We're done.
Hey all,
If you've been following along on Discord you've probably seen the great amount of progress we've been able to accomplish lately. I'm happy to say that after overcoming more hurdles than I was ready for, we're now done with feature development for the release.
Over the last month especially, we've been pushing hard to bring the last necessary features through the finish line. We decided to include more than initially planned because we felt like the server just couldn't launch without them. As much as all you really need to roleplay is a little more than /me, /do and IC chat; we're determined to start with a foundation that allows us to build the next big thing in the GTA V RP scene.
As of tonight, we're starting the feature freeze and enter the very last phase of development, the final testing. During this phase we'll focus on fixing the bugs we caught along the way, and any new ones that come up from the recently introduced features. We currently stand at 7 critical and 18 major bugs that we have to deal with before launch. Like I mentioned, this number may grow a bit before it all falls near zero.
To help us accomplish this, we've appointed @jack as our head of quality assurance and recently took @Duco on board into the development team; welcome! They, along with the rest of the development & staff team have been very helpful in that final push just ahead of the finish line. Since we'll go full ham on re-testing everything now, we should have a clear picture about the amount of work we still need to do to fix & prepare everything and should have a release date ready very soon.
I want to thank you all once again for the incredible patience you've had while we create something we can honestly be proud of. Our test server has been open to the early supporters for a few weeks now and it's been incredible to see dozens of players ingame on the gamemode that I've played solo or with just a few staff members for what feels like forever now. If you are an early supporter and haven't joined the test server yet you should; it's a lot of fun and I can't wait for it to be open to everyone.
In an effort to increase transparency, we also made the #test-git channel on Discord available for everyone a while back. You can see real time changes being pushed to our codebases there and see what's being worked on. So if you haven't yet, join our Discord for updates as soon as changes happen.
See you all IG soon!
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