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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2023 in all areas

  1. Honestly, you complained a lot, especially for two whole weeks, about various things, like weapon rules and illegal role-playing. This constant complaining was a major factor in why many people left. It felt like you wrote a whole book with all your complaints. Which eventually got things changed all those things you put up there you was the one mainly doing that nobody else. How many times will you create similar discussion threads about the same issues? This is your seventh general discussion thread, and it often revolves around the same complaints. It appears that you're trying to push the idea that it's other players making these complaints when, in reality, it might be you. From what I've observed, most complaints about LSRP focus on the job script, while other concerns seem less relevant. Some people choose not to play here solely because of this issue. LSRP is generally a great server to play on, but it has some shortcomings that will likely be fixed over time. However, your repeated posts won't contribute to solving these issues and might even make them worse. Personally, I haven't complained about the job script because I've easily made over $300,000, but I've rarely heard anyone else complain about things like home interiors or more roleplay schemes, aside from solo roleplayers.
    6 points
  2. Most people have never experienced that, so trying to appeal to nostalgia won't have much of an effect. In fact, it's one of the issues. The problems of the server started before it was even open. The powers that be seem to have thought that just bringing the brand back would've been enough to get former players to abandon other communities and go back home. Unfortunately this was the most wrong of assumptions. For one, after 2016 LSRP lost most of its original appeal, as it had turned into a jumbled mess of OOC connections, user infighting, complacency on behalf of the staff and staleness on behalf of the players and thus most émigrés had no reason to come back other than temporary curiosity. Additionally, the playerbase of other communities isn't composed exclusively of LSRP refugees, and those players who have never heard of it have little reason to check a server that offers a tenth of the features for no other significant gain. The economic system is good and the idea of having people buy things on credit is both very immersive and realistic in theory, but the scripts surrounding it have been designed backwards, in a way that actually discourages roleplaying around script-based jobs and fosters a mentality of grinding. The trash job works like a single-player mission that forces you to go from point A to point B and then repeat the same action 10 times instead of being a multiplayer system so that multiple players can roleplay a sanitation crew and, you know, roleplay while earning. The trucking is likewise not focused on actually roleplaying by having players share routes or some other similar framework, it instead encourages players to rush like a lemming to earn the most. There's no system that helps players to create roleplay hubs by simply existing while also earning a few bucks (i.e. the 24/7 job system that other communities have). In short the job scripts seem to have been teleported straight from 2010 and there's nothing, or very little, that's scripted to earn money while roleplaying with other people. But not all scripts are bad. Law enforcement scripts, for example, are quite advanced for a server that has launched not so long ago. Unfortunately not even half of the effort that was put into scripts for LEO factions was put into scripts that cater to illegal factions, with the end result being a noticeably unbalanced situation that definitely soured the illegal roleplayers. There's no reason to engage in the most common types of trafficking since narcotics have no effect and there's thus no market for them (since yeah, roleplay and all, but the people who use them just for roleplay can be counted on the fingers of one hand), and weapons appear to be a dime a dozen for criminals (and unbelievably expensive for legal roleplayers, which contributed to sour that share of the playerbase). Like it or not, the majority of RAGE MP players are used to having heaps of scripts to use as a crutch in their roleplay and thinking otherwise is just foolish from a business standpoint: you can do just fine without them, just don't expect to have enough of a playerbase to support the server. And even leaving the scripts aside and focusing on the storytelling, another major issue is that nothing was done to combat the staleness that affected SAMP's LSRP, it was doubled down on instead. This wasn't the fault of whoever is calling the shots only, though, as the West Coast has been used as backdrop for 15 years straight and there's very little that can be done differently, but even what could be done differently wasn't even taken into account. The lore and storytelling could've been the saving throws of LSRP, given that its main competitor seem to think that trying to create lore is a capital offense, but the LSRP mythos, despite having 15 years of SAMP history that could've been tapped into to create an immersive history, are reduced to three paragraphs that use the standard "we're just SoCal, but with some NorCal in an area of the map no one roleplays in". There's just nothing, in terms of factions or concepts, that can entice players because it isn't found anywhere else. The most obvious example is the legal faction panorama, that could've started with some fresh ideas that hadn't already been beaten to death in LSRP's previous instance and other communities but, no, you decided to go again with the tired LSPD/LSSD combo, which players can already experience in any server set in San Andreas, instead of ditching one of the two in favor of something new such as the SAHP or one of the half a dozen smaller police agencies that operate within LA city limits, and then you topped it all off by making both extremely bloated in an effort to be "realistic" instead of starting small and growing along with the playerbase. And then there's the complacency, which is perhaps the biggest issue of all. If you want the server to succeed you just cannot afford to be complacent or disappear for weeks on end only to pop up with a half-assed apology promising you'll do better in the future. The competition is many things, but complacent isn't one of them. You cannot possibly expect to pile up broken promise upon broken promise on top of a brand that is already greatly devalued since its heyday and get away with it. You need to set a vision of what you want to achieve roleplay-wise and stick to it, not jump from update to update and make it up as you go along. Either take it seriously and make justice to the banner you're under or call it a day and let people remember LSRP as the shining city on a hill that it once was. P.S. for the Panda's surveillance team: see, you're not that special, other management teams need guidance too.
