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Blog Entries posted by ImperiumXVII

  1. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Jumping straight into it, it's been a couple weeks since the last minor update which we didn't announce as it was only a small one, so I'll include 1.9.1's changelog here too
    [Minor Update 1.9.1] - Adds paintball guns and paintball shops - Adds 40mm baton launchers for law enforcement - Adds /uniforms to show saved uniforms - Changes Taxi job /join location to Downtown Cab Co. located in Mirror Park - Fixes /hairtie overwriting the primary slot - Fixes /barber not allowing eyebrow/chest hair/facial hair selection - Fixes anim positioner conflicting with phone animation  
    [Minor Update 1.9.2] - Adds context-specific switches for binds. - Adds fire rate selector for all weapons. - Adds 50+ new animations. - Adds clearer notification for /lock. - Adds paintball arena rulesets. - Adds extended staff chat. - Adds /event for extended staff members. - Adds new trash truck to waste management system. - Adds mods to /modshop for new vehicles. - Allows /impound with vehicle ID. - Increases auto-AFK time from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. - Refactors anim positioner. - Fixes an issue with /ajail. - Fixes property-related issues.  
  2. ImperiumXVII
    Hello fellow roleplayers, I know it's been a while since the last update and I'm partly to blame for that (well, I'm not, but we'll say I am) but here we are with another major update! This update will release later today once we overcome the last hurdle (we added too many cars and now pdm.com doesn't work for the 'Sports' category, oops), meaning it's not live yet!
    This update focuses on things to spend your money on, which we have decided is going to be more cars and real estate. Here is the full changelog:
    - Adds second hand car dealership business type that can spawn 10 cars at a time - Adds ability for premium players to spawn 2 cars at once - Adds ability to buy properties as a player, company, or faction - Adds ability to rent properties as a company or faction - Adds ability to transfer properties between players - Adds ability to change phone wallpaper and lock screen background independently - Adds key bind (default: F6) to posiiton yourself whilst using an animation - Adds /toglevel to combine playtime across all characters - Adds /hairtie and selecting up to 3 hair styles at a barber - Adds /status to automatically display a /ame when a player gets within 30m - Adds Fire Department dispatch system beginnings - Adds admin/tester duty restoring after reconnecting - Adds /deletegps to delete a GPS entry - Adds /home as an alias for /gps home - Adds /helo for Maverick helicopters - Adds character name tracking to licence grants/revocations - Adds facial expressions to action wheel - Adds /modshop for non-government faction and company vehicles - Adds admin command to disable an interior's default music - Adds formatting to weapon licence page on MDC when a licence is expired - Adds new cars to pdm.com - Fixes /mic inside company properties - Fixes being unable to move non-money pack items out of cash convoy vehicles - Fixes impound state loading for company/faction vehicles - Fixes cash packs not being removed from cash convoy vehicles on restart - Fixes /examine - Fixes setting a waypoint showing the wrong name in the notification  
    How will house prices work?
    House prices have been automatically calculated based on their type and tier. These will no doubt be manually adjusted, but for now, the house pricing model is as follows:
    Apartments, trailers and garages will be set to a buy price multiplier of 12 x 3 of their current rent price. What this means in real terms is:
    Apartment costs $500 to rent $500 x 12 x 3 = $18,000 to buy  
    Apartment costs $1500 to rent $1500 x 12 x 3 = $54,000 to buy  
    Up to $2000, which we consider a higher tier of property. These prices are double this multiplier.
    Apartment costs $2000 to rent $2000 x 12 x 3 x 2 = $120,000 to buy  
    Houses are double whatever the apartment multiplier is for that tier, so a house that costs $500 to rent would be $36,000 to buy, a house that costs $2000 to rent would be $240,000 to buy, etc.
    Companies and factions can also buy these properties, so a company could buy up an apartment in Davis to use as a company headquarters, for example. Companies have a 33% increase on prices however, and factions a 66% increase on prices. A $18,000 apartment bought by a company would cost $24,000, for example, and $30,000 for a faction to buy it. Note that at the moment, only legal factions have bank accounts. Illegal factions will need to create a company to act as a front, but this comes with the benefit of it being 33% cheaper.
    Note that, yes, you can buy a house as a player for the cheapest rates and use it as a company building. This will soon be illegal in character and will be considered tax evasion, so if you do go this route, make sure you cover your tracks properly! Government code enforcement officers are always watching.
    How will second hand car dealerships work?
    For now, while we work on a proper display system, this will be a permission granted by a car dealership company to a player to spawn up to 10 vehicles. The player will have to make the sale, and the player will have to use /transfervehicle to sell these cars. I do have plans in the works to be able to set cars into 'display mode', where you cannot turn the engine on and can /buy similar to other existing car dealerships, but for now these second hand dealerships will be entirely player-managed. This means that they will fall under the robbing and scamming rules until full script support is in place.
    Social Media
    You may have seen some of our promotions recently on YouTube, TikTok or Instagram. If not, I encourage you to check us out! Our socials can be seen in #socials on Discord.
    In case you missed it, here is an example of the type of content being worked on by @Deceive and @CChef at the moment!
    lsrp1.9 troll teaser.mp4
  3. ImperiumXVII
    Hey everyone, welcome to our January Update.
    There isn't much to report on this update, but to remind you all that we are continuously working towards our 1.9 update and our 2.0 update. These are updates you can read about on our roadmap.
    And welcome to our new Junior Testers:

    MAKO - livid - CChef
    Duckling - Kaos
    Development Update
    You may have seen recently that #git is looking a little sorry - rest assured we are still working on a concept we call "LSRP 2.0" - this is basically a total revamp of what you guys have been asking for since day one, a look at our current systems and what we can improve, and implementing features that we didn't necessarily want in our vision but have come to understand that they're a part of LS-RP, regardless of what game we're playing.

    Such an example of what we didn't want to add is savings - we recognise now that, after the removal of tapering and the addition of passive income through script jobs (barber shops, gas stations, etc.) that people do need a reason to be ingame and roleplaying, and what better reason is there than to make money? Savings will not look as it did, i.e. you drop a 100k into your bank account and in 2000 hours it's 20 million - no, we have a more immersive and realistic, but still completely passive, alternative which we are going to call "investments". You may have already seen the button for this in your Maze Bank app on your phone!
    The basic premise is that your investments can gain or lose value on a day-to-day basis. If you drop 100,000 into your investments, in 1 weeks' time it may be sitting at 99,175, and the week after it could be back up to 101,283. We don't think you should have to put major thought into investing, so it's going to go into a "pot" where the bank decides what you invest in globally, lore-wise at least. This is always going to net you a profit in the long run. We haven't figured out the exact numbers yet but to give you an example, daily losses could go up to 10% whilst daily gains could go up to 15%. If you deposit 100,000 and wait 100 hours before withdrawing then, on average, you should be approximately $5,000 richer than when you started. This could be more, it could be less, but the idea is that if you play the long game, you will never make a loss.
    We're also adding new cars to pdm.com thanks to the efforts of @Mitcholodolo and his fellow staff members that have helped fill out our Google Sheets form! More to come on that later, but we think many people will be happy with what's being added!
    There's not much more I can say that you can't already see for yourself on our "roadmap" list, but rest assured that we are all working hard! The end of January and the beginning of February is exam season in many places so we've had to slow down a little; don't take this the wrong way though!
    BBQ Event
    As always we're hosting another event this weekend and tonight, we've got a barbecue at 10pm at Mirror Park! That's right, it's February 3rd, and it's going to be like 15 degrees C, but we've got a barbecue on..! See below for info!

