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  1. Actually, when we talk about the Italian Organized Crime ( Mafia-Like Organizations ), we rarely distinguish between the various types of criminal organizations that populate Italy and that often migrate to other continents safeguarding traditions of the criminal organization they were part of. 

The main differences are found in:
 Jobs they handle The way they threat petty crime The way they act Where they come from In 2021 have been officially recognized some mafia-like organizations operating both in Southern and Northern Italy with countless imports of drugs and weapons from different continents. What are these recognized criminal organizations? Cosa Nostra ( or Sicilian Mafia ) - Sicily 'Ndrangheta - Calabria Camorra - Campania Sacra Corona Unita - Puglia And other small groups affiliated with these criminal organizations COSA NOSTRA The criminal organization that started the phenomenon commonly referred to as the "mafia" General Info: With the passing years the structure and the organization have been lost, in fact the old marked hierarchy ( Consigliere, Capodecina, Soldier etc.. ) has practically disappeared. The structure of this criminal organization is now homologated to the structure of the other organizations since the criminal organization way of acting has changed radically compared to the last century. Jobs they Handle: drugs trafficking, guns trade, money laundering, protection service, manipulation of the legal system. Petty Crime: Cosa Nostra ( or Sicilian Mafia ) doesn't care about petty crime and the reason is simple. Actually one of their income just comes from protection service that is related to petty crime. Violence: MEDIUM - If the situation is resolvable in a contained or violent way, they will choose the contained way unless they want to teach a lesson. Where they come from: Sicily, Italy. 'NDRANGHETA The most violent mafia-like organization born in Italy General Info: The mafia-like criminal organization commonly called "'Ndrangheta" is not only a simple mafia-like criminal organization. It is the most violent mafia-like organization. It has a precise structure followed and idolized so much that it has never been changed since its inception. Structure: Everything comes to life through families called "ndrine". A set of ndrine is called "local". A local has its boss who has the right to decide if a person has to live or to die, an accountant, and a "crime" that deals with relations with other criminal organizations. The important thing is that there isn't just a "local" but there are several locals scattered all around the place they want to control. Jobs they Handle: drugs trafficking, guns trade, money laundering, protection service, manipulation of the legal system, countless investments on the stock exchange for foreign shares, scams Petty Crime: They do not admit it, therefore they usually repress the perpetrators of petty crime. Violence: HIGH Where they come from: Calabria, Italy CAMORRA One of the most ancient mafia-like criminal organizations in Italy General Info: What does "Camorra" mean? "Camorra [...], in the general meaning of the word, designates much more than the association [...] The word applies to all abuses of force or influence" ( Marc Monnier ). It is one of the most ancient mafia-like criminal organizations in Italy and the second one in terms of violence. Structure: This organization is divided into individual groups called "clans". Each clan differ from each other by type of influence on the territory, organizational structure, economic strength and their way to act. Each clan has a "boss" and each boss can manage up to hundreds of affiliates, depending on the power and structure of each clan. Jobs they Handle: The main activities of the Camorra are drug trafficking, racketeering, counterfeiting and money laundering. Furthermore, it is not unusual for the Camorra clans to infiltrate the politics of their respective areas. Petty Crime: They favor petty crime. Violence: HIGH Where they come from: Campania, Italy While in the past criminal organizations were very well defined, today criminal organizations operate in a totally different way. Today we can even talk about "Criminal Enterprise". The FBI defines a criminal enterprise as a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy, or comparable structure, engaged in significant criminal activity. These organizations often engage in multiple criminal activities and have extensive supporting networks. Various federal criminal statutes specifically define the elements of an enterprise that need to be proven in order to convict individuals or groups of individuals under those statutes. In the States, the RICO statute defines an organization as "any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity." and defines a criminal enterprise as "any group of six or more people, where one of the six occupies a position of organizer, a supervisory position, or any other position of management with respect to the other five, and which generates substantial income or resources, and is engaged in a continuing series of violations". Those associations of individuals operate transnationally for the purpose of obtaining monetary and commercial gains, power, influence, totally or in part by illegal means, while protecting their activities through a pattern of corruption and violence, or while protecting their illegal activities through a transnational organizational structure and the exploitation of transnational commerce or communication mechanisms. Talking about Italian Organized Crime, in the United States the FBI estimates several Mafia groups operating in the United States. More than 3000 members and associates scattered mostly throughout major cities in the Northeast, Midwest, California, and the South. What about their largest presence? The largest Italian Organized Crime presence is estimated around New York, Philadelphia and New Jersey. The major threats posed by these groups are drug trafficking ( heroin and cocaine in particular ) and money laundering. They're often involved in political corruption, illegal gambling, kidnapping, extortion, fraud, counterfeiting, murders, bombings, infiltration of legitimate business and weapons trafficking. Main activities: Drug Trafficking Interstate transportation of stolen property Murder for hire Bribery Sports bribery Fraud Money laundering Obstruction of justice Prostitution Counterfeit goods trafficking Interstate shipment thefts Gambling Extortion What about tattoos? Italian Organized Crime do not use specific tattoos to designate membership with the group, but some factions of the mafia occasionally get tattoos. For example, one common tattoo among the Stidda group is the five green marks in a circle that form a small starr: As you can see it is a small tattoo since secrecy is among the highest values.
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