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Everything posted by Duckling

  1. Executive and Command staff stated that they want to keep it realistic, but also allow people to have fun and enjoy themselves. @jack might want to say a thing or two about that. And don't worry, we don't have that kind of mentality here. I've been on LSRPs LSSD for the past two years and I never experienced anything you mentioned above. Anyhow, the recruitment is going to open within 14 days of LSRP:V's launch, so I hope I see you there.
  2. very cash, much gang signs 9.367912/10.001
  3. Go to the graveyard and pick out your favorite one. How can I do cock and ball torture by myself?
  4. The trailer that you posted has mentioned in the description that, "[THIS IS NOT A GAME unless Rockstar wants to]" and "This video was uploaded on July 10, 2020. Due to copyright problems and misunderstandings it was removed. That project originally paid tribute to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, just a fan-made concept of what the game would be like in a modern graphics engine." Don't get your hopes high, GTA San Andreas will never return to the point where it once was. GTA V is the future of role play. Accept the fact and move on.
  5. How would you describe your childhood?
  6. Sheriff's Department, Special Enforcement Detail and Aero Bureau
  7. Happy birthday, @Itsuka And happy late birthday to the others before
  8. 9, very aesthetic but zoomed in a lot
  9. Noo waaay, welcome backk
  10. Details 1 and 3 really got me thinking
  11. Yep, sounds like something Allik would do lmfao
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