  4. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Hello and welcome to another Sunday, I hope you're all doing well. This major update features some stuff for everyone and unfortunately doesn't feature everything we wanted to do, but that's what minor updates are for, right?
    Here's the changelog:
    - Added armoured car transports and robberies - Added business types that will buy certain expensive items for a cut (pawn shops) - Added the ability to clean cash that was stolen from an armoured car in certain pawn shops for a roughly 60% cut - Added ability for ATMs to be operated by companies and set a usage fee - Added a $5000 cap to the cash inside an ATM to encourage frequent refills - Added company uniforms - Added camera object with 2 lenses available (default lens or add-on super lens) - Added ability for larger lenses to see /ame text from further away than normal - Added bank property type - Added vehicle suspension mods (/offersuspension) - Added more logging to use of certain commands and features - Added ability to change nametag font via /settings - Added inventory capacities - Added news broadcasting and live interviews for companies with the "News Broadcaster" contract - Added the ability for Testers to revive people that die to bugs if there are no admins in-game - Added the ability to change celcius in the HUD to fahrenheit via /settings - Added the ability to disable the temperature and compass in the HUD via /settings - Added a favourites menu to /gps - Added showing open businesses to /gps - Added new large data processor to fix inventory and command list bugs, and other large data-related bugs - Added the ability for ATMs to be created inside businesses - Added the ability for admins to default loans and remove cars from players - Added the ability to add new radio stations in-game (no policy yet on how to request one) - Added hospital interior type - Added the ability to toggle off news chats in /settings - Added the ability to sell vehicles back to a dealership that sells the same vehicle model for a loss - Added functional inventories for company, faction vehicles - Added "broadcast equipment" furniture tag to allow people to broadcast from properties - Added Gruppe Sechs (security) clothing mods - Added motorcycle club clothing mods - Added company duty system (/startshift) with pay adjustable by company owners - Added news vehicles - Added more security company vehicles - Changed vehicle loans to only take 1 payment per week, even if you missed the previous payment - Changed faction uniform loading to allow multiple factions to use the same uniform with different names - Changed duty pay to not count when tabbed out now that auto-AFK is disabled - Fixed /afk not disabling AFK status - Fixed vehicle loan payments not being taken - Fixed /awardcontract notice to include expiry date, not just time - Fixed admin-spawned weapons not having an ammo type despite having ammo - Fixed inventory infinite loading bug - Fixed command list not loading due to overflow - Fixed inventories freezing sometimes when an error occurs (like a frisked player walking away) - Fixed being able to see charges for state codes you do not have access to in /mdc - Fixed not being able to charge people with a crime in /mdc - Fixed inventories not returning after being paroled - Fixed parole not saving after being remanded at least once - Fixed weathers not setting correctly - Fixed muler tow truck not being able to tow vehicles - Fixed positioning of large vehicles on tow trucks - Fixed vehicle interaction constantly being on after tabbing out - Fixed animation sync in some edge cases where players were not streamed - Fixed binding the ALT key in /binds - Fixed some graffiti sync when dealing with preloaded movies - Fixed object selector not selecting far away furniture objects properly - Fixed list modal not updating the "confirm" button when a list option is selected - Fixed vehicle mod bone selection when 2 different mod types use the same bone - Fixed cruise control setting the speed on others' clients instead of own client - Fixed vehicle window state not syncing correctly - Fixed vehicle extras not syncing correctly in some cases - Fixed vehicle blinkers, engine and liveries not syncing when the vehicle was not streamed in  
    As before, @wdmcnr covered the Community Update side in his latest blog post, go check it out if you haven't already!
    Follow us on Instagram at @lsrpgta and on TikTok at @lsrpgaming
  5. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Today we're releasing Major Update 1.2! I will take you through the updates we've been testing for the past week since Major Update 1.1 and explain what's new.
    Continuing on from the theme of player retention and acquisition, and listening to your feedback, we understand that the script can really be restrictive of what you're trying to do ingame. You can't be a part-time bartender, for example, if you're trucking in the rest of your time. In this update, we are introducing the ability to be employed in multiple companies - currently, you will be permitted to be in one server-owned company, and one player-owned company. This will greatly improve the flexibility of our players in roleplaying what they wish, without being unnecessarily restricted. In addition, we have allowed players who have previously (before today) added 2-factor authorisation to their account to reset it via the UCP, either on the login page or in their account preferences.
    The full changelog is:
    - Added 2FA reset ability on the UCP - Added ability to be in multiple companies - Added reward cut for companies - Added the ability to respawn individual cars for factions and companies - Added the ability to choose which company gets the profits from /pos and /servedrink - Added a reminder that you can run the taxi mission in personal vehicles - Added the ability to reward businesses per unique visitor - Added green icons on the map for open businesses - Added stock to gun stores throughout the city and county (pistol icons on the map) - Added the ability for companies to be awarded contracts from the government - Fixed a bug preventing people from using /respawnme - Fixed an issue where trucks despawned during missions and caused forklift issues - Removed the ability to shoot whilst driving Multiple Companies
    One of the most squawked about blocks to players' roleplay is the restriction that players can only be in one company. We have made a change so that players can now be hired to one server-owned company and one player-owned company. You are no longer restricted to just being a trucker if you want to become a bartender, or a mechanic. Further, you can be in two companies of the same type if you so wish! For example, the TaxiTaxi server-owned company, and a BetterTaxi player-owned company. In this case, you can use either your company car, or your private car, and you can choose which company to represent when you begin your taxi mission.
    While we are currently only allowing being a member of one server company and one player company, we will in the future be looking at expanding this to be in more than 2 companies, so be on the lookout for that!
    Company Positions
    Included with this update is the ability to set your members to other positions in the company using the /companyposition command. This will allow companies to assign different permissions to different members of their companies without affecting any other part of their game. Examples of permissions you might set include the ability to hire or fire employees - perfect for Human Resources members!
    Gun Stores
    As you may have seen, and heard in our last community meeting, licenses to purchase firearms (PF) are now able to be bought, and Ammu-Nations have been opened across the city. Anything you see in those stores is completely fair game - that includes the shotguns and rifles you see in there as well, and any of the ammunition you see. Do remember that these weapons have serial numbers, so if your weapon is stolen or sold, you can be held accountable.
    Roleplay Hubs
    You might have seen that the LSSD faction held a barbecue in Davis the other day, and a map icon to boot. We are now showing on the map green icons where player companies are open to show you, as a player, where the roleplay is happening. We hope that this increases the custom to different player owned businesses as well, boosting their income with our new feature - a reward amount per unique visitor, per opening!

