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Development & Meeting Update




Hey everyone. As some of you know, we hold regular meetings with supporters and staff where we discuss the current state of development, and any other initiatives taking place before launch. Moving forward we'll be sharing updates from these meetings as blog posts afterwards.


Development update

The Staff Team as a whole is focused on finding as many bugs as possible, and the Development Team is committed to solving them as quickly as they can. The more we do this, the closer we get to launch. 


Bugs squashed this week: 36


Remaining bugs:

Critical (ones preventing the server from launching): 3

Major (issues impacting the functionality of features as a whole): 17

Minor (typos, anything which affects gameplay in a minor way): 94


Our focus is to get LSRP launched as quickly as possible, and to have as few bugs as possible when we do so. We realise however that everyone is very keen to start playing, and as such are exploring options on how we may expedite this process. This may result in some features not being fully polished or finished at launch, which we'd rather avoid where possible, but it's something we are considering.


A quick note on our critical bugs: these have proven to be tough to crack and in some cases have required system rewrites and rolling back, hence why these are taking a fair bit of time to fix. We are working on these as a priority however and dedicating resources appropriately. 


We know that you really want us to provide a solid release date, and we'd love to, but we've had our fingers burned with this on more than one occasion before, so we'd rather play it safe this time. It's hard to pin down a release date when some of the bugs we're dealing with are taking longer to solve than anticipated, and some bugs are still being found by the Tester team. Once we're confident in a release date, rest assured, we'll be sharing it with you. 


Communications updates

The new Communications Team has been working on a few initiatives that are starting to take off now. These are:

  • Surveys. We launched an initial community survey yesterday, and would encourage everyone to provide input. These will be regular, and the results will be discussed at the highest level.
  • Additional discussions. Keep an eye on the forums over the next few weeks, as we'll be opening up certain topics for you to get involved with.
  • More blogs. You can expect to see more frequent development updates, interviews with staff/leadership, deep dives into our visions for LSRP and updates from sub-teams on the blog.
  • Visions. We'll be working closely with Leadership on clarifying LSRP's overall vision, along with our visions for individual features on the server such as the economy, property, factions and so on. Although these visions already exist, we figure it's best to have them clearly defined for everyone to see. 


Once all of the above is in hand, we'll be releasing some more information on our plans for marketing the server, including social media, trailers and so on. 


The old forums

We know that you want to see the old forums come back, and have been working on this too. We're just in the process of setting everything up as "read only", and are exploring cost-effective options for hosting the forums for everyone to access. There's no ETA on this as we would obviously rather dedicate time to getting the new LSRP server launched, but rest assured, this is still in the works. 


Upcoming meetings

We've been hosting these meetings exclusively for Supporters for the last couple of months, but we realise that the wider community doesn't necessarily see as much going on and could no doubt benefit from being involved. With this in mind, future meetings that take place will be open to the entire community, and we're exploring options on how this can work without descending into chaos (likely using Discord's Stage feature). Stay tuned for more updates on this. 



Head of Communications

Edited by Sal

  • CJ 3
  • Bigsmoke 1
  • Clap 2
  • Thumbs 5
  • OK 1
  • Strong 1
  • Love 6


Recommended Comments

this goofy acting like they gonna relaunch pentagon or something, just release it

Edited by BigDoubleOG
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