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Retired Administrator
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Everything posted by MikeDawg

  1. I can't believe they actually made this a single player game
  2. I know a legend when I see one
  3. I like this, let's see this story
  4. Oooooo illegal factions that operate out of business should love this
  5. I feel the same, before I ever had discord the only way I could find or contact the people I wanted to RP was getting in game and finding them myself. Now everyone just flirts and says weird things in a discord chat rather than hopping into the game.
  6. Decent! Posting to follow! go far!
  7. Hitman hitman yea thats youuuuu!
  8. GO KARTING?! Mannnnnnnnn lets get it!
  9. New drugs! Now I can't wait for that new drug system!
  10. Taeshawn Rawlins & Ailbhe Delaney
  11. The legendary duo, we was both on the phone while holding somebody at gunpoint!!!
  12. I acknowledged that FD was already in place of that, but again I stress to you that it isn't doing good. There is still nothing wrong with having more jobs primarily for doctors and nurses.
  13. Inactive. This is why I stress that these type of jobs be server owned and not player owned.
  14. If you remove tapering, don't lower the paychecks either. There needs to be a stop to adding a lost in every aspect.
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