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Potatoguides last won the day on October 17 2021

Potatoguides had the most liked content!

About Potatoguides

  • Birthday 10/14/2002

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Frontline soldier in WW3. - Would you rather know the secrets of the universe (no matter how extreme they are and/or the horrific things you may see), or, never touch any drug in your entire life (this being illegal and legal drugs).
  2. I think that when you get into the sticky latter of forcing people into doing things, it doesn't end out as well as you may think, not everyone (including myself) would agree with the decisions of a forced CK however lengthy prison times have ALWAYS been a thing on LSRP, even back in the golden era of SAMP you'd get tons of hours racked up if you committed any sort or type of felony action. So I can mainly agree with this, however I don't really believe that anyone should be forced into CKING a character, unless there are certain T&C's met.
  3. Big ups to man like Drug Money, man like NASTY, and any of the mandem that was in Felton Avenue. Any of the former legends, holla at me.
  4. It'd be nice to browse back through the old history of LSRP and post up some of the stuff we've experienced throughout the years. I'll go first with a random collection of old screens I had found on my PC. -- That's all I could find, feel free to put whatever on here... (NO ERP). --
  5. This is perfect, I’ll be able to show some of the new people in my faction this masterpiece.
  6. Hey, might've seen me around on GTA RP, so excited to finallllllllllly play LSRP again.
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