    Thank you once again for all the feedback. It is so valuable to us and makes us as a team so happy that you all care about our passion project as much as we do. Please, keep the feedback coming.
  6. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Hello again on this wonderful Sunday,
    Today we're releasing an update to bring new features for illegal factions, more quality of life stuff for players and many bug fixes.
    In this update we focused on mostly quality of life additions with one major new feature that affects the whole server. As you may have seen in #snippets on our Discord server, we have created an immersive way for certain players to interact with vehicles. Use of this feature will be limited to certain illegal factions that can access the Vehicle Theft scheme, so if you want to take part, make sure you know how to evade the cops!
    As a side note, factions with access to the vehicle theft scheme are expected to also delegate the thieving of vehicles to other factions and players - a player shouldn't have to be in your faction to go and steal a car. Go find some poor sucker on a street corner and tell him you need a new SUV - surely you don't want to attract police attention to your faction! 
    If your car is stolen and sent away by pesky vehicle thieves, you cannot spawn it for 1 hour after it is delivered, so make sure you protect your car with the latest security upgrades if you need to use it. Rest assured, though, as once your car is stolen, it cannot be stolen again for 24 hours so you've got plenty of time to get that bread and splash out for an immobiliser.
    We will begin giving access to the vehicle theft scheme during the course of the week. Individuals (not in a faction) will also be able to apply for the scheme, and they will be put into a special "car thieves" faction to gain access to the scheme. This will be a test run for opening up other faction-only schemes to individual players! Keep an eye out for more information being posted in the coming week.
    If you haven't seen, the video, you can find it on our Discord server in the #snippets channel.
    The full changelog is:
    - Added vehicle theft feature - Added /spellcheck - Added /resetpos (bindable in /keybinds, default F3) to reset your position to an interior's /exit point - Added /fixcar for faction members to fix their vehicles at faction properties (for free) or company-owned garages (for a cost to the faction) - Added the ability to /uniform anywhere - Added faction /duty time tracking for faction leaders - Added furniture function tags (so far, only "door" and "music) available for admins to add to furniture hashes - Added ability to /setstation on any furniture with the function tag "music" (so you can play music inside your house now) - Added /inmates to see how many prisoners there are online and offline - Added "other government employees" to /onduty - Added permission to hide people from /onduty, i.e. for hospital staff that do not count as first responders - Added the ability to use both company vehicles AND personal vehicles for the taxi job using /mission - Added a message when pressing F8 to explain how to take screenshots that save without any extra software - Changed chat limit to 256 characters instead of 128 - Changed bleedout time to be 50% speed, so you can bleed for longer before dying - Changed /door to only work on furniture hashes that have the function tag "door" - Changed /fill to now always use the faction bank, even if it is empty - Changed /mission for taxis so you no longer get warned for being inactive on your mission - Changed driver's licences to renew in 6 months rather than 1 month - Changed vehicle registrations to renew in 6 months rather than 21 days - Fixed some undershirt clothing objects that clipped through outer jackets - Fixed company vehicles not loading in /mdc Foreign Section
    Those eagle-eyed amongst you will have seen we have now set up our Foreign Section and have opened sections for 18 different languages and have opened suggestions in that section for more to be added, if there is enough support from the community. We will only be opening sections that have active moderation that speak the language, keep in mind! The rules in these sections is the same as the regular forum rules, with the exception of requiring you to speak English. These sections are moderated by the Foreign Section Team, which comprises @Mikee as its head and @Daidough as its assistant head. Feel free to take a look through the posts there and engage in other languages, whether you're simply learning German or are a native Arabic speaker, these sections are for you!
    Legal Faction Updates
    We have heard loud and clear from both members of legal factions and the people affected by them that something is not quite right. We have gathered lots of feedback over the past week and understand where the issues lie - for faction members, a lack of trust in the average player, too many guns in the server, and bugs not being fixed promptly, or a lack of necessary script features. Rest assured, we have heard them and are now working on the most requested features (roadblocks, spike strips, etc) as a priority, and have taken a step towards placing more trust in our players with the ability to use /uniform anywhere. Perhaps we are still leaning on our experience of SA-MP, when most people in this community were in their mid-teens and not as patient as they were now - we are still learning here, so please keep giving us feedback where you think we could do better!
    We do understand that some features need to be moderated, however, especially ones that give huge advantages over others. For this reason, the use of police helicopters for patrol is being reviewed through a lens of realism as we believe that they are used far too often for things that the city would not spend millions in operating costs on, for example regular patrolling of gang neighbourhoods.
    Something we have already implemented is the requirement for police to not engage with gang members or gang neighbourhoods too often. We understand that it should be a risk to stand outsdide and deal drugs on the street corner, but at the same time, we don't want to force all this roleplay to take place inside a house. Police presence in gang neighbourhoods, specifically Davis, should reduce - unless of course you're planning on starting a war with a rival gang, don't forget the LSSD has a patrol station in Davis and they will show up to any shootings!
  7. ImperiumXVII

    Community Updates
    A message from @Dos Santos
    We have recently expanded the company system by opening our first lot of private owned government contract companies. The main reason behind us locking it at the initial server launch was to make sure that we could monitor the economy and making sure that the system wasn't going to be over-complicated. I feel like I am now at a place, where we can have private owned government contract companies, this being mechanics and trucking companies.

