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  1. * Advertisements off/online about FLINT FARMS RV rental service and camp (RV park) * "Enjoy the country side with our RV rental (pitch included) OR bring your own and pay to pitch"
  2. * Advertisements off/online about FLINT FARMS RV rental service and camp (RV park) * "Enjoy the country side with our RV rental (pitch included) OR bring your own and pay to pitch"
  3. The deer sanctuary has hit San Andreas and set up in Flint County! In aid of the cause we have a Christmas inn and a winter forest for you to explore on site! Merry Christmas!
  4. Eren has been an absolute staple in this community, if only you saw what this guy does behind the scenes, I see this guy as a leader more than anyone and his opinion deserves your time, certain changes need to happen and soon. I've halted any custom object work until I know we've got a reliable developer in place, I'm itching to continue but I'm not wasting my time.
  5. I'm absolutely gutted to see these rocks of the community leave, and despite the issues spoken about, I'm still having a blast in game. I arrived here over 15 years ago so I've seen it all, I know what works and what doesn't, but that aside I found it to be one of the better era's in my experience with all this new stuff we have now it's amazing. The things I miss most as a player are now the things I'm trying to implement I.E wicked events and cool new updates, I can't script but I'm working hard on modding new furniture, /hold items and other stuff and will happily continue to do so to make peoples environments that little more special, not to mention all the other content creators trying to for fill that same vision. It's a roleplay server at the end of the day, we had a great server and a huge population without much to begin with, just a great community of people that want to play the game, things have moved on sure but you'll always have people here trying to make the community a fun place. And although yes I enjoy the nostalgia train too, a lot of players I've helped through /re have been very new players, if not a couple of months to a couple of days old so it says to me there are new players still coming through. We're all the reason we're all here.
  6. * Advertisements off/online regarding FLINT FARMS RV rental service and camp (RV park) * "Enjoy the country side with our RV rental (pitch included) OR bring your own and pay to pitch" Check OOC info on company thread for more info
  7. * Advertisements off/online regarding FLINT FARMS RV rental service and camp (RV park) * "Enjoy the country side with our RV rental (pitch included) OR bring your own and pay to pitch"
  8. * Advertisements off/online regarding FLINT FARMS RV rental service and camp (RV park) * "Enjoy the country side with our RV rental (pitch included) OR bring your own and pay to pitch" FLINT FARM'S DERBY * Posters can be seen around Flint County and at the mall. * Check OOC info on company page for more info
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