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  1. I keep coming back to this thread to read what everyone is saying. @Mahitto and the others said many valid and good points, even if their words seemed harsh but they're coming from a good place, hell even @SCANDALOUZ who was labelled as a whiny boy was actually saying what he said because he wanted the server to succeed, we all do, we really do. The server had a shitty launch, bad luck and some questionable management moves, but that shit is over and we're past that, we should focus only on the future of the server. Right now, the the server has decent features, scriptwise and in general, alot of the IG issues players complained about was in fact adressed and either are implemented or being worked on right now... Yes alot of players if not most of them lost interest in the server, even staff, and you can't blame both, players have nothing to do with no one in the server, and staff cant do their duties with no one on the server - but don't get me wrong, if you message most of the staff to hop IG to help with something they'd, best example of this is @izumi, which shows that most of staff still want to help and improve the server and player experience. I know @Mitcholodolo is coming up with brand new ideas for the illegal side of RP, and he's taking feedbacks and actually gives a shit, which i appreciate him for doing so, the lead and management are now easily reachable, via forum or discord, best examples are @Nature @Dos Santos @ImperiumXVII @Superb, testers too have and still put work in the server by helping new and old players, by doing forum work, and actually reaching to players to take their feedback or explain stuff to them via DMs, shoutout to @CYBER and @Deceive Even old players who started playing at launch and still hops on time to time to provide RP to the server like @HIVE.MIND @livid @AlmostDegen @MAK0 @kaibr and many others, they still find motivation to hop in, because we all know the potential of the server if it succeeds especially with the developement of the features shoutout to @java habibi and @ImperiumXVII for putting insane work to make the server more polished and enjoyable by everyone. In my honest and brutal opinion, the server is in need of alot of things, and no not script or more features, the server needs a REBRAND, server needs actual engagement of the management via more community meetings, reinsurance and update posts! even tho they still work in the shadows, players need to feel the presence of the management. Server needs to build up hype again, server needs good and aggressive marketing on all platforms. Since i have experince in this field, i propose this: 1- Rebrand the server to "Work in progress" 2- Visual marketing like videos to be pushed on social media with tags. 3- Spread the word out by showcasing the new features in forum posts and in videos that will be posted in YT channel. 4- Do like other games do, see what the competition is doing right and take notes, it's okay to copy something from them and alter it to the server/players needs. 5- Admins and staff need to be present IG, they should be playing the server and providing RP. 6- Transparency and communication, although we all appreciate the team sending out surveys and taking feedback, there are still some points to be worked on when it comes to transparency and communication. Like most of the other players, i tried other text RP servers, i still dont feel like i belong there... maybe i'm high on hopium and copium, but i still belive in the project. Let's move on and focus on the future.
    2 points
  2. Yes, it's natural as a server becomes big, you can't have high-quality heavy-rp and 400 people online at the same time. The higher it goes, the lighter the RP. There's a very short supply of people who enjoy this type of gaming - most old ones quit, new ones just don't. Probably 80% of the originals left. GTA World peaked this high because of the Epic Games free GTA V event + the FiveM migration, which is why they have such low quality but even there, it's not that bad, that's why we can learn from them. While I think it's a horrible option in the long run, if you don't get too involved you can have a very complex and very realistic character, good businesses and factions, people to interact with etc. We can't have a super-realistic game and even then, it's boring and people won't enjoy it (LS-RP barely touched on it and look at the enthusiasm). The light, RPG aspects are unrealistic but they are fun. Most people look for fun, a very very small number look for pure realism and having a "small server of excellent RPers" is a horrible idea, like what are you going to do, the server's one gang member will rob the only business and have the one cop responding? Get shot and have the cop change char into their FD character? You need numbers for realism, you won't have realism with 20 people online, half of who are AFK or on-duty staff, and lighter RP with 900 people is way more fun than heavy RP with 10 (mind you, the same 10, in any scenario). LS-RP used to have good RP but it wasn't the most realistic - plenty of weird unrealistic characters, many being high profile, the mall and idlestacks, houses worth tens of millions of dollar, same with guns, making millions in a "savings" account. But that's irrelevant right now, the nitpicking won't fix the server or bring back players. It's not about the scripts or the 2 inactive staff members or whatever other small arguments people might make, we need a real change.
