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  1. Great event and great update!
  2. Completely agree with everything Scandalouz said both here and in the original post. I'm honestly fed up with the gang DMing. It's insane. But that said... He and many others mentioned the fact that you have to get online and get in game to really reap the benefits of all the staff team has done thus far. There is something to be said for those of us who continue to get on and roleplay despite the issues at hand... Namely the rampant DMing. That said, you can very easily fix the issue of being upset here, by simply getting in game.
  3. It's going to turn into world's vibe of a DM haven. You're totally right, it's starting to slip and sadly, it's not going to stop unless something is done.
  4. Something has to give here. I'll repost what I said in discord. The other night when I was doing an opening... It was totally ruined by a DMer who came in and called people every slur in the book. Some people took offense to this, rp fist fight ensues... Then they randomly scrolled a pistol, gunned down the entire establishment, someone managed to kill them, they disconnected. Shortly thereafter, admin comes and revives us but the scene was ruined completely and no consequences were doled out to the offender to my knowledge. Very unfortunate.
  5. @DDaniels @Mitcholodolo So can I still get this considering I applied and was accepted before the leader of faction requirement? It seems only fair, especially considering we've been doing roleplay for this for a good two weeks or so.
  6. @DDaniels Us actually going and doing the withdrawals.
  7. @DDanielsSome updates for you on the progress of this! Just a few comments that describe us actually starting the work / discussing it, etc.
  8. Awesome, sounds great. I'll be sure to send in screens. Planning to start this passively, this week.
  9. Great question, I'd say the risk here would be being caught scamming/wire fraud. In other words, transferring scammed funds to legitimate accounts. I have a few other ideas for scenarios if this is not adequate.
  10. In Game Name: Jack Marrese Faction Name: The Bellomo Crime Family Faction Thread Link: What type of organization is your faction?: LCN/Organized Crime Provide a list of participating faction members (put the person that is organising it first): Jack Marrese Jason Pagano Describe your scenario and your plan: In this scenario, a small group of us will be reselling ICly nude photographs that we will obtain from more expensive pay-per-view sites such as Onlyfans, etc. and will sell them at half the price. It would operate such that we could sell these digitally, the funds would be routed through an anonymous Maze Pay and then pulled out as cash at ATMs across the city. It will all be roleplayed appropriately and screenshots will be collected as requested. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have! Are you requesting money or items? (and if it's items, please state what items you would want to acquire) Money @Mitcholodolo @DDaniels@almightybounter
  11. Completely agree with this and @SCANDALOUZ. I feel that the staff team should be far more transparent when it comes to business applications and their content, as well as how businesses are able to make a profit. I understand that "business profit" in general is an issue they're addressing, but I completely agree that all this red tape is getting ridiculous. Another point I'd like to make is in regards to the script jobs and the lack of general income to purchase things like cars, property, etc. Most of us here are in our mid-twenties to late thirties IRL. I know lots of the SAMP/OG LS-RP players certainly are and I'm getting there at the age of 23 already. I cannot speak for everyone but speaking for the faction and group of roleplayers I run with, the general consensus is that many of us have lives IRL that require engagement and lots of time to do. In order to do much of anything without having a business, having a scheme, or being in an official faction, you have to spend countless hours grinding script jobs. The aforementioned roleplayers in my faction and I come here for the roleplay, not necessarily to sit and drive a truck around for hours. It's entertaining for a while but when it starts to stand in between accomplishing the goals of a faction or character in RP, it becomes fruitless. Just some thoughts from 12+ year text-only roleplayer on a variety of platforms and mediums. As an adendum to this, I don't exactly know what the correct answer is, but giving more opportunities to make some money that doesn't require scripty grinding would be good.
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