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Enthusiast (6/14)



  1. Welcome back! Good to see fellow dads 🙂
  2. Maximus


    thats awesome, thank you. i will have a busy month ahead but I plan to pick up asseto once I move soon enough so I may have to talk to you about that league
  3. Yes that is true, but almost all of the vehicles are rip-offs from real life cars. Buffalos are identical to chargers, Grangers are Suburbans, Alamo the Tahoe, and more.
  4. I have never played it but I have been eyeballing it for months and thought of picking it up finally.
  5. Maximus


    I haven't gotten into modding yet. Got all the DLC's on steam on a sale and been running the Nurenberg only. Do you have any cool mods to recommend? I like city driving stuff etc.
  6. Maximus


    Asseto Corsa, tried some F1 for a bit. Good stuff.
  7. I loved Dragonflight for a week then got bored. Waiting till next xpac. gg
  8. Great minds think alike
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