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About mtz64

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  1. you guys really should stop overusing word 'soon' lmao
  2. a side question - how does the clothing store system work? Will we be able to use all models of clothes available in GTA V at launch?
  3. having ability to duplicate keys as item to your car or property would be great
  4. mtz64

    Release Update

    its okay, take care
  5. Yep. I've been following RAGE since 2017, still remember days when George (owner) was very active in the community and he was responding to almost everyone who needed help. It's really impressive how they've grown in the last 2 years.
  6. I feel that suggestion you made should depend solely on the faction and its leaders. There's no need to enforce anything related to that in rules, as you already stated above; we have clear agreement on wars and i think it's enough in that matter.
  7. yep, 21 days until launch and we still don't know any details about legitimate businesses, i feel like this should be already addressed to give people at least a couple of days to create anything that will actually work at the server launch.
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