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About RastaStar

  • Birthday 01/08/2001

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  1. I better not see one single Elegy there or else...
  2. Ppl forget there is a 3 gun limit, idk if per month or permanently till you loose it/report it stolen but what happens if you get robbed and you spent all that money for nothing? Imo illegal guns are more the issue than legal guns and long rifles should be kept cheaper. Let illegal factions get guns like the gun warehouse or whatever the scheme was on old LSRP with unpackaging and whatnot and the people that handle PF apps deny the gang bang RPers. It's not hard to make a 5 min drive-around the hood see the name tags of the usual bangers then look in the PF app and see who they are lol.
  3. Remove the F8 text or make it optional PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Also when are we getting the ability to delete characters???
  4. RastaStar

    Patch 1.3.1

    Add the option to remove the "F8" text pls, some of us set the keybind on that button
  5. "Added a message when pressing F8 to explain how to take screenshots that save without any extra software" Bruh I added my Shadow Play keybind to F8 to take SS, now I'll get a stupid message 😞
  6. How to get texture loss in 0.2 seconds + the shootouts that happen there every 0.5 miliseconds that result in + 10 cop cars and 1 ambulance to be on scene is enough to make the entire ground go nuke mode. And no, I have a very good PC, its just ragemp being rage.
  7. You REALLY need to add the ability to delete your character, as fast as possible.
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