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Brasi last won the day on September 2 2023

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    Brasi #9461

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  1. LOS SANTOS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT OPERATION SAFE STREETS BUREAU This thread follows Operation Safe Streets Bureau, which is a Bureau inside of the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department that suppresses and investigates Gangs of Los Santos County which is considered the 'Gang Capital of America'.
  2. Brasi

    Future of LS-RP

    anyone wanna play poker on samp
  3. Advertising, and making sure the SA-MP server itself has a good layer of protection upon it relaunching. I say this because when we launched RageMP we were instantly attacked.
  4. Hi. This concern was also addressed recently. Members of the Sheriff's Department were instructed to patrol in other areas as well, such as Vespucci, fishing piers, and other areas that could use some attention. The only time you should see a serious influence of Sheriff's Department around gang neighborhoods is when their is an increase of violence, shootings, and/or what we refer to as a Mobilization Phase. In the event you see someone that seems to be turf camping, please let me know.
  5. In regards to the surplus of LEOs, I've talked with @lynx and we will be working together to combat these issues. Recruitment and reinstatements for both factions will be closed until further notice therefore we're not adding more numbers to either faction. Both factions will keep transfers open to allow LEOs to go from one faction to another, if they desire. If anyone has any concerns regarding LSSD, you may bring them up to myself or @jack. If you have any concerns with LSPD, you may bring them up with @lynx. Let's get back onto other topics that'll help the community.
  6. Deputy Sheriff Academy Class #01 — 12 Graduates to Become Peace Officers
  7. thats a name i havent seen in awhile
  8. Deja Vu. But anyways. April 1st came early, again. this isn’t going to happen. It seems like you keep making threads simply to try to run another and third law enforcement faction of some sort in the community and quiet frankly it isn’t needed. Join one of the existing ones.
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