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  1. CRACK 101 THIS GUIDE WILL UNDERGO THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: What is crack? Where does crack come from? Why is crack a cheaper alternative of cocaine? What are the effects of crack? WHAT IS CRACK? Crack cocaine, commonly known simply as crack, and also known as rock, is a free base form of the stimulant cocaine that can be smoked. Crack offers a short, intense high to smokers. It is an addictive stimulant that was popular in the 80's for it's immediate high and affordable prices. When you smoke crack, it zooms straight to your brain at lightning speed, hitting you with a more intense rush compared to snorting powdered cocaine. The high you get from smoking crack usually lasts around five to ten minutes. So, to put it simply, crack is like solid cocaine that you smoke to get high. Some folks call it rocks or hard, mostly in the street terms. WHERE DOES CRACK COME FROM? When it comes to cooking crack, there are two main methods: using a stove or a spoon. People who have been using crack for a while usually go with the spoon, while the folks in the trap, the ones selling it, prefer the stove. If you're using a spoon, you want to keep it simple and not go over a gram of powdered cocaine. Just grab your cocaine, a spoon, and a lighter. Now, for the trap hustlers, they take it up a notch. They use a stove and a few more ingredients like pure cocaine (you don't want to use low-quality stuff), baking soda, a Pyrex container, and, of course, a stove to cook their crack. The key to cooking crack is the ratio. Experienced chemists can double their product by turning 2 grams of cocaine into 4 grams of crack. That's why they often start with pure cocaine. However, if you're new to crack cooking, don't worry if you lose a bit of the product during your first attempts. It happens to everyone. To give you an idea, let's say you have 7 grams of pure cocaine. By adding 7 grams of baking soda and using the right technique, you can end up with a total of 14 grams of crack cocaine. But remember, it takes practice to get it just right. So, be mindful of the ratio and keep honing your skills in the art of crack cooking. WHY IS CRACK A CHEAPER ALTERNATIVE TO COCAINE? Is crack cheaper than cocaine? That sounds intriguing! But hold on, folks, I must clarify that crack is typically never pure cocaine. In fact, a significant portion of the crack rock might consist of baking soda. Mixing 0.6 grams of pure cocaine with 0.4 grams of baking soda yields one gram of crack. Would you be able to discern the difference? Most likely not, depending on the specific ratio. Distributors or "plugs" often dilute their cocaine during the production process to increase their product quantity, thus maximizing profits. Acquiring pure cocaine is challenging unless you have access to a reliable source or are purchasing large amounts, such as 36 ounces. In simpler terms, crack cocaine caters to individuals with lower income, while pure cocaine is sold to those with higher incomes or more financial means. WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF CRACK? The physiological effects of crack cocaine can have both short-term and long-term impacts on the body. In the short term, cocaine use can result in constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Some users may experience restlessness, irritability, and anxiety. In rare cases, sudden death can occur, often due to cardiac arrest or seizures followed by respiratory arrest. Smoking crack can specifically lead to cardiovascular problems, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, which can have long-term consequences. Research suggests that smoking crack or freebase cocaine may pose additional health risks compared to other methods of using cocaine. These risks are associated with the release of methylecgonidine, which can affect the heart, lungs, and liver. Crack cocaine is often adulterated with various substances to increase its weight and volume, and some of these additives can be highly toxic. Adulterants used with crack and cocaine include substances like milk powder, sugars, caffeine, lidocaine, and even dangerous compounds like strychnine. These toxic adulterants can pose short-term and long-term health risks. Smoking crack also presents specific health risks. It is considered more harmful than other administration routes. Crack pipes are designed to minimize the time between evaporating and ingestion, but the smoke loses potency quickly. The use of short crack pipes can cause cracked and blistered lips, commonly known as "crack lip." Sharing pipes can also lead to the transfer of bacteria or viruses between individuals. It's important to be aware that the quality of crack can vary greatly, and using larger amounts of diluted crack without knowledge of its potency can increase the risk of overdose and heart problems. Furthermore, studies on animals have shown that crack cocaine can cause DNA damage in multiple organs. Overall, the use of crack cocaine can have significant physiological effects on the body, both in the short term and long term, and it is crucial to understand and consider these risks before engaging in its use. credits: wavy, almightybounter, wiki.
