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Cursed_King last won the day on March 19 2024

Cursed_King had the most liked content!


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Mentor (12/14)



  1. This goofball will arrest you while munching of a fat donut
  2. Anyone's interested in joining the faction, feel free to PM me or @Spanion on the forums. We accept all kind of RPers from Legal, Semi Legal and Illegal.
  3. "Homemade whisperers" "Made with love" Shopping list Workshop. ((Disclaimer: This is not the full proccess of making homemade supressors, it's illegal in most countries to do so, this is mainly a small vague demonstration for RolePlay purposes)) ((DO NO TRY TO COPY THIS IRL, YOU'LL GET HURT AND ARRESTED))
  4. We got new projects around idlwood, Jefferson and ehh... Somewhere else? Yeah also we got a resident evil church, across Jefferson church? Next to the train tracks.
  5. Quality, I be stalking this thread
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