, on a level where your own shooting skills are probably going to be quite messed up. It's up to you to find a sweet spot!


Closing out, we have some more changes coming within the next week and are going to try committing to a weekly update cycle again as we had before - there's no reason we should be waiting about a month between updates again.


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Edit 01:06

Something I forgot to add on the original post was the following 2 tables!


Top 24 Richest Companies

Company Employees
Morozov Enterprises, LLC 11
LitUp, LLC 13
Lacroix Capital Ventures 13
Foreman Consulting, Inc. 4
Blursed, LLC 5
Fast Lane Entertainment, LLC 23
Autohub Logistics, LLC 27
Regal Limited, LLC 8
Roux Capital Group, LLC 11
Blueland Enterprise , LLC 7
W&F Patriotic Fund, LLC 3
Lost Socks Laundromat, LLC 1
Caine's Automotive Industries, LLC 2
Star Security Systems , LLC 3
Rawlins Estates, LLC 3
Valentine Estates, LLC 6
Mosley Estates, LLC 1
The Outsider's, LLC 3
HRMC Food & Beverages, LLC 14
Digital Den Sinner Street, LLC 3
Outcasts, LLC 3
Mirror Park Beverages , LLC 10
San Andreas Network, LLC 2
LD Organics, LLC 2


Top 24 Richest People

Person Net Worth
Natasha_Valentine 331,554
Kristijan_Zivanovic 204,392
Jonathan_Accardo 203,346
Damian_Mosley 138,367
Yuri_Mikhailov 132,367
Buck_Oakley 116,089
Jerry_Roux 105,015
Kamar_Mackey 91,466
Tony_Gunter 84,859
Amberly_Hammond 80,492
Aiden_Anderson 78,880
Dario_Martez 78,780
Gabriella_Leone 77,865
Yuri_Morozov 76,568
Winslow_Aphelion 69,467
Robert_McClane 67,562
Matthew_Krauel 67,531
Shen_Li 65,513
Michael_Thomson 64,589
Radomir_Zivanovic 64,245
Brandon_Green 61,463
Vanessa_Garcia 60,943
Michael_Hill 59,895
Dean_Cracchiolo 58,708
  • CJ 2
  • Clap 1
  • Strong 2
  • Love 11


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