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Everything posted by Maxim

  1. Had a Samsung Galaxy 7 Edge which I got like 4 years ago, bought an iPhone 13 Pro a few days ago.
  2. The Council will also include the county area (we considered changing the name of the Council to reflect the inclusion of the county area, but ultimately went against it as we don't want to over-complicate things, so we just kept it as the City Council). We will also consider the county area when making decisions, there will also be services which will only apply to them, so we don't pull an LS:RP SA:MP and neglect everything outside of the city.
  3. We were planning to have the whole map under the county, yes - as this whole thing wasn't really brought up at any point. I'm sure we can work something out, though.
  4. The issue is not only with SD but also with the government faction, as we've already begun working on things under one county since we had to consolidate the levels of government due to the emphasis on a local form of government.
  5. Maxim

    Cities Skylines

    I find myself playing City Skylines every once in a while, all of my cities end up looking like a poorly cut cake though.
  6. I personally was always under the impression we were replacing California with San Andreas, although I never tried to actually envision what it would look like geographically. I'm not sure how I feel about just ignoring the water around (even though it's a game development limitation) because a lot of players can't be bothered with reading lore-related documents and there's also the factor of new players who will somehow need to become aware of how things are portrayed on LSRP. There is one thing which caught my eye and is the objection to singleplayer brands such as the fast food chains, I don't see why they can't get the same treatment as being knockoffs like Anna Rex and the other clothing brands.
  7. Us portraying Los Angeles doesn't mean things can always be a 1:1 resemblance, it's just impossible and complicated (with the no. 1 proof being IRL bureaucracy).
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