    4 points
  3. It's been a while, huh? Well, it's that time lads. I want to address the community, especially those unwilling to login anymore - what the hell do y'all want, and what the hell is your problem? What the hell have you not gotten? Let me get back to you on that, let me first point out to all the stuff that we have gotten. Company Team: - We wanted revised business income policy and script in order to enable businesses to actually earn money and be worth while for their owners. - We got that. - We wanted for business furniture to remain free past the first month of the server, in order not to put aspirant business owners at a massive disadvantage to others that applied for a business a mere 15 days before them. - We got that. - We wanted the ability to do /cad from our businesses. - We got that. - We wanted the ability to be paid for doing a business/in-character work that isn't necessarily the stereotypical bar, cafe and etc. (e.g. magazines, news agencies, etc) - We got that. - We cried about being unable to afford an interior designer for our sex dungeons. - Company team spawned us money to pay interior designers. - We wanted trucking, taxi and etc player owned companies that are tied to actual existing script jobs. - We got that. - And much, much, much more. The point is that the company team has been nothing short of spectacular in not only listening to the players, but actively co-operating with them for the good of all sides involved, and of course the server and it's business scene. Faction Team: - We wanted schemes, we got schemes. - We wanted more schemes, we got more schemes. - We wanted solo schemes, we got solo schemes. - We cried for even more ways to make money illegally. Introducing scenario schemes. - I personally cried for /f chat to be enabled (it wasn't intended to) because why not? We got that. - We're getting faction cars and properties on request, something typically reserved for official factions, just to "help us roleplay or whatever" - we are getting those. I'll say that Faction Team has been moving rather slow in some aspects, perhaps too slow at times, but you have to give credit where credit is due, and we really did get a lot of stuff/most that we have asked for. I dare say we even got a lot more stuff from the faction team as random, 1 month old factions that normally roleplaying servers are accustomed to giving. These two teams are the backbones for helping create for players, or helping players create for themselves and for others. What the hell have they not given you? Property Team: - Y'all wanted the ability to request properties, interior changes, exterior furniture for businesses, outdoor script support for businesses and all that kind of quality of life cool stuff? Well, you got all that. And from what I can see in the forums the proprety team is getting shit done in an extremely timely manner. Economy Team: - Y'all wanted for the hardcore economy to be toned down a bit, for pay to be buffed across the board, for automatic paychecks to be added. What the hell have you not gotten? - Do you want /everything/ for free? If you're still broke, then that is because of your own self. There are /more/ than enough ways to make money. You can sustain/own an excellent car and a home at a great location for virtually doing nothing (no in-game work) but online time. Now, if you want to actually be rich/resourceful - you have to put some work into it. What's so wrong about that? General Administration: - Myself has been one of the most loud whiners about the general administration and the urgent need to crack down on all the stupid shit, poor escalations, deathmatching and etc in-game. All of that has been done in case you haven't noticed. I mean, come on, Tony Bilmain has been banned. I still feel like there is a lot of room to grow in that direction, but it should be obvious to anyone who cares to look that the general administration has been looking to crack down on stupid shit, or quite frankly have been getting sick and tired of stupid shit themselves. This is a win. Development Team: - Ah shit, here we go again with the development team being the villains, and the script being barebones as fuck. Unplayable? Innit? No, it is fucking not. Yes, the script is raw, but notice all of these cool things that we have gotten above from a variety of staff teams. More than half of them needed the development team to put in the work to enable the ability for these other staff teams to give us these cool things that we wanted. Yes, the server released with a script that didn't live up to expectations, but we have for the most part gotten everything that we have wanted since then, and the development team has been the key player and the fire starter in making sure that we do get all that we wanted. - So, what the fuck do y'all want? The lack of a hunting script is ruining the LS-RP experience for you? There's quality role play going on into the server. If this does not retain you, nothing will. Now it's time to expand on the original subject of the topic and just the above development team rant that I have written. Do you remember when roleplaying was about storytelling? Creativity? Imagination? Do you remember when you didn't need 9000 features/scripts to babysit you for you to have fun roleplaying? Do you need for an automated robot/script to do /everything/ for you? I'll ask again - What the hell do y'all want? There is great role play going on into the server. If this doesn't retain you - then absolutely no script feature will. Isn't this a roleplaying community? Are you not here to roleplay? Do you need for an RPG-esque system to hold your hand or even - do everything for you? This truly is an age of 100% self-entitlement and 0% self-accontability. Everyone wants everything right now, but doesn't want to do anything about it. Understand that, even with all the scripts in the world and paid developers working 24 hours around the clock - this server is only as good as it's communty. The staff can give us the tools (and they have been giving them), they can't use them instead of ourselves. If everyone sits on the outside and waits for LS:RP to become a better place before diving in, then it will never be. Be the change that you want to see. And this is coming from someone who has been hyper-critical of staff on many ocassions. And for staff members who are on LOA here while playing GTA:W - Please step down.
