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Everything posted by Quicky

  1. I also think it should remain illegal. I feel like, it will be hard for illegal roleplayers to compete with a licensed business, given that businesses don't really get taxed and also have a consistent supply of goods. Though I cannot be certain, in my opinion it would cause certain circumstances to come to existence that would complicate an illegal roleplayer's investments and participation in the black market instead of boosting them.
  2. Though it was not technically illegal illegal, I once kept a copy of a report in a person's disciplinary file until I could replace it with the original for the sake of convenience. It's still a violation of the code of administrative procedure.
  3. Yes. I was under the impression that we were talking about municipal Gov. That government entity does not manage the courts. The judicial branch is independent and thus the courts don't fall under GOV. Since State Gov is a review board consisting of Server Administration representatives, doesn't that mean that the courts are independent and faction management is tasked with their oversight?
  4. Don't recognize the dude in his pic, but he was nice to the person above him.
  5. It's a good game but kinda glitchy.
  6. My avatar is a 10/10.
  7. Quicky

    Damage System Preview

    Love the ammo type feature. Pow pow pa pow.
  8. My friends love it, but I don't really get the graphics or the game mechanics.
  9. Although I really enjoyed the game back in 2018, I don't think I could ever go back to playing a game with such graphics. Stable community or not. SAMP will always be one of my favorite games.
  10. Quicky


    It's a good game, but I am always a burden to my team
  11. Strategies in accounting
  12. According to Rockstar, they are going to give players what they've been asking for. That sounds promising.
  13. Interesting thread. I didn't expect to find a video guide.
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