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Everything posted by KnownAlmighty

  1. Not to mention that it's another method of money making. Easy money comes on illegal activities like this than slacking on mechanic job all the time like it used to be on SAMP is something I prefer. More roleplay can be created around this one without a doubt.
  2. It's a whole work you put into, no doubt, man. Looks very neat.
  3. Stab and shoot, leaving the body in the dumpster
  4. Rings me a bell. @rwenton Hi.
  5. Hi, enjoy your stay and welcome back?
  6. Good luck with your stay in LS, man
  7. Welcome back to LS and enjoy your stay.
  8. Welcome back to LS, man.
  9. I drive on AMG Mercedes 2021, from time to time I switch to swap my wife's car which is CX5 4x4 Mazda.
  10. Enjoy your stay and welcome, good luck! 🙂
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