    Cypress Logistics - The reward cut has been set to 40% - this means, that Cypress Logistics employees will be earning significantly less than a private owned trucking company. The main reason behind this is when a player joins the server we still want them to be able to earn money, and we understand that it may be tedious and unfamiliar with the script, but the main way to earn a good amount of money is going down the route and working for a private owned trucking company as this trucking company can set their own reward cut percentage. Good news for you, this means that there will be a market for competitiveness with different trucking companies. Myself, I have reached out to two individuals to kick-start the trucking system by giving them their own government contract to trial it for the initial process and then hopefully, expand in the future to allowing people to apply. 
    Los Santos Customs - The reward cut has also been set at 40% - this means that Los Santos Customs will be at a disadvantage. But, if you work for a private owned company you have more chances of earning more money. And this goes down the route of providing more, great roleplay. Myself, I have reached out to four individuals to kick-start the Mechanic system by giving them their own government contract to trial it for the initial process and then hopefully, expand in the future to allowing people to apply. 
    What are the benefits behind Player Owned Government Contracts?
    The person running the company is able to set their own reward cut, which means for them if another company is trying to gain a lot of their staff then this is a good way for a recruitment perspective. It will enhance roleplay, at the moment the scripted element of Cypress Logistics means you get in a truck, and you do /mission - hopefully with the player owned trucking companies they will provide, and cater a lot of roleplay to their employees. Certain amount of money goes to the company, so in-fact the owners of the company can have a reward system. So there is potential for you earning more money with the owners setting up schemes.   
    What's our plans?
    The plans at the moment are to make sure that we're getting people roleplaying and surely not focusing on the scripted jobs, as let's be realistic we want people to roleplay, we want these companies to be interlinked with factions, we want people to be communicating and starting their own enterprises. This is the greatest route towards the script that we have access to by allowing the company owners to set their own types of reward cut.
    How does the Reward Cut work?
    If you work for a private company - and the reward cut is set at 50% - if you earn $500 from your trucking route. $500 goes to the company, and then come payday 50% would go to yourselves, while the other 50% remains with the company so the company would keep $250, while you would get $250.
    We are still trialling this at the moment and changes should be expected. If we find that private trucking companies do not get much activity, we will look at lowering the company cut again for Cypress Logistics.
  8. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    We have been hard at work this week finding areas of the script that we have lacked attention in and have been making some general fixes and tweaks to better improve your experience. There is not much fanfare around this update as there is no specific feature - maybe the ability to tow vehicles using a flatbed!
    The changelog for today's patch is:
    - Added the ability to start a conversation in your phone by using a contact's name rather than their number - Added push to start vehicle upgrade, available at mechanics or through pdm.com - Added the ability to see firearm serial numbers in the inventory menu - Added the ability to tow vehicles on a flatbed or city tow truck with /attachcar - Added /offerrepair to fix vehicles at a mechanic shop - Added an optional service fee for mechanics to charge for labour time - Added automatically getting up with full health if you are knocked out for 3 minutes - Added /readplate to read a vehicle's current license plate (within 10 metres) - Fixed an issue where you were charged for paintjobs you already had with /offerpaint - Fixed an issue where Sadlers were too far away to load cargo onto the back - Fixed an issue with refunded weapons not having serial numbers - Fixed an issue where duty time would show mask names - Fixed an issue where the price of fish would taper even if you didn't sell any - Fixed an issue where /towcars would not work in some cases - Fixed an issue with /setcar not updating the vehicle registry - Fixed an issue where you could use /resetpos to escape prison - Fixed an issue with government duty messages - Fixed an issue with a grey button when spawning company vehicles - Fixed an issue where you could /engine an impounded vehicle and drive off  
    We are planning another update within the next week, potentially with our next major feature, so keep watching #git to see what we're working on!
    And now some words on the Company Cut Update.
    Company Cut Update - This was an update to the in-game economy that we felt was a necessary measure to encourage players to interact with companies owned and run by other players, rather than a floating dollar sign prompting you to type /job - while I believe this is the correct direction to take, I am now also aware that the way in which it was implemented was not correct for the server. The idea was to make it more profitable to join a player's own company than to remain in the script-owned job, specifically Cypress Logistics (trucking), to encourage players to either set up their own trucking companies, or join one that offers higher profits. Whilst the intention was there, the way it happened meant that everyone lost money, whether they joined a player-owned company or not, with player-owned companies simply offering a lower loss. As a result of feedback from passionate members of the server and especially the Tester Team, we will be reverting the change and increasing the prices of Cypress Logistics by +40% to compensate for the loss of income from our change 1 week ago.
    We are still looking for ways to move players towards interacting with player-run companies rather than script-run companies, but it is clear that the preferred way we do this is to offer rewards for joining a player company, rather than penalties for not. A great suggestion by one of our trucking company owners is that we increase the payouts for player-owned businesses, so those that wish to remain with Cypress Logistics will not lose any money whilst those that choose to go elsewhere for trucking employment actually get a bonus.
    Further, you may have heard that we are looking at opening a prison guard faction, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, shortly. We will be implementing, alongside this, more ways to make prison more enjoyable. We have already opened up the yard for prisoners to roleplay in, however we understand that's not enough. We will also be looking at overhauling the penal code to make prison time less of an OOC punishment and more of a tool to add to your roleplay experience. This was always an issue we had on SA-MP as well, and we are looking to try something new in the upcoming weeks!
  9. ImperiumXVII

    Community Updates
    Hello and welcome to the August 2023 Staff Update! There have been a few changes this last month, some very popular, some not so popular, and we've been monitoring where feedback is popping up and making changes.
    We have plenty of bug fixes soon to come and as you will have seen, we were busy last week pumping out updates almost daily in the run up to the weekend. As briefly mentioned before, we aim to be releasing updates as and when they are ready rather than waiting for a convenient time to release them (for example, on a Sunday). This means you may not see updates as rhythmically as usual, but you will see more little bursts of additions and fixes as we saw last week. As always, you can take a look at #updates and #git on Discord to see what the development team are currently working on.
    Property Requests - As promised in the last staff update, we have now created a property request section headed by @betonists who will be handling all your property needs. As of right now, we are finishing up the last of the custom shell interiors on the test server to be ported across to the main server, where users will be able to choose an array of custom business and residential interiors for their properties, as well as a limited choice of vanilla GTA V interiors.
    Here is our internal spreadsheet for tracking the last wave of feedback that our Communications Team collated:

    Of 20 suggestions deemed essential by the community, there are only 5 that we have not started and are able to, and 1 that we need clarifying. In this case, what are "inventory updates"? You can see yourself what the stats are for the other ones. I hope this helps you see how seriously we're taking your feedback, and though we don't always put out the features that you most want, do have faith that we are prioritising the most essential ones over ones that could maybe stand to wait a few more weeks.
    We want to once again thank our dedicated staff team for their hard work and activity in moulding the server into the direction we want to take it. We are not always correct, but our active testers do a great job of being ingame and involved in the server's life cycles, and providing us with feedback given to them by players. Our Tester Team has given a total of 4,026 hours, 2 minutes and 49 seconds this month alone between them, with an average of 77 hours and 30 minutes per Tester this month, which is an incredible amount of time to give to help build our community and presence on GTA V. Our Premium Members show similar levels of activity, with 70 hours and 40 minutes being the average time for a Premium Member to be ingame. A huge thank you to all who help build our community - we do this because we want a place to build for you to enjoy your free time.
    Leadership Changes
    Congratulations to @Kane on his well deserved promotion to Manager. His new role will be joining @Ben in the Head of Operations position, a responsibility which they will both share. Ben will serve as the Head of Community, opposite Kane as the new Head of Staff.
    Additionally, @ImperiumXVII has been promoted to Lead Administrator and takes on the new role of Head of Factions, with @kendrick taking over as Head of Legal Factions. Imperium will assist Kane and Ben as the Assistant Head of Operations, and will oversee Head of Legal Factions and the Faction Team Council.
    Please use our Management Structure page as your point of contact reference.
    Without further ado, congratulations to our newly promoted staff members ...
    Lead Admin
    Senior Admin
    Kendrick — Nature — Jack
    Game Admin
    almightybounter — risen — Marshall — betonists
    Welcome back to our returning staff members ...
    Junior Admin
    Kotwica — leo
    Junior Tester
    Wesson — For3v3r
  10. ImperiumXVII
    Just another quality of life update - we are still working on our upcoming features and will be releasing them within the next week, if all goes to plan! Without prattling on, here's the changelog:
    - Added San Andreas State Prison mapping changes - Added Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation vehicles and uniforms - Added commands for legal factions to bandage other players - Added the ability for administrators to change native doors - Added logs for weapon license grants and revocations to better track changes - Added spawn protection when entering an interior that has a freeze time (invincibility) - Added pressing Y to unfreeze when entering an interior - Added a warning for everyone in the property when a player uses /resetpos - Added better damage reduction detection for SWAT duty - Added an optional tag to parameters in /offerpaint - Added /cad in a company property with the correct permissions - Fixed an issue where /offerpaint would not show the correct price if offering pearlescent paint - Fixed an issue where using a gauze on a nearby person would not work - Fixed an issue where being shot in the chest would cause bleeding if wearing armour - Fixed an issue where admin-refunded weapons showed as being registered to the admin The company permission required to post ads inside a company property is this one here:

    Our planned major update this week didn't come through as we've begun working on multiple projects this week, including this sneak peek:

    This past week we have had a few things pop up from our assorted teams and groups, here's a quick recap:
    LSRP Economy Team feedback survey Solo Schemes - an alternative to faction schemes, allowing solo players to take part in different roleplay LSRP Faction Team feedback survey  
    You may have also seen that we have added a new #los-santos-news channel on Discord. If you fancy yourself a reporter, get in touch with the Company Team who can get you access to post there!
    And finally, with this update we have brought the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation faction in-game to coincide with the Faction Team's Prison Scheme - we hope to bring new life to prison roleplay on our server and aim to cater to any need a player could ask for!