    1 point
  3. LEOs being overpowered is something I am constantly tackling, for example recently I've banned LEOs from using assault rifles unless they're facing people with SMGs or assault rifles themselves (meaning no more M4s coming out against AP Pistols, which I thought was stupidly overcompensating) I do think LEOs should be overpowered, and criminals need to invest more brainpower into escape plans and choice of weapons, but I don't think it should be a guaranteed L for an illegal roleplayer if they interact with police, so if you have any thoughts on that lmk
    1 point
  4. These are actively being worked on. All new features will have Feature Documentation videos/documents at launch
    1 point
  5. In my opinion it's not, the Management sacrifice a lot of what makes the game fun for "balance reasons." Characters are CKed if a certain admin doesn't like them. LSRP on samp had it's faults, but one thing I admired is that any RP was allowed as long as it wasn't completely off the rails. GTAW's playerbase is huge no doubt about it, but as far as RP goes a quality server with 300-400 players beats a Second Life knockoff with 800 players. I think some of the players and most of the staff team are delusional about some things regarding RP, as most can't draw that fine line between the character and the player and can't get fully immersed into the game. They don't understand the concept of your character not being a representation of you. Also, I viewed a discussion regarding kevlar vests. An admin pitched in and his opinion was "The true Tarkov experience. No from me." I think that sums up the staff team very well. There wasn't an actual objective opinion, not a thought about balancing the feature but just a prejudiced view and a hard no. Even though kevlar vests outside of PD are a very real thing IRL (gun enthusiasts, bodyguards, criminals etc.) LS-RP gave players a lot of freedom regarding some things, but kept it balanced. I was once attacked by some members of PD on GTAW for winning a situation against them (didn't murder any of them keep in mind) and it was conluded that my character is "unrealistic" based off the fact that he gained an advantage against PD. There's this slight feeling I have that most players on GTAW are very new to roleplay and let their OOC views dictate what should happen ICly, particularly that the good guys should always win. I was shocked by the amount of players that had the opinion to run criminal RP into the ground, basically making the game just a chatroom with 3D avatars. Of course this isn't the reality on the server but slowly you can feel the hate people have towards certain players based off what they RP. Giving either illegal RP or legal RP an advantage is a dumb move, they should be kept equal and have a natural dynamic ICly, staff should intervene OOCly only when necessary. I completely agree with this though. It's impossible not to be biased by experiences I've had but there are things that could be learned from GTAW, although I still think LS-RP in its original form was better than GTAW by far, but this is a whole different playing field on GTA V now. I think the core of LS-RP shouldn't be changed and the main point should be to have fun, but not punishing other players when they ICly ruin somebody's fun (as that dynamic makes RP interesting.) LS-RP had it's fair share of RP quality problems but I don't think it's what made the server die in the end, it was a side effect of other things happening. Also, even though I've had many unpleasant experiences on LS-RP, something about the community kept bringing me back. GTAW's forums are a cesspit of people trying to be edgy and find any faults to attack people for. People neglect the fact that there's another human behind the screen, if everyone left their ego at the door and remained civil the RP sphere would grow in quality and playerbase. Sorry for the long post.
    1 point
  6. This for me as well. As @livid said and I'm sure others agree, I am willing to help in whatever ways I can/is needed! My DMs on Discord are always open and I check the forums regularly!
    1 point
  7. I think we’ve gone over every major issue that management can go ahead and attempt to address. I doubt we’ll have 1.8 dropping and a boost in playerbase before mid January, so we’ll be stuck with a 20 player peak for a while. All in all, my heart goes out to the community and if there’s any way I can help in any venue; you can count on me, my dear friends.
    1 point
  8. I totally agree with this but we also need a new approach, not the same-old one of a "classic heavy rp text based server". What I mean by this is that we're competing with GTA World and they already have most if not all of the things we want to add, and more. It's like a Xiaomi vs Apple thing at the moment - saying "we have an internet browser" and "we added a calculator app" won't make people leave Apple and buy a Xiaomi. We need a rebrand, but also a different direction. Even with all of the updates (which so many people work hard on) we're still going to be 5% of World, and that's normal considering how many devs and time they've spent on their server in the past few years, but we have to be realistic - if we're the same thing but worse, no one is going to come over or join us instead of them.
    1 point
  9. I used to play up until a few months ago (on and off for about 1-2 months after open). The main reason I stopped playing was because of the low playerbase and lack of stuff to do. I would log in to around 60-70 players and go trucking. The illegal factions weren't too active, the legal ones (I was interested in) had closed recruitment. There was 1 business open every now and then with very subpar RP - the pit stop in vinewood, I remember going once and seeing $300,000 cars parked in front of a trailer/dive bar with rich guys, gangsters, mobsters and police officers inside, and I understand why but it still just rubbed me the wrong way. Otherwise there was nothing to do. Got DMed a few times, interacted with 2 people, drove around for hours and logged off for good. Since then, I can see it's gotten worse in this regard and I don't understand why. People want tapered paychecks removed, easy fix. Alright, let's introduce a drug system? Fix the car loans. Ok, now you can point with your finger. Why not listen to players? Most of the fixes and features they want aren't even that hard to code and implement.
    1 point
  10. I think we need to hold a community meeting. Like everyone hop in discord and we start discussing some things. Not just discuss but also formulate a plan of action for any said features or tweaks that we agree upon. In truth, I believe this will take everyone. The entire comunity that we have left need to ban together and brainstorm, it seems that we all want a dope ass server to play on but were just tossing random ideas in the air and are allowing them to fall on admins and devs, without out any real plan of how it will get done, time frame it may take etc. I also believe that we need to be OPEN. Just because you may not agree with someones idea doesnt mean that; that idea isnt the one that may jump start the population increase that we all want so bad. At this point, Idc what implemented, I just want more people to RP with in all aspects. I would love to sell some drugs to some mall rats bro, I havent sold drugs to a mall rat in months. My own neck itches!!
    1 point
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