  2. COCAINE 101 THIS GUIDE WILL UNDERGO THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: What is cocaine? Why do people cut cocaine? What are the effects of cocaine? WHAT IS COCAINE? Did you know that cocaine is a really powerful stimulant drug? It's actually made from the leaves of two coca plant species. Nowadays, cocaine is infamous and can be found all over the world. It's used by different types of people, from addicts to regular working folks. Cocaine used to be known as a party drug or something people would use to keep themselves going. For example, imagine someone who goes out all night partying and drinking, but then they have to work the next morning. They haven't slept much, so they sniff a bit of cocaine to get some energy and stay awake. That's actually why it got the nickname "work." On the streets, cocaine is known by different names like soft, white, powder, or tiffany. And let me tell you, pure cocaine is not cheap at all. Usually, it's the people with jobs who can afford it and become regular users. Some distributors make a ton of money selling cocaine if they have a steady group of customers. In fact, it can turn a broke person into a rich one. Remember Pablo Escobar? He was the head of a cartel and made most of his fortune through trafficking cocaine. Another example is Demetrius Flenory, also known as "Big Meech." He controlled a lot of cocaine trades in several states through his organization, the Black Mafia Family. So, if you have the right product and the right connections, cocaine can really change your life. WHY DO PEOPLE CUT COCAINE? When it comes to buying cocaine, it's important to know that if you're purchasing a small amount like a gram or a few grams, the product you get is usually not pure, unless you have an amazing dealer. See, distributors who don't sell in large quantities often "cut" their cocaine to make more money. Let me explain how it works. Let's say you buy 14 grams of cocaine. If you were to mix each gram with 0.5 grams of baking soda, you'd end up with more than your original 14 grams. The ratio of cutting agents like baking soda can vary, and most consumers can't really tell the difference. It's a way for distributors to maximize their profits. Interestingly, even the distributors themselves rarely come across pure cocaine, unless they're dealing with large quantities like 36 ounces, which is called a "brick." So, if you're at the lower end of the drug supply chain, chances are that the product you're receiving has been cut with other substances. It's essential to be aware of this when purchasing cocaine, as the purity can greatly impact its effects and potential risks. WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF COCAINE? There are three main ways to consume cocaine, each with its own effects. The most common method is to break down the cocaine rocks into powder and sniff it. Another way is by smoking it in a pipe, but that requires cooking it (for more details, check out Crack 101). The least common method is injecting it into your bloodstream with a needle, which is actually done by some people, not just with heroin but also with cocaine. When you sniff cocaine, after some time, you might be able to tell if it's pure or cut (if you've been sniffing for a while). Pure cocaine tends to cause drips in your throat, almost like loogies that you want to spit out. Another way to test its purity is by rubbing the residue on your inner gums. If it goes numb, then you've hit the jackpot, my friend. Cut cocaine won't give you these same symptoms. In fact, you can often visually distinguish pure cocaine from cut cocaine. Pure cocaine has a sparkling appearance, almost like there's glitter on the chunks, and it may have fish scale-like patterns. So, when someone mentions "fish scale cocaine," they're referring to the pure stuff. Cut cocaine usually looks more solid and lacks the sparkle. The effects of a cocaine high typically last around 20 to 30 minutes. During this time, your energy levels skyrocket. Some people feel more focused, while others are just filled with pure energy. It's not like an energy drink, though. People high on cocaine often speak faster than usual, and they may not even realize it or be able to stop talking (true facts). In terms of detection, cocaine usually stays in your system for a few days, but no longer than a week, depending on the consumption method. If you sniff cocaine, it will typically be detectable for up to a week. credits: wavy, almightybounter
  3. 3D WEAPONS FABRICATION — 101 THIS GUIDE WILL UNDERGO THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: What are "3D" weapons? What are the costs of a "3D" weapon? How safe are the "3D" weapons? HOW IT ALL STARTED & WHAT ARE THE 3D WEAPONS? 3D weapons, also known as 3D printed firearms, are firearms that are manufactured using 3D printing technology. These weapons are created by fabricating the components of the firearm, such as the lower receiver, using a 3D printer. The lower receiver is a crucial part of the firearm that houses the firing mechanism and is subject to regulation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in many countries. The concept of 3D printed firearms gained attention due to the accessibility and affordability of 3D printing technology. Individuals with access to a 3D printer and the necessary blueprints can produce their own firearms without the need to purchase them from licensed manufacturers or undergo background checks. This has raised concerns regarding the potential for untraceable and unregulated firearms in circulation. It's