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Everything posted by Duckling

  1. thats us when @kimbothewildcat posts on ig
  2. ayyyy helloo flobbeeer
  3. I've noticed the hype and heard people talking about it. Not a big fan of watching movies/series in my free time, but I might give that a try. Edit: Just watched the trailer, I don't know what the hell is going on. This shit is hectic. lmfao
  4. hottest lsrp member
  5. Good luck in real life, thanks for supporting the community We will see each other in 2025
  6. Ayyyy welcome, the video is legendary
  7. there is no way that dinokid23 would be this polite lmfao anyway, welcome @mDino
  8. I get the idea, but I feel like it would cause a lot of confusion. LS:RP as far as I know will use the official GTA V street names. ( https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Streets_in_GTA_V ) We will have to get used to it, it'll take a day or two, for someone even a week. But at the end of the day, it's a new era and everything is being reconstructed for the better.
  9. yoo its my boss, hello boss
  10. lets play a game, lets make a sentence on this topic starting now one word per post, ill start below
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