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Mentor (12/14)
Good update and congratulations to @DDaniels and @BigTank, very well deserved.
IFM feeling entitled to development for the illegal scene? What a shock.
I don't know what you mean by 'concrete answer on what they wanted'. There's a whole faction team/dev section on the forums with multiple threads outlining systems we want implementing. A fraud script, weed growing scripts etc.
I don't disagree, I just think destroying IFM as a whole won't fix the issue it will exacerbate it.
Why are you posting on here if you don't actually want the server to improve? You post clearly lying about a strawman application taking 3-4 months when there's people actually looking to be productive and make improvements.
So there it is guys, he finally admitted why he really wants IFM gone. It's because he didn't get strawman. This isn't a thread to air out your personal grievances, if you're not good enough for a scheme that's not everyone else's fault.
Removing inactive staff is absolutely something that's been needed for a while, and this is something I had argued about in staff chat a while back. Combining IFM into one team that handles legal and illegal factions isn't the best move though. The reason things have been separated into different divisions (I can speak from experience with IFC) is because when certain requests aren't a specific person's or group's responsibility they often get ignored. If we had a small team that handled everything, you'd get people only focusing on the thing they care about still anyway and parts of the server would go ignored as there's noone appointed to focus on it. This is already an issue when it comes to the dev and mapping teams. IFM have given plenty of ideas to devs for illegal factions, these were to be taken up be Kendrick Underwood, when he left there was no dev willing to focus on illegal rp and everything was done on their whim again, legal factions took focus and IFMs suggestions were yet again ignored. This isn't far off how things have been working, the issue is when we have done a bunch of these steps within IFM then no dev wants to take up the implementation of a system cause they only care about working on systems their friends have suggested or PD/SD related things as that's where they roleplay. This happens a lot with mapping, if you're an official faction and want mapping you're less likely to get it than an unofficial faction that just opened as long as that faction is close to the mapping team.
Those of you thinking one or two people can run IFM on their own clearly have no insight into how much has to be done, if they made that change you'd be crying about requests taking too long to be completed within a week. Maybe think about things for longer than a minute before putting forwards a stupid suggestion like that. Also the idea of "just fucking listen to official faction leaders" makes no sense, they don't all agree, they're not some hivemind. For example, the recent ROE change had half of the server saying we need to relax the rules on hits and up the limit from 1 M4 and 4 men per hit. At the same time there were people wanting to go in the opposite direction who's main issue was cutting down on unrealistic attacks and block wipes. These opinions were coming from different official factions, which ones do we listen to? Just the people we like? No, we need people with experience around factions to talk it out, discuss ideas and come to a decision on what's best for the server.
Only way it has a chance is with activity from those in leadership positions, it needs to come from the top. If leads are inactive, why would game admins log in? If people log on early morning and there's no admins on and they're getting consistently DMed, why would they continue logging on? Too many people are in positions still, not because they want to help, but because they want to be seen as important and like having that swanky rank next to their name. I think it's way too late to fix this personally which is why I vacated my positions and let someone else give it a go. We'd all love to see the server thrive like in its prime but I'm not sure it's possible and even if it was, I'm not sure the right people are in leadership positions to make it a reality. ily jungsaeo 🧡
congrats my love 🧡
Congrats everyone! 🧡
fake taxi time
Flip started following Caledonite
Caledonite started following Flip
SA-MP Game Update 13.3.18 / RageMP Game Update 2.5
Flip commented on ImperiumXVII's blog entry in Announcements