  11. ImperiumXVII
    Heyo kiddo, it's too early for me to be writing this (seriously who gets up before 9 am on a Sunday) but here I am!
    Jumping straight into the script update, here's the changelog:
    - Added the ability to re-bind the Y to unfreeze button in /settings - Added a way for legal factions to toggle roadblock messages in /settings or via /togroadblock - Added /rb as a macro for /roadblock - Added better checks for /enter and /exit in a vehicle, so you should keep the passengers you used the command with - Added /setstation keeping the same volume when changing stations in cars - Added a 50% increase in rewards to both trucking and garbage collection jobs (this will be offset by a 33% cut in Cypress Logistics) - Added vehicle registration history to the MDC - Added a way for admins to set a vehicle's wheel colour - Added faction-specific loadouts to /loadout - Added a way to /lock furniture doors without being a property manager if you are in the same faction that owns the property - Fixed /towcars for companies again again again - Fixed /respawnme teleporting your vehicle into your spawn point with you - Fixed seeing heal messages if another player was in the same area but different dimension - Fixed not being able to create faction ranks with brackets in the name - Changed prison commands to be in the same radio message format as other radio messages  
    Weapon Economy
    The weapon economy has been hotly talked about recently, with legal factions arguing there are too many PF guns being used as crimes, civilian roleplayers arguing that PF guns are too expensive, illegal factions arguing that there is too much trigger happiness over the smallest beef - we have recently implemented a solution that we hope will help in solving these issues.
    The Faction Team Council has now implemented an OOC cap on buying weapons - it was decided before that there would be no cap to help factions get established, however now we feel we are in a place where factions in the scheme are established as black market gun dealers and we can safely begin limiting the amount of guns that flow from the darknet into factions' hands. This is handled the same way as we did on SA-MP, through OOC points. For those not in the know, certain guns (like an AK-47) cost 3 points, whereas a pistol costs 1 point (these numbers may not be accurate). A faction with 15 points has a choice, buy 5 AK-47s in a month, or 15 pistols. You get the idea - larger weapons will become rarer as a faction tries to balance what guns are brought in versus what guns end up in the hands of a dead mobster.
    Alongside this change, the gun store weapons will also be reduced in price back to the levels they were at, meaning legal guns will be around the $500 to $800 range for a pistol again. In addition to this price change, we are implementing OOC bans. You, as a gang member, are welcome to buy a gun at a gun store (as long as you don't have a criminal record). If you use that cheap legal gun against police and they end up killing you, the license will be revoked after your death and a PF license ban will be issued on your account, meaning you cannot legally buy guns on any character until it is appealed. The point of this system is: don't get caught killing police with legal guns. You can now see whether a gun is legally bought by right clicking it in your inventory. It will show a serial number.
    Server Connection Issues
    For the last week or so, we have been getting reports of connection issues from some people. It seemed at first that these people shared something in common, i.e. the first report to me was that a group of Bulgarian players were not able to connect with their normal ISP, but could via mobile data. The issue seemed to spread to people from other regions and there didn't seem to be anything in particular that connected everybody. We asked for logs and the flow of when you first connect to when you lose connection, and a lot of people helped us out with that. We logged the issue with our server host and they have been looking into it for the past week or so. For those of you that don't know, networking is a pain in the ass and I'm glad I never have to deal with it.
    Rambling aside, as of last night it seems that these connection issues have been largely resolved. When I went to sleep last night, people were able to connect that were not able to connect before, and so it is my belief that we have made progress on this issue. As always, please continue to report to us if you are experiencing connection issues, but most, if not all, that had connection issues before should be able to connect now.
    Here is a message that Mmartin dropped into #updates last night:
    This was a well-documented phenomenon known in the tech industry as a "networking meme".
    Future Direction
    To put it succintly, please keep sending us your feedback. I know sometimes it gets a little drowned out when we get hundreds of players giving their suggestions, airing their frustrations and asking for changes to be made on the server. Sometimes we may not even respond, but rest assured that we do see it and add it to the list. We had some Development Team applications come in last month and the past 3 weeks have just been too busy for some of us to actually get together and sort through them. We have a couple of people in mind and will be reaching out shortly, and with that, I hope we can start seeing some more development going on.
    In the changelog above you may have spotted a 50% increase for all rewards to waste management (garbage) and trucking missions. Cypress Logistics and Los Santos Sanitation will not see these increases - their rewards will remain roughly the same. Anybody who wants to stick around in these script jobs will not be at a loss, so don't worry about that. If you make $500 a day now, you will make $500 a day still. These reward buffs are aimed at player-owned companies, who will be able to take a cut of the payment and still offer a rate that's higher than the server-owned jobs. This is something we will continue to monitor and look at against other areas that have been historically under-used (like mowing, our #1 prime feature that we bet all our dreams against).
    Prison roleplay has taken off with the introduction of the SADCR faction, and if you didn't know, what character model you are using (male or female) determines where you end up! Males have a male-only cell block, and females have a female-only cell block. You can of course mingle in the yard, but we hope that separating each sex into discrete cell blocks will help keep the immersion up for some of our prison roleplayers. In addition to these two, we have a third cell block for isolation, for those that don't fit into either adult male or adult female cell block, or have been bad enough to end up in a concrete box. If you are interested in bringing more life to the prison, I encourage you to take a look at Prison Schemes.
    Kendrick as always will be taking your feedback about Legal Factions and anything related. Mitcholodolo and DDaniels are your guys for the Illegal Faction side. Please feel free to approach myself about anything that these guys can't help with.
  12. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Hello on this hot Thursday evening! We have here our second update this week with Major Update 1.4 which includes the long-awaited engine and fuel overhaul that everybody has been wanting ever since they found out spending $$ on the best engine just meant better fuel economy.
    GiamPy has written a great highlight below so I won't touch too much on that, instead here is our changelog for today's update:
    - Added Faction Management Page in UCP - Added Government Clothing - Added Vehicle Engine Performance System - Added the ability for administrators to issue refunds through the UCP - Fixes a problem where you could immediately unimpound a vehicle after it was impounded - Fixes a problem where female shirts were being offset by 1 in /clothes - Fixes a problem where furniture transparency was not reverting after existing the selection mode (/sf) - Fixes a problem where you couldn't select a furniture in an interior with more than 700 items - Fixes a problem where admin-duty staff could not un-impound vehicles - Fixed a problem where you could not rent vehicles when they were previously impounded - Fixed a problem where premium members did not receive the correct furniture slots for company and faction properties - Tweaks automation system to include new clothing mods - Tapered pay is no longer included in the company cut  
    As I'm sure you've seen in #git, we are hard at work pumping out updates for you guys that you've been requesting for a while - you may have also noticed we cleaned up the Suggestions board and forwarded a lot of it for us to discuss, refine and plan. Some things seem to have slipped in under the net, for example certain animations that you may find in /animations that are tailored toward a more niche style of roleplay...
    Without further ado, GiamPy's first major feature!
    Feature Highlight
    Vehicle Engine Performance System
    Author: GiamPy
    In the last few months, the server has led players down a road filled with questions about the true impact of engine upgrades. Prior to our latest update, investing in more powerful engines merely meant parting with your hard-earned in-game currency, with zero noticeable improvement in your vehicle's performance. Moreover, it often resulted in higher fuel consumption, leaving players pondering the wisdom of such upgrades.
    Listening closely to the valuable feedback from our dedicated community, we have embarked on a mission to revolutionize the gameplay dynamics associated with vehicle engines. This transformation hinges on a sophisticated and dynamic algorithm that can significantly alter the in-game experience based on the engine chosen during vehicle purchase on our in-game in-character, pdm.com.
    The Algorithm
    Our algorithm has been meticulously crafted, incorporating a multitude of factors, and as we continue to evolve our system, we may even introduce additional variables to further enrich the algorithm's accuracy.
    Here, we outline the key factors currently influencing the new system:
    1. Vehicle Class (weight)
    At the heart of our algorithm is the vehicle class, serving as the foundational factor. Although determining precise vehicle weight via RageMP is a challenge, we use vehicle class as a proxy for weight estimation. Each vehicle class is assigned a coefficient, influencing its weight-related attributes:
    Compact: 1.2
    Sedan: 1.1
    SUV: 0.9
    Coupe: 1.0
    Muscle: 0.95
    Sports Classics: 0.95
    Sports: 1.2
    Super: 1.2
    Motorcycles: 1.4
    Off-Road: 0.9
    Industrial: 0.85
    Utility: 0.85
    Vans: 0.9
    Service: 1.1
    Emergency: 1.1
    Military: 0.85
    Commercial: 0.8
    Open Wheels: 1.0
    A higher coefficient implies a lighter vehicle, while a lower coefficient indicates a heavier one.  Consequently, SUVs, despite potent engine options, begin with a handicap due to their inherent weight. We have also made adjustments to certain vehicle classes, such as Off Road, Industrial, and Utility.
    For sports cars, we've provided a boost, as they tend to be lighter than sedans or coupes.
    2. Fuel Type
    Our engine system currently features two fuel types: petrol and diesel (electric vehicles are in development). Just like in reality, each fuel type comes with distinct advantages and drawbacks.
    Diesel vehicles offer more torque, providing superior initial acceleration compared to petrol vehicles.
    Petrol vehicles, on the other hand, boast enhanced maximum speed, although their fuel efficiency may lag behind diesel counterparts, especially with high-performance engines.
    3. Emergency Vehicles
    In alignment with real-life counterparts, emergency vehicles (law enforcement, fire department, etc.) now exhibit superior performance, enabling them to keep pace during high-speed pursuits.
    All emergency vehicles have received a 20% performance boost (both max speed and acceleration).
    4. Engine Technology
    Engine technology takes center stage in choosing the right engine for your custom vehicle.
    Currently, we evaluate engines based on the number of cylinders they possess.
    Future updates may introduce more dynamic considerations, such as turbochargers impacting acceleration.
    Presently, engines with more than 6 cylinders (e.g., V6, i6, W6) receive performance enhancements, with the boost scaling linearly based on cylinder count (a V8 surpasses a V6, for example).
    5. Engine Volume
    Engine volume represents another crucial factor. 
    Realistically, engines with larger displacements generate more power than their smaller counterparts. Consequently, greater engine volume equates to higher maximum speed.
    Notably, this factor does not influence acceleration.
    6. Engine Horsepower
    Last but certainly not least, engine horsepower is a highly anticipated factor.
    It requires no elaborate explanation: higher horsepower translates to greater maximum speed.
    Realism and Perception
    To ensure that these performance enhancements are not only realistic but also perceptible to players, all final values are boosted by a factor of three.
    However, these enhancements are restrained within a plausible range, avoiding scenarios where 900HP 9.0L engines with 12 cylinders turn vehicles into rocket ships.
    What's next?
    In our diligent review of the diverse engine options available on pdm.com, we have observed instances where certain vehicles feature engine configurations that diverge from realism. For instance, there are listings for engines labeled as "TDi V4, V6, V8," which, as automotive enthusiasts are aware, defy the basic principles of engine design; an engine cannot simultaneously possess 4, 6, and 8 cylinders.
    Additionally, we've noted peculiar anomalies such as muscle cars offering diesel powerplants, a departure from the authentic characteristics of such vehicles.
    Rest assured, we are committed to enhancing the user experience with our forthcoming update.
    Our goal is to align all pdm.com vehicle listings with the genuine real-life counterparts found in the world of Grand Theft Auto V. This means ensuring that engine options reflect the realism and authenticity that players expect from the server..
    While our system has undergone rigorous testing within our development environment by our dedicated Staff Team, we acknowledge that perfection remains elusive.
    We commit to continuous fine-tuning of the algorithm to achieve a balance between vehicle performance and the value of investing in pricier engine options.
    Your feedback is instrumental in our journey toward the success we envision.
    We hope you enjoy this exciting addition to the server and, most importantly, have a blast on the roads of Los Santos!
    Disclaimer: All coefficients, enhancements, and factors mentioned in this post are for in-game purposes only and do not reflect real-world automotive performance metrics.
  13. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Good afternoon, this one's just a quick hotfix to address some issues discovered since the last update, so there won't be much to talk about on this one. I do have some previews later though!
    - Fixes an issue where company owners would not load for doors and gates - Fixes an issue where companies could be awarded $∞ - Increases mechanic garage profit margin from 15% to 35% - Adds a way for the prison faction to see when prisoners log ingame and are released - Adds a command for players to refresh their furniture slots in case they do not have the correct amount - Fixes an error where faction members could not use the faction panel if they had 2 characters in the same faction  
    We'll have a much larger update with the things you see in #snippets around the middle of this week, so stay tuned for that! Yes, that includes new clothing and new vehicles...
    Here are some images of what's to come on PDM.com:

