Company Update from Dos Santos
A message from @Dos Santos
We have recently expanded the company system by opening our first lot of private owned government contract companies. The main reason behind us locking it at the initial server launch was to make sure that we could monitor the economy and making sure that the system wasn't going to be over-complicated. I feel like I am now at a place, where we can have private owned government contract companies, this being mechanics and trucking companies.
Cypress Logistics - The reward cut has been set to 40% - this means, that Cypress Logistics employees will be earning significantly less than a private owned trucking company. The main reason behind this is when a player joins the server we still want them to be able to earn money, and we understand that it may be tedious and unfamiliar with the script, but the main way to earn a good amount of money is going down the route and working for a private owned trucking company as this trucking company can set their own reward cut percentage. Good news for you, this means that there will be a market for competitiveness with different trucking companies. Myself, I have reached out to two individuals to kick-start the trucking system by giving them their own government contract to trial it for the initial process and then hopefully, expand in the future to allowing people to apply.
Los Santos Customs - The reward cut has also been set at 40% - this means that Los Santos Customs will be at a disadvantage. But, if you work for a private owned company you have more chances of earning more money. And this goes down the route of providing more, great roleplay. Myself, I have reached out to four individuals to kick-start the Mechanic system by giving them their own government contract to trial it for the initial process and then hopefully, expand in the future to allowing people to apply.
What are the benefits behind Player Owned Government Contracts?
- The person running the company is able to set their own reward cut, which means for them if another company is trying to gain a lot of their staff then this is a good way for a recruitment perspective.
- It will enhance roleplay, at the moment the scripted element of Cypress Logistics means you get in a truck, and you do /mission - hopefully with the player owned trucking companies they will provide, and cater a lot of roleplay to their employees.
- Certain amount of money goes to the company, so in-fact the owners of the company can have a reward system. So there is potential for you earning more money with the owners setting up schemes.
What's our plans?
The plans at the moment are to make sure that we're getting people roleplaying and surely not focusing on the scripted jobs, as let's be realistic we want people to roleplay, we want these companies to be interlinked with factions, we want people to be communicating and starting their own enterprises. This is the greatest route towards the script that we have access to by allowing the company owners to set their own types of reward cut.
How does the Reward Cut work?
If you work for a private company - and the reward cut is set at 50% - if you earn $500 from your trucking route. $500 goes to the company, and then come payday 50% would go to yourselves, while the other 50% remains with the company so the company would keep $250, while you would get $250.
We are still trialling this at the moment and changes should be expected. If we find that private trucking companies do not get much activity, we will look at lowering the company cut again for Cypress Logistics.
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