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Everything posted by Caledonite

  1. Time to make Ko-Fi.com for LS-RP developers Other than that, I love this update! Bright times ahead.
  2. god damn it, Benny & Bradley, how did we get to this point???
  3. congratulations everyone, well deserved!
  4. The childish behaviour that has been roaming in couple recent posts stops here right now. Please, let's stay respectful to each other. Any unnecessary or childish comments starting from this post will get themselves forum warned. If you can't have a good discussion or provide constructive criticism to the topic, then simply don't post please. This is a general discussion, not a general kindergarten.
  5. Retired, see you later, bro! Moved to About the Community.
  6. buenas noches, que pasa?
  7. Jutustagu siin kõikjast. Alustan lihtsamaga - kuidas elate, kuidas naudite LS-RPi?
  8. Lugupeetud eestlased. Siin foorumis paluks tungivalt järgida kehtestatud reegleid. Siin kehtivad täpselt samad reeglid, mis on inglise keeles. Igasugune reeglite rikkumine, mis on samaväärsed foorumi enda reeglitega, on karistatavad. Siin paluks olla omavahel lugupidavad ja sõbralikud. Päikest!
  9. Congrats to my boys @KnownAlmighty @Sprinter too!!!
  10. Congratulations to everyone and to new devs!
  11. Alonzo_Bulleviera makes a comeback?
  12. oh shit, sup man, been a while
  13. Hey man, nice to see you here again
  14. oh, dang, you're back again, nice to see you again
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