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danielswe last won the day on October 29 2023

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About danielswe

  • Birthday 10/03/1988

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  1. Hejsan allihopa! Roligt att se en del Svenskar här på LS-RP 🙂. Jag tänkte att vi kunde göra en lista över Svenska spelare. Skriv namnet på era karaktärer så lägger jag till er på listan nedan! Los Santos Police Department Daniel Swenson (Peter Riggs) Stuart Walsh (Jose Cubero) Earle Murrin Los Santos Sheriff's Department Nick Morales Natalie Trevino San Andreas Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Ray Morales Port of East Beach (I.B.L 1218) Matthew Donnelly Merle Walton Bob Miller Eastside Hustler Crip Lamont Johnson
  2. Not at the moment unfortunately, since I have a cold 😞. But other than that, I am good. I hope you are good, as well. Are you joining the SA-MP server when it opens?
  3. Hello everyone! I am going to help Imperium with the makeup script and add some makeup for Halloween. But I need some assistance in picking out the best looking ones and naming them. So I am asking you all for assistance! Down below I will post a lot of images in a spoiler. All you need to do is to write the ID of an image you think look scary and the name after. Like 47 - Vampire. Thank you in advance for the assistance 🙂.
  4. Category: Faction Command(s): /invite [ID/Name) — Through this command you can invite a player to the faction. (Needs to have the proper faction permission to do so.) /uninvite [ID/Name) — Through this command you can remove a player to the faction. (Needs to have the proper faction permission to do so.) /setrank [PD/Name] [Rank #] — Through this command you can set the rank of a faction member. (Needs to have the proper faction permission to do so.) /gov [Message] — Through this command you can send out a server-wide message in the faction that is a government announcement. (Needs to have the proper faction permission to do so and the faction must be a legal faction.) /setdept [ALL, POLICE, SHERIFF, FIRE, CITY, COURTS, SADCR, LSCDA} — Through this command you can set which government agency frequency you want to broadcast to on your departmental radio. (Restricted to legal factions.) /dep [Message] — Through this command you can communicate with other government agencies. (Restricted to legal factions.) /fixsiren — Through this command you can fix a siren/bullhorn that is broken on your vehicle. /dutytime [Faction ID] [Month in #] — Through this command you can see your faction members' activity through on the month. (Needs to have the proper faction permission to do so.) Category: PD/SD Command(s): Note: I believe the roadblock commands below can be used for all govermnment factions and not just PD/SD. /roadblocks — Through this command you can a list of the current deployed roadblock scenes. /disbandscene [Scene] — Through this command you disband an entire roadblock scene, which will remove all the roadblocks spawned in said scene. /togroadblock — Through this command you can toggle the blue /roadblock messages on or off. This can also be toggled in /settings. /selectroadblock — Through this command you can target the closest roadblock and see information about it. If you click on the item, you get a list of actions; Info, Move, Duplicate and Disband.
  5. danielswe


    I meant: Hopefully we will hear the Dutch and Austrian national anthems tomorrow 😛.
  6. danielswe


    Hopefully we'll hear it again tomorrow 🙂.
  7. Det får vi ändra på då 🙂.
  8. Category: PD/SD commands. (Some might be PD exclusive, like SWAT.) /duty (or) /duty [ Callsign ] [ Auto ] — Self explanatory. Through the command /duty [ Callsign ] [ Auto ], it allows you to go on duty with the last loadout you used. /towcars [ f/c (faction or company) ] [ Faction ID / Company ID ] — Through this command you can tow all the faction or company vehicles you have access to. /mdc — Through this command you can open up the MDC (Mobile Data Computer) User Interface. /meg — Through this command you can use the megaphone. /hq [ Text ] [ 1, 2 or 3 or none ] — Through this command you can broadcast a priority message in blue. By adding 1, 2 or 3 at the end of the message, it beeps the same amount as the number. If no number is added, there won't be any beeps. /uniform — Through this command you can select the uniform you want to use. /saveuniform [ patrol, patrol2, patrol3, patrol4, tac, tac2, tac3, plain, plain2, plain3, special ] — Through this command you can save your uniform. /handcuff [ Target ] — Through this command you can handcuff another individual. /unhandcuff [ Target ] — Through this command you can remove the handcuffs of an individual that has been put in handcuffs. /ziptie [ Target ] — Through this command you can place zipties on the wrists of another individual. /ticketvehicle [ Vehicle ID ] [ Ticket Item ID ] — Through this command you can place a printed out ticket on a vehicle. /togfac — Through this command you can toggle the faction chat on/off. /nofac — Through this command you can turn off/on the faction chat for all members. (Your rank needs to have the permission set to do so.) /confiscate [ Target ] [ Item Index or Name ] — Through this command you can confiscate items from another person. /spikestrip | /ss [ Type (0, 1, 2 or 3) ] — Through this command you can place down spike strips. If you just do /spikestrip, it spawns the default type, which is 0. /roadblock [ Scene ] [ Model ] — Through this command you can place many different kind of roadblocks. If you just do /roadblock, a menu will pop up there you can create a new scene and see a list of all active scenes. /disband — Through this command you can disband the nearest roadblock or spike strip that has been placed. /swat — Through this command you can go on S.W.A.T. duty. That is it for now. There are probably more.
  9. Hello. Please use this thread instead, just so we don't have duplicate threads. Thank you.
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