Chop Shops & QOL Update
Hello again on this wonderful Sunday,
Today we're releasing an update to bring new features for illegal factions, more quality of life stuff for players and many bug fixes.
In this update we focused on mostly quality of life additions with one major new feature that affects the whole server. As you may have seen in #snippets on our Discord server, we have created an immersive way for certain players to interact with vehicles. Use of this feature will be limited to certain illegal factions that can access the Vehicle Theft scheme, so if you want to take part, make sure you know how to evade the cops!
As a side note, factions with access to the vehicle theft scheme are expected to also delegate the thieving of vehicles to other factions and players - a player shouldn't have to be in your faction to go and steal a car. Go find some poor sucker on a street corner and tell him you need a new SUV - surely you don't want to attract police attention to your faction!
If your car is stolen and sent away by pesky vehicle thieves, you cannot spawn it for 1 hour after it is delivered, so make sure you protect your car with the latest security upgrades if you need to use it. Rest assured, though, as once your car is stolen, it cannot be stolen again for 24 hours so you've got plenty of time to get that bread and splash out for an immobiliser.
We will begin giving access to the vehicle theft scheme during the course of the week. Individuals (not in a faction) will also be able to apply for the scheme, and they will be put into a special "car thieves" faction to gain access to the scheme. This will be a test run for opening up other faction-only schemes to individual players! Keep an eye out for more information being posted in the coming week.
If you haven't seen, the video, you can find it on our Discord server in the #snippets channel.
The full changelog is:
- Added vehicle theft feature - Added /spellcheck - Added /resetpos (bindable in /keybinds, default F3) to reset your position to an interior's /exit point - Added /fixcar for faction members to fix their vehicles at faction properties (for free) or company-owned garages (for a cost to the faction) - Added the ability to /uniform anywhere - Added faction /duty time tracking for faction leaders - Added furniture function tags (so far, only "door" and "music) available for admins to add to furniture hashes - Added ability to /setstation on any furniture with the function tag "music" (so you can play music inside your house now) - Added /inmates to see how many prisoners there are online and offline - Added "other government employees" to /onduty - Added permission to hide people from /onduty, i.e. for hospital staff that do not count as first responders - Added the ability to use both company vehicles AND personal vehicles for the taxi job using /mission - Added a message when pressing F8 to explain how to take screenshots that save without any extra software - Changed chat limit to 256 characters instead of 128 - Changed bleedout time to be 50% speed, so you can bleed for longer before dying - Changed /door to only work on furniture hashes that have the function tag "door" - Changed /fill to now always use the faction bank, even if it is empty - Changed /mission for taxis so you no longer get warned for being inactive on your mission - Changed driver's licences to renew in 6 months rather than 1 month - Changed vehicle registrations to renew in 6 months rather than 21 days - Fixed some undershirt clothing objects that clipped through outer jackets - Fixed company vehicles not loading in /mdc
Foreign Section
Those eagle-eyed amongst you will have seen we have now set up our Foreign Section and have opened sections for 18 different languages and have opened suggestions in that section for more to be added, if there is enough support from the community. We will only be opening sections that have active moderation that speak the language, keep in mind! The rules in these sections is the same as the regular forum rules, with the exception of requiring you to speak English. These sections are moderated by the Foreign Section Team, which comprises @Mikee as its head and @Daidough as its assistant head. Feel free to take a look through the posts there and engage in other languages, whether you're simply learning German or are a native Arabic speaker, these sections are for you!
Legal Faction Updates
We have heard loud and clear from both members of legal factions and the people affected by them that something is not quite right. We have gathered lots of feedback over the past week and understand where the issues lie - for faction members, a lack of trust in the average player, too many guns in the server, and bugs not being fixed promptly, or a lack of necessary script features. Rest assured, we have heard them and are now working on the most requested features (roadblocks, spike strips, etc) as a priority, and have taken a step towards placing more trust in our players with the ability to use /uniform anywhere. Perhaps we are still leaning on our experience of SA-MP, when most people in this community were in their mid-teens and not as patient as they were now - we are still learning here, so please keep giving us feedback where you think we could do better!
We do understand that some features need to be moderated, however, especially ones that give huge advantages over others. For this reason, the use of police helicopters for patrol is being reviewed through a lens of realism as we believe that they are used far too often for things that the city would not spend millions in operating costs on, for example regular patrolling of gang neighbourhoods.
Something we have already implemented is the requirement for police to not engage with gang members or gang neighbourhoods too often. We understand that it should be a risk to stand outsdide and deal drugs on the street corner, but at the same time, we don't want to force all this roleplay to take place inside a house. Police presence in gang neighbourhoods, specifically Davis, should reduce - unless of course you're planning on starting a war with a rival gang, don't forget the LSSD has a patrol station in Davis and they will show up to any shootings!
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