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ThePolterguise last won the day on January 1

ThePolterguise had the most liked content!

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  1. and when you're starting to do so? when the samp server launches ?
  2. yall gonna filter the factions before opening them (a thread)? cuz boy oh boy some of those factions rn.. sheeesh...
  3. go away u bully oh shit ur my 420 comment
  4. Separate Harry Potter from JK Rowlingggggggg also fuck em for not having quidditch, like, i bet a shit ton of people got the game ESPECIALLY for quidditch a multiplayer would be cool tho, but i imagine people abusing avada kedavra like its GTA Online with jets
  5. wait youre still here?
  6. wanna commit arson with me?
  7. thought ur an admin already
  8. The boys are ba-- THEY NEVER LEFT HOMIE Congratz to the big bad red ♥
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