important to note that the production and possession of 3D printed firearms can be subject to legal restrictions and regulations, varying from country to country. Laws surrounding these firearms aim to address issues of public safety and prevent the illegal manufacturing and distribution of firearms. WHAT ARE THE COSTS OF A 3D WEAPON? The costs associated with 3D printed firearms can vary depending on several factors. Here are some cost considerations: 3D Printer: The initial cost of a 3D printer is a significant factor. Prices for 3D printers can range from a few hundred dollars for entry-level models to several thousand dollars for more advanced and professional-grade printers. Filament or Resin: 3D printing requires a material called filament (for FDM printers) or resin (for SLA printers). The cost of filament or resin depends on the type, quality, and quantity needed for the printing process. The prices can range from $20 to $100 or more for a kilogram of filament or resin. Blueprints and Designs: Some 3D weapon blueprints and designs may be available for free, while others may require purchasing or accessing them through certain platforms or communities. The costs for acquiring these blueprints can vary. Additional Tools and Accessories: Depending on the complexity of the firearm design, additional tools and accessories may be required to complete the assembly of the 3D printed firearm. These can include drill bits, screws, springs, and other hardware. The costs for these tools and accessories will vary based on individual requirements. Post-processing and Finishing: After 3D printing the firearm components, post-processing steps such as sanding, polishing, or painting may be necessary to achieve the desired appearance and functionality. The costs associated with these finishing touches will depend on the materials and techniques used. It is important to note that the costs mentioned above are approximate and can vary significantly based on location, quality preferences, and specific requirements. Additionally, legal implications and compliance with regulations should always be considered when discussing the costs associated with 3D printed firearms. HOW SAFE ARE THE 3D WEAPONS? P80 kits, which are legally obtainable and not considered firearms by the ATF, provide a much safer alternative to 3D printing firearms. These kits are easily accessible for the average person, although purchasing them in large quantities may raise suspicion. While P80 kits themselves are primarily composed of plastic, they also include metal drill bits and an aluminum component. Regarding traceability, firearms can be traced back to the user to some extent, as there is a digital footprint in the online world. However, there are methods available to cover one's tracks, such as ordering parts to different locations and using VPNs. It is important to note that 3D printing firearms without complying with ATF regulations is illegal. The safety of 3D printed firearms is subjective, as it depends on the meticulous execution of the process, the use of suitable materials, and careful adherence to instructions. Cutting corners and rushing the process can lead to issues like cracking, breaking, or even combustion. Despite these risks, some individuals are willing to take them. When it comes to 3D printed firearms, only the lower receiver is typically printed, as the ATF primarily tracks lower receivers. Purchasing a lower receiver from a website or store usually involves filling out paperwork. However, by printing the lower receiver, this step is eliminated, resulting in a 3D printed firearm commonly referred to as a "ghost gun." DISCLAIMER: The information disclosed in this guide is only to give insight to roleplayers on LSRP and not to be used in real life. This topic serves as an introduction to the world of 3D printing and P80 in relation to firearms. It is not intended to be a step-by-step tutorial. credits: shmoe, almightybounter.
  4. $100.000 will not happen. You may however get $5.000 for this. Let me know what your take is on it and how the roleplay will be carried on before executing.
  5. Yes, you may proceed - as long as you're not expecting to get weapons & drugs. You may get valuable items such as jewelry, electronics, contraband and so on.
  6. The drop off for guns & drugs are off - however you can roleplay shipping the other mentioned valuable items.
  7. The Faction Team has agreed that drugs & guns are not up to par for this scheme at the moment. The money can be done but it has to be thoroughly roleplayed - however a consistent drop-off for weapons and drugs is not what we're looking for at this moment in time.
  8. You can go ahead and carry on with this. The response time before the cops have to be called is 2.5 minutes and that must be done by one of you. You can NPC it as a witness I guess, but they have to be called and let them know that the store's alarm went off. It has to be 2.5 minutes after you guys have entered the property, giving you enough time to roleplay stealing whatever is necessary. Please take raw screenshots of the roleplay and post it here afterwards. Good luck.
  9. I'm not a slight favor of drugs & weapons trafficking through the port as the method you've described is pretty poor to me. You can however get money, depending on the stuff that's being shipped - however guns and drugs are off this time.
  10. Scheme granted, please make sure you're roleplaying everything accordingly and have taken raw roleplay screenshots (including /timestamp) of it.
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