    2 points
  4. Hello again from another update post! First off, some colours have changed! To better help you distinguish who is responsible for what, we have changed some of our staff rank colours. This will help players, and staff, figure out who to approach for their problem. For example, management has been changed to orange (the colour of the R in the LSRP logo) to separate them from Lead Admins and Senior Lead Admins as the former generally does not perform basic administratrion like the latter does. Senior Admins are in a darker green to denote their seniority, and Trainee Admins are separated from the Tester colour to make them stand out more whilst still making it clear they're not full admins. Here's our changelog: - Added new vehicles to pdm.com - Added new vehicles to spawn in the showrooms of both car and motorcycle dealerships - Added over 2000 different variations of clothing available in stores - Added the ability to be in multiple player-owned companies via the Premium Central panel on the UCP - Added the ability for Company Team members to set a business to a custom amount of furniture items - Added auto low effect on /dice and /rnumber for gamblers - Added the ability to /selectroadblock to select a roadblock with the mouse - Added /l back as an alias for /low - Added more furniture item previews - Added better anticheat detection for cheated weapons (they no longer do damage) Connection Issues These connection issues have been a pain for all of us but I'm happy to say that we have been testing a fix and believe we have a solution that should work. I can't go into specifics, but we have once again configured our network (as we have been doing every day...) and I am sure that we're going to see better days from this update onwards. Massive thanks to @Duco for taking the time to develop this! You may see 'loading server resources' for longer than usual but this is expected - it will only take long once and after that should load instantly like it normally does.
    1 point
  5. Says a lot when you're providing no constructive criticism and you're simply flaming him for making a thread on what he feels is wrong with the server. Nothing to do with "not agreeing with him". Learn to provide something useful to the discussion and maybe your post won't be removed.
    1 point
  6. Hello, you can proceed with this scheme, however: You won't get ALL the items, considering this is a robbery and you can't really loot everything the store has in 90 seconds. A minute after you guys go inside, the scheme supervisor has to call the 911 hotline and inform them that: A store's alarm has went off. Location: Neighborhood/Street name. You don't have to be super specific with the location, but it has to be nearby or the street's name so it's fair game for the law enforcement too. We will discuss more about the money after the heist is pulled, I'll however look into the items I can give you based on the roleplay you provide here. Roleplay screenshots have to be taken as raw, not edited by any means and with /timestamp to it. It has to show the moment the law enforcement has been called and the conversation on the phone, the rest has to be roleplay you guys will conduct inside. If caught by the police, you'll obviously not get the items as they would seize them.
    1 point
  7. Yh Dom Toretto cried and then the whole server left, it's 70 players peak time 33 of them are cops the rest are "mallrats" tryna see virtual titties at the pit stop. Pretty much every gang faction has left, us included. It's too late you had a playerbase willing to give it a chance, fucked trucking up countless times. Introduced a basically no gun scheme. It's a game, gang banging involves guns. It's part of the fun of roleplaying one. Basically anyone who was willing to give it a chance has already tried it and left. It's over. What makes this server any better than another RP server that's already established? That will make players give it another chance, nothing. It's a business at the end of the day that's how competition works.
    1 point
  8. Well, I've managed to get on the server in less than a minute. Good job guys
    1 point
  9. The issues stated in the original post have been fixed since launch, however, there's a noticeable drop of players since launch. Personally, I think that people gave the server a chance and were too impatient to wait for updates to release. With additions to the development team and Imperium as head of game development, I believe this server will thrive in due time. Every server has issues during its infancy, this is nothing new. What I'd like to see, and what other community members would likely like to see as well, is a public roadmap. The Google sheets document was shown to us, however, I think having a log that's updated with who's working on what at any given time would provide transparency that would ultimately benefit the server and boost player morale. Keeping a list updated with what's being worked on and what's going to be worked on next based on priority could only be beneficial, in my opinion.
    1 point
  10. Lol this response here is quite revealing. You seem to be consistently addressing a roleplay community every week with an essay about the same topic. It makes me wonder why you believe the server should revolve around your preferences exclusively. It appears you think your way of roleplaying is the only valid one. It's worth noting that gang "ROLEPLAYERS" have always played a significant role in the success of LSRP. While you've expressed concerns about issues unrelated to your own character, such as being an illegal racer or whatever your role may be, it's important to consider the purpose of these frequent posts. You're correct in pointing out the unrealistic shootouts and similar problems, but some of your complaints may seem unnecessary. This entire post might lack a clear argument. You were the one bringing up these concerns, and it seems like nobody else shared them. What specific changes are you hoping to achieve through this post?
    0 points
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