    And some of our new clothing items:

  14. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Hello again from another update post!

    First off, some colours have changed! To better help you distinguish who is responsible for what, we have changed some of our staff rank colours. This will help players, and staff, figure out who to approach for their problem.
    For example, management has been changed to orange (the colour of the R in the LSRP logo) to separate them from Lead Admins and Senior Lead Admins as the former generally does not perform basic administratrion like the latter does. Senior Admins are in a darker green to denote their seniority, and Trainee Admins are separated from the Tester colour to make them stand out more whilst still making it clear they're not full admins.
    Here's our changelog: 
    - Added new vehicles to pdm.com - Added new vehicles to spawn in the showrooms of both car and motorcycle dealerships - Added over 2000 different variations of clothing available in stores - Added the ability to be in multiple player-owned companies via the Premium Central panel on the UCP - Added the ability for Company Team members to set a business to a custom amount of furniture items - Added auto low effect on /dice and /rnumber for gamblers - Added the ability to /selectroadblock to select a roadblock with the mouse - Added /l back as an alias for /low - Added more furniture item previews - Added better anticheat detection for cheated weapons (they no longer do damage)  
    Connection Issues
    These connection issues have been a pain for all of us but I'm happy to say that we have been testing a fix and believe we have a solution that should work. I can't go into specifics, but we have once again configured our network (as we have been doing every day...) and I am sure that we're going to see better days from this update onwards. Massive thanks to @Duco for taking the time to develop this! 
    You may see 'loading server resources' for longer than usual but this is expected - it will only take long once and after that should load instantly like it normally does.
  15. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Another Sunday, another update. This one isn't exactly filled with features, but there are some pretty nice and noticeable changes for you to explore. I am also happy to report that we have ironed out the bugs found in our custom presets (such as /bareswitch removing the floor...) and are ready to push these custom interiors to our live server. And let me say - some of these are genuinely top quality work. I forgot I was in a custom mapped interior (yes, done with /furniture) in a few of the new interiors!
    In addition, every new interior has a /bareswitch alternative, so if you don't like the mapping but want the layout, you can fit your own mapping in!
    Thanks to our Mapping Team members that made this possible: @lavakeule @ryz0skii @PlayerX @Chester Campbell @.Scarecrow @Lindsie @Trewen @Hanky
    Anyway, here's the weather:
    - Added randomisation to fist damage (now does between 4 and 7 damage) to make fist fights last longer - Added /fontsize and font size to /settings - Added hotkey-based vehicle interaction - Added phone notification sounds - Added better sync for trunks, doors and bonnets - Added a phone notification when the short-term weather changes - Added the tapered reward amount to /mission for truckers - Fixed an issue with gun bans - Fixed an issue where /hire would check your own player-owned company slots, not the target player's - Fixed an issue where /bareswitch only worked in properties you do NOT have permission to manage  
    There are some smaller fixes that were just one-liners, but I'm ashamed to say I didn't keep track of those ones!

