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Blog Comments posted by DDaniels

    We need to talk ...

    1 hour ago, Dai said:

    My feedback to Dos-Santos also for what it's worth as he is the ONLY one that is making a difference.


    I can only speak for myself and findings but currently your running of the business section is exemplary, the auto reimbursement has been tied down to a fine knot and working well in my business it's not too much and it's not too little, you have given us as business owners all the tools needed and support to make it work, so far from what I have seen there has been no failings specifically in business.    What is letting business down is the external factors that are effecting the entire server and it's dwindling player base, last night I logged on at peak time and there was 55 players on, I opened and didn't have single person walk through my doors, and I have seen this with other business openings even for a bar I've walked in and there has been 3 people.  


    I know you are NOT responsible for this but it all leads back to the same problems, one of the major contributors is the Faction team who are the complete polar opposite to you in terms of how things are running they are failing horribly with no repercussions, unlike in the Business discord any suggestions and comments are met with open mindedness and constructive conversation, in the FT it's met with childish and gang mentality style conversation, I got kicked out of the FT team discord for pointing out that the lead FT can't even string a sentence together in English and talks to the community like he is IC it was a perfectly fair criticism as it was true.    This was all lead up to by members trying to offer constructive criticism of the failings of that team and why the server is pretty much cops and robbers, Foco TDM 24/7.    The server was flooded with cheap guns and drugs which mean nothing to anyone now, poor RPers are met with little to no resistance I've reported several DMs and the players are still roaming with as little as a verbal warning, another example there was a weapons hacker on the server two nights ago and he was finally banned after being warned three times.... He should have been banned first, if not second at the earliest.  


    Apologies for the length of this feedback but I believe those external factors are the single reason for any failings, my other issue which again comes from leads in general but heavily focused towards the FT is they all have vested interests in street gangs that is ALL they are interested in to the point where Mitcholodo himself in the Discord intimated that 'the only type of illegal rp is street gang rp' which is absolutely ridiculous.   Unlike other communities when they start and the staff team help build the community up with engagement I.e. helping with businesses by as little as visiting them, at a push having an alt to help run them even if it's a short term whilst the community builds.  I have had advertisements up for over a fortnight for staff and nobody is interested, i've seen in other communities if you are encouraging good RP the staff will lend a hand whilst the community builds, you don't see this here because they are all in Davis doing exactly the same thing rather than putting the community interest first it's their own which is bizarre because it will result in them being the only people stood in Davis.


    The good RPers in this server are trying their best, a great example is the good chaps who are heavily invested in the servers GOV they are trying to hard to deal with some of these problems IC a good example is the LS Splash events which I was lucky enough to get the catering for as Sushi Dai's that event should have had at least 20% of the PB online at the time turn up maybe more there was 150 players online and 12-15 people turned up, next to NO staff / Admins / Leads turned up ICly to those events because it 'doesn't match the street gang rp appeal' it's a huge problem it's effecting all levels of RP especially business because there is just no interest there because it doesn't involve the following, guns, drugs or ending up in prison, a shoot out or calling each other the N word.


    I fully appreciate you was looking for feedback in regards to script support, what you can do specifically and i'm sure I could offer some of that but if the issues i've highlighted aren't addressed there won't be any decent players left to write scripts for truly believe that unfortunately.  Reduce /cad spam it's horrible lines and lines of green text in between RP, when business owners call it '/cad wars' highlights a problem in itself.


    I'm sorry to hear all of this. Can you send me a pm on discord or forums so we can talk about this and see how we can prevent/fix this in the future?


    The Los Santos Splash was unfortunate to have opened with several other businesses being open at the same time which spread the playerbase. But I can assure you there were staff members (as I was there ICly along with 4 others)


    Regardless, send me a PM so we can see how we can fix the issues you're having with FT. I'm not aware of the things you listed happening so I'd love to hear your side

    Weapon and Drug Schemes

    9 hours ago, yekim said:

    excuse my scepticism but what separates this from the old strawman system? is the weapon scheme going to end up like its old friend by becoming a lucrative group whos membership is afforded only to a select few, while the rest have to blow mafia recruits and fight for scraps? why do it on a strict case-by-case basis? you could just give admittance to groups that dont break rules and allow them to buy basic weapons instead of falling into the same old pattern of constant regulation


    its already been proven that factions cant be trusted to distribute weapons properly. what about grey characters that arent in illegal factions but still wanna engage in criminal rp? there's never going to be an incentive for somebody to sell them firearms when they can hand them out to their faction members n ooc friends instead


    if u dont see the issue with having 1 guy (the faction leader) applying to the scheme, and then giving him the guns with the expectation of proper distribution then idk what to say lol 7 years of samp went out of the window

    I appreciate the critical thinking, but I don't think this should be done under the blog post. Add me on discord so we can talk about it, I'm very much open to suggestions and critisicm and would love to hear what you have to say 



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