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December Community Update

Dos Santos




Hello all,

As we bid farewell to a great November, filled with incredible updates, it's time to dive into festive season, welcome to December's Update! We will be going over a multitude of topics, from development highlights to IFM enhancements, Companies' updates, and the latest from our Events Staff. There's a lot in store.

Modding Team

The modding team is working to bring more mods to he server, whether it's clothes, vehicles, or anything else from a modding perspective. If you know how to mod, Jack is currently recruiting more modders - you can find information on joining the team here.

Throughout this month, we had many updates that players have been asking for. We are working with the Communications Team to get Feature Documentation out on the new features. In the future, these documentations will come out with the features to make this process more user friendly. A peak at some of what we've had this month


- Added armoured car transports and robberies
- Added business types that will buy certain expensive items for a cut (pawn shops)
- Added the ability to clean cash that was stolen from an armoured car in certain pawn shops for a roughly 60% cut
- Added ability for ATMs to be operated by companies and set a usage fee
- Added a $5000 cap to the cash inside an ATM to encourage frequent refills
- Added company uniforms
- Added camera object with 2 lenses available (default lens or add-on super lens)
- Added ability for larger lenses to see /ame text from further away than normal
- Added bank property type
- Added vehicle suspension mods (/offersuspension)
- Added more logging to use of certain commands and features
- Added ability to change nametag font via /settings
- Added inventory capacities
- Added news broadcasting and live interviews for companies with the "News Broadcaster" contract
- Added the ability for Testers to revive people that die to bugs if there are no admins in-game
- Added the ability to change celcius in the HUD to fahrenheit via /settings
- Added the ability to disable the temperature and compass in the HUD via /settings
- Added a favourites menu to /gps
- Added showing open businesses to /gps
- Added new large data processor to fix inventory and command list bugs, and other large data-related bugs
- Added the ability for ATMs to be created inside businesses
- Added the ability for admins to default loans and remove cars from players
- Added the ability to add new radio stations in-game (no policy yet on how to request one)
- Added hospital interior type
- Added the ability to toggle off news chats in /settings
- Added the ability to sell vehicles back to a dealership that sells the same vehicle model for a loss

- Added functional inventories for company, faction vehicles

- Added "broadcast equipment" furniture tag to allow people to broadcast from properties
- Added Gruppe Sechs (security) clothing mods
- Added motorcycle club clothing mods
- Added company duty system (/startshift) with pay adjustable by company owners
- Added news vehicles
- Added more security company vehicles


Mapping Team
The mapping team has been working through existing requests from legal factions and in October & November they have worked on City Hall, Public Works HQ, Sleeping Quarters and Air Ops HQ for FD, Gang Field Office for PD, and Parole Offices for Corrections. The team has also streamlined a process for companies to ask for assistance with mapping, and for the events team to ask for mapping. The team's next projects will be working on adding more server sided interiors for people to choose from, as well as starting the rework of complex interiors. If you have an idea of interiors you'd like to be able to request, feel free to post on this topic. If you have any other ideas as far as mapping, feel free to reach out to @Sparkles directly on discord or forum PM.

The mapping team is looking to make new requestable interiors for players, and would love feedback on what you want to see. 


Legal Faction Management

Legal Faction Management has formed a new team called Government Management. This team will be tasked with taking part in various discussions set out by legal faction management, including reports against those legal factions, taking steps to ensure the quality of legal factions is increased for everyone involved (including illegal faction teams), and actively providing accurate advice to legal faction members and leaders when requested. 

The team has a few questions in the December survey, including whether or not community members would be interested in a larger survey about different legal factions. These results will be anonymized and information given in summary format to the legal factions.


Illegal Faction Mangement (IFM)

The IFM team is deeply engaged in restructuring the perks for faction statuses (verified/official), refining the faction team's handbook and criteria for verified factions, and redesigning the assignment of betacoins, varying amounts for different faction types. They are  also tweaking the solo schemes (weapon/drugs) and working on enabling factions to implement their mods into the server. Furthermore, IFM are developing a back alley scheme for faction properties, facilitating medical roleplay without hospital visits, and reducing the time needed for factions to apply for statuses (verified/official). Lastly for now, they are also implementing the robbery of ATM fillers through scenario schemes.


Company Team

Company Owners can now request liveries to be added in game to be used by their company. These need approval from both company team and modding team. 
The Company Team has added the ability for active companies to be able to request vehicles free of charge, up to four vehicles, to be used by their company members. 
There will be a new company contract coming soon, with everyone being given the opportunity to apply for it. More details will be coming soon from The Company Team, so keep an eye out.


Business leasing applications will be re-opening in early December, for both active and passive schemes. If you are a faction and you're dependent on a certain business, you can send in an application to head of companies at any time, even if the business leasing applications are closed.

@Superb, who has recently taken head of companies, encourages players to reach out with any issues or suggestions for the company system. If players wish to remain anonymous, there is a question about the Company Team in the December survey.

Events Team

As mentioned in the events update, the Events Team held four events in November - Day of the Dead, Veterans Day, Kart Car-nival, and Thanksgiving. 



For December, the team has Coffee with First Responders on the 2nd, and are in the planning stage of two Christmas Events

There's a question in the survey about your thoughts on the November Events. The results from the November survey about what events players want to see were shared with the team, and they are working to make those a reality.  In the meantime be sure to fill out the December Survey! https://forms.gle/p7Zj4FeChKeURkPk6

Staff Update

Congratulations to our newly promoted staff members ...

Senior Admin


Game Admin

Junior Admin

Trainee Admin



Welcome back to our returning staff members ...

Senior Tester
celestine (Genny)



Junior Tester
Chester Campbell





Thank you
A heartfelt thank you to everyone for their incredible dedication throughout November. Your in game presence and excitement has allowed for an amazing month. Here's to an exciting December ahead, filled with new challenges and even more exciting times. Credits to Communications Team for assistance with the monthly update via the communication methods.


  • Strong 2
  • Love 18


Recommended Comments

Great work all! Thank you to all the Team Leaders for your update contributions 👏🏻


Be sure to fill out the survey y'all. 

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