    You can bring up the interaction key by holding ALT near a vehicle, or bring up the interaction menu with U
    Be aware, though. If you leave your windows rolled down, someone can reach in and unlock the car!
    Connection Issues
    As far as I've been able to see, our connection issues are largely resolved! There are one or two people I've seen that cannot connect no matter what, and it seems to me like this is potentially an issue with their specific ISP, rather than the server at this point. Never fear, though, as we can manually tweak our network settings per player now, meaning that anybody encountering these issues can be saved!
    Illegal Roleplay Features
    It's not really a massive secret that our updates recently have not been geared towards illegal roleplayers, and that the drug system is largely not very thrilling. I want to assure you that our priority now is generating cash as an illegal roleplayer. @matical has pumped out some great discussions (relating to a feature that has been asked for since SA-MP, something to do with houses) with the Faction Team, and @Mitcholodolo has been grinding out some great ideas to make the Darknet drugs trade more interesting for people that both do and don't have access to the system. I have also been gathering feedback about forensics (which will, of course, include gloves...) and how to tailor it to be fair for everyone involved in a crime.
    A third point
    Honestly, I forgot what this third point was. I should really plan this out better. I'll probably update this post and include this point in the next post when I remember...
     A third point 
    I actually remembered this about 2 minutes before posting this update, so I thought I'd just edit it in now. I've left the original draft above for a glimpse in how I work when I write up drafts of these posts... Anyway, the third point.
    We will be beginning to evict players that have not spent at least 4 hours in the last 7 days on a character that owns a property in order to free up some space for other players. Premium members are exempt from this activity requirement. What this means is if you have 2 characters, and rent a house on both, you must play for 4 hours in 7 days' time on both characters to retain your house on both characters. If you play 30 hours a week on character 1, and 2 hours a week on character 2, character 2 will lose their house.
    Lastly, we've seen a return to our playerbase since the last update that introduced the connection fixes. Where we were hovering around 20 players, we're now back up to the mid-80s at the same time. I am excited for our rise once more now that desperate people that need us to fail have been stopped in their tracks!
    Here are some images of an exclusive event you probably didn't get invited to as you're not part of one of our great illegal factions! Thanks to @SCANDALOUZ for the mapping and planning of this event!
  16. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Hello, it's me, I was wondering if after all these weeks you'd like an update post?
    First and foremost: 
    - Added vehicle mod shop to add spoilers, roll cages, etc. to your vehicle in a mechanic area - Added medical fees for using /acceptdeath if you are level 3+ - Added loadout options for government type factions - Added drug effects: cocaine reduces recoil and meth reduces incoming damage (more to come) - Added a cost for using /heal at a hospital - Added animations when using your cellphone - Added a 40% buff to lawnmower pay - Added a 50% buff to garbageman pay - Added setup for new trucking routes to be created - Added ability for Company Team to create private hospitals - Added /v tow and /canceltow - Added cruise control - Added rebinding horn key for emergency vehicles - Added a fix for trucking routes disappearing over time - Fixed /fixsiren - Fixed automatically equipping a weapon when exiting a vehicle if it had modifications - Changed tapering to reset every 4 hours instead of 8 hours - Removed vanity plates as an option from the DMV - still accessible via UCP Premium Central  
    This has been a while in the making, I know, but I hope it's worth the wait! There was a lot to consider this update, and test, and re-test, as some of our changes this update were potentially game changers - drugs increasing your health & recoil especially, as that has ramifications on the upcoming weed growing script and the current drug economy!
    We have all been hard at work on major features right now, which, in hindsight, meant the small features and quality of life additions got neglected. That's a scheduling mistake on our part, especially as we moved over to a new project management tool, and it's something we've now rectified for the future. Hopefully Dos Santos' recent post alleviated some fears that we had all buggered off!

    We've heard a lot of feedback recently, especially regarding tapering. I want to assure everybody that tapering is working as expected and is benefitting the majority of players that can only play for a few hours a day. The intention is that you log ingame and you only have to work for 3 hours to get a majority of your expected pay, and that the remaining 5 hours of potential work time in the cycle is spent roleplaying and not worrying about grinding for cash, and this is working as intended. The unintended side effect of this is people do not see a reason to be ingame after the first 3 hours or so as they believe their pay is nerfed after this point - I want to stress that this is not the case, as without the tapering system a player's pay would be a flat rate of $100 or so, rather than starting out high and lowering over time, meaning much more grinding is required.
    Regardless, we have taken on board the feedback and have halved the amount of time required for tapering to be reset, which means now your time will be reset in 4 hours, not 8. This applies to everything that is tapered, from trucking, to fishing, to faction paychecks. If your cyclical pay is $850 (as it is for trucking, for example), you will now be able to make $850 in 4 hours instead of $850 in 8 hours, or $1700 in 8 hours.
    And in addition, both the garbageman and lawnmower jobs have seen a considerable buff in rewards, with garbage man now +50% more profitable and lawnmower 40% more profitable per square, and an additional 75% more profitable for a good job (every square cut).
    Another much requested feature (and one of the most reported for services) is /v tow - you can now tow your vehicle. Another player interacting with your car has the ability to cancel the tow with /canceltow, in case they are roleplaying around it, or are trying to break in and steal it. Another vehicle addition is finally the addition of cruise control! This will be added to both dealerships and mechanics shortly.

    Medical bills have reared their ugly heads, but in an entirely fair way. If somebody kills you, you will not be penalised as we feel this opens the door for players to maliciously deduct $800 from you without roleplay. No, only if you /acceptdeath will you be liable for costs, and only if you are level 3 or above. This is to encourage roleplaying with the Los Santos Fire Department or any private hospitals the state may soon decide to sell! /heal will also now cost money to prevent people from running into a fire station, using the command, and running back out like nothing happened.
    And as for the drug effects, they were balanced quite well from testing - you can see a reduction of up to 50% recoil and incoming damage, but you need to be really messed up to get to that point, on a level where your own shooting skills are probably going to be quite messed up. It's up to you to find a sweet spot!
    Closing out, we have some more changes coming within the next week and are going to try committing to a weekly update cycle again as we had before - there's no reason we should be waiting about a month between updates again.

    Edit 01:06
    Something I forgot to add on the original post was the following 2 tables!
    Top 24 Richest Companies
    table { font-family: Roboto; color: white; border: medium solid black; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } table img { width: 100px; height: auto; } th { border: thin solid black; padding: 4px; background-color: #0000aa44; text-align: center; } td { border: thin solid black; padding: 4px; text-align: center; } .odd { background: #fff3; } tr { background: #fff1; } Company Employees Morozov Enterprises, LLC 11 LitUp, LLC 13 Lacroix Capital Ventures 13 Foreman Consulting, Inc. 4 Blursed, LLC 5 Fast Lane Entertainment, LLC 23 Autohub Logistics, LLC 27 Regal Limited, LLC 8 Roux Capital Group, LLC 11 Blueland Enterprise , LLC 7 W&F Patriotic Fund, LLC 3 Lost Socks Laundromat, LLC 1 Caine's Automotive Industries, LLC 2 Star Security Systems , LLC 3 Rawlins Estates, LLC 3 Valentine Estates, LLC 6 Mosley Estates, LLC 1 The Outsider's, LLC 3 HRMC Food & Beverages, LLC 14 Digital Den Sinner Street, LLC 3 Outcasts, LLC 3 Mirror Park Beverages , LLC 10 San Andreas Network, LLC 2 LD Organics, LLC 2  
    Top 24 Richest People
    Person Net Worth Natasha_Valentine 331,554 Kristijan_Zivanovic 204,392 Jonathan_Accardo 203,346 Damian_Mosley 138,367 Yuri_Mikhailov 132,367 Buck_Oakley 116,089 Jerry_Roux 105,015 Kamar_Mackey 91,466 Tony_Gunter 84,859 Amberly_Hammond 80,492 Aiden_Anderson 78,880 Dario_Martez 78,780 Gabriella_Leone 77,865 Yuri_Morozov 76,568 Winslow_Aphelion 69,467 Robert_McClane 67,562 Matthew_Krauel 67,531 Shen_Li 65,513 Michael_Thomson 64,589 Radomir_Zivanovic 64,245 Brandon_Green 61,463 Vanessa_Garcia 60,943 Michael_Hill 59,895 Dean_Cracchiolo 58,708
  17. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Good morning gang!! Not much filler to add to this one, just that we're working on some stuff... As you may have seen in #snippets, the prison overhaul is full steam ahead - the more specific details haven't been fully ironed out yet, but we're looking at effectively capping prison time to 4 hours/240 minutes (down from 15 hours/900 minutes) and bringing sentences up to be measured in hours and days. The way this will work is as follows:
    You are arrested You get prisoned for 72 hours for kidnapping, with parole available after 90 minutes You must stay in-game and in prison for 90 minutes, then you are eligible to do /paroleme You will be released, but if you do /time you will see that you are still serving your sentence for the full 72 hours You must remain on good behaviour for the whole 72 hours - if you die, you will respawn in prison. If you are arrested, you will go back to prison DCR parole officers will be watching you as well for these 72 hours - if you commit a crime, you will go back to prison If you are remanded back into prison for violating parole, you will lose the ability to /paroleme again, meaning you need to negotiate a second parole term with DCR staff. They may say no and force you to serve the entire sentence depending on what caused you to be remanded back in custody again You do not have to use /paroleme or /releaseme when your time is up - you can stay in prison indefinitely  
    The other major update on the horizon is the long-awaited graffiti script. Yes, it has taken ages, that's my fault entirely. I did the backend part of it and lost all my ideas on how to do the player-facing side of it, so @java took that on and the snippet he shared in the staff chat already looks amazing.
    These are the fonts available to use for graffiti:

    If you want to see any more, feel free to send me links to the fonts!
    And on the UCP, we've now enabled chatlog sharing:

    You can choose to share with every admin, or a specific admin by using @username (e.g. @ImperiumXVII)
    Anyway, here's the changelog for this update:
    - Added the ability for players to share chatlogs on the UCP to use as supporting evidence in reports - Added character count in the text bar when typing - Added over 100 construction objects for government public works - Added blacklist to disable specific vehicle mods (like landmines) - Added /lowto and /shoutto - Added a way for admins to open/close businesses without needing a business owner online - Added interiors defaulting to sunny weather to avoid rain clipping - Added the ability to /localweather to rain if it is also raining in the real world - Added inventories to company and faction vehicles - Added 13 nicotine vapes - Added 7 new drugs - Lean - Peyote - PCP - Ketamine - Ecstasy (MDMA) - LSD - Nitrous Oxide (balloons) - Fixes to vehicle modshop - Fixed /pm colour being wrong for admins on duty - Fixed /v tow working on impounded cars - Fixed /setvolume not working in houses - Changed /chat to /sayto  
  18. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Good evening!! Dos Santos covered most things I wanted to cover in his November update, so I'll just drop the changelog here.
    - Added graffiti - Added new prison/parole system - Added /co for company chat - Added BetaCoins for Darknet users - Added /togphone to turn phone on/off - Added GPS system (/gps, /savegps) - Added temperature to HUD - Added compass direction to HUD - Added government and civilian vehicles - Added mapping for courts - Added mapping for DA's office - Added mapping for LSPD - Added Go-Kart track on Vespucci Beach - Added the ability to rebind the ALT key for interactions - Added the ability for Testers to toggle name colour - Added the ability to equip clothing items on duty - Fixed some animations looping that shouldn't - Fixed some vehicles showing NULL as the name on the HUD - Fixed vehicle/furniture inventories not loading - Fixed not being able to remove mask in /clothes - Fixed some interiors constantly raining - Fixed melee damage - Fixed shotgun damage - Fixed not being able to transfer cash from a company account to your own account - Changed winter temperatures to be more mild and less extreme - Changed the range of /shoutto  
    And a message from @java:
  19. ImperiumXVII

    Development Updates
    Hello my friends and happy diwali to those that observe it. This is just going to be a place to store the changelogs for 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 as they may have been missed on Discord in #changelogs!
    Minor Update 1.6.1
    - Added /shirt /undershirt /pants /facemask /gloves - Added gloves and names for all masks (not all gloves are named correctly yet) - Added more optimisations for graffiti and furniture rendering - Added incorrect spelling for colour (color, by Kane) - Fixed an issue where you could not use capital letters in commands - Fixed an issue with some government vehicles - Changed legal code system on the MDC to allow for more codes  
    Minor Update 1.6.2
    - Added permission for companies to use company chat - Added ability to use /mic as a company member - Added ability to use /setstation without an entertainment permit (illegally) - Added health cap override effects to PCP and Lean (lean will give up to +40 health cap, PCP will give +20 in addition to the +30 from oxycodone and +15 from paracetamol) - Fixed an issue with inventory space (1g drug is 100 items, as 1 drug item is 0.01g for example, hence no room) - Fixed bugs with object selector - Fixed vehicle modshop overwriting existing mods - Fixed inventory being removed when released from prison - Changed graffiti to always be loaded rather than load in when streamed in (reduces lag/crashes) - Changed health cap reset from 2 hours to 1 hour  
    There's not much of an announcement to go with this, just wanted to keep you informed. The update will come within the next hour or so!
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