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  1. This guide aims to collect all the commands available to users. It is still a Work in Progress and there are several missing commands. If you want, you can help me to finish it by using the form at the end of the topic. Enjoy! Default Keybinds [ Default Keybind ] Press X to bring up and put away your phone. [ Default Keybind ] Press P to see and hide player list. [ Default Keybind ] Press U to interact with items that are around you. [ Default Keybind ] Press F2 to progress to next step in your mission. [ Default Keybind ] Press I to show and hide your inventory. [ Default Keybind ] Press M to show and hide mouse cursor, if possible. [ Default Keybind ] Press F7 to change chat opacity. [ Default Keybind ] Press F to cancel an action, such as smoking or drinking. [ Default Keybind ] Press C to crouch your character. [ Default Keybind ] Press F3 to reset position to an interior's entrance ( useful if you fall into the void ). [ Default Keybind ] Press G to enter the passenger seat of the nearest vehicle. [ Default Keybind ] Press L to toggle vehicle headlight. [ Default Keybind ] Press H to toggle vehicle highbeams. [ Default Keybind ] Press Q to toggle vehicle emergency lights ( on a vehicle with sirens ). [ Default Keybind ] Press Z to start / stop your car’s engine ( Only works with Push to Start upgrade ). [ Default Keybind ] Press 1 to toggle Wail siren on emergency vehicles. [ Default Keybind ] Press 2 to toggle Yelp siren on emergency vehicles. [ Default Keybind ] Press 3 to toggle Warning siren on emergency vehicles. [ Windows Keybind ] Press Win + Print to take a screenshot. General /settings — This command shows you the UI that lets you manage several settings ( such as Chat Settings / HUD Settings / Keybinds / Nametags Settings / Walkstyles ). Through this UI you can even manage your Properties and Vehicles. /stats — Through this command you can see your character’s statistics. /vehicles — Through this command you can manage your vehicles. /properties — Through this command you can manage your properties. /toghud — Through this command you can toggle / show the custom HUD /keybinds — Through this command you can manage your keybinds. /viewpermissions — To see your account’s permissions /admins — Through this command you can see online administrators. /testers — Through this command you can see online testers /togname — Through this command you can toggle / show your account name near your character name. /atm — Perform this command near an ATM to see the ATM UI. /weapons — An alternative method of seeing what weapons you have on you. /pay [ ID ] [ Amount ] — Through this command you can give a certain amount of money to another player. /charity [ Amount ] [ Reason ] — Through this command, you can dispose of some money. This command is usually used for roleplay purposes. [ Premium Feature ] /mask — To wear / toggle a mask. /servertime ( or /stime ) — Through this command you can check server time. /report ( or / re ) [ Text ] — Through this command you can ask online administrators for help. /helpme [ Text ] — Through this command you can ask online testers about the gamemode commands / features or about the rules. /id [ Name, or part of name, start with @ for account ] — Through this command you can check someone's ID / Level / Account Name. /outfit ( or /outfit [ Outfit Name ] ) — Through this command you can select an outfit. /saveoutfit [ Outfit Name ] — Through this command you can save an outfit. You will have the possibility to choose it through /outfit then. /deloutfit [ Outfit Name ] — Though this command you can delete an outfit. You won't have the possibility to choose it through /outfit anymore. Mission / Company Commands /paycheck — Through this command you can check the last ten ( 10 ) paychecks. /buy — Through this command you can access several UIs in order to buy stuff ( Command available in 24/7s / Clothing Stores / Electronics etc.. ) /mission — Through this command you can start a scripted job mission ( Trucker / Lawnmower / Waste Collector / Taxi Driver / Mechanic etc.. ) /mission end — Through this command you can stop a scripted job mission. [ Trucker ] /cdl — Through this command you can check your Commercial Driver's License Stats, the Experience and available vehicles for the trucker job. [ Trucker ] /cdls — Through this command you can check the required experience to carry more weight and to change vehicle. [ Fisherman ] /fish — This command works like the /mission command. Type /fish if you want to start fishing. [ Fisherman ] /sellfish — Through this command you can sell the fish. [ Fisherman ] /stopfishing — This command works like the /mission end command. Type /stopfishing if you want to stop the mission. [ Mechanic ] /vehiclecolors — Through this command you can check all available vehicle colors and their prices. [ Mechanic ] /offerpaint [ Customer ID ] [ Primary Color ] [ Secondary Color ] [ Pearlescent Color ] — This command is self-explanatory. [ Mechanic] /vehiclewheels — Through this command you can check all available wheels, their prices and their code ( TYPExINDEX ). [ Mechanic ] /offerwheels [ Customer ID ] [ Code ( TYPExINDEX ) or "default" to remove ] — This command is self-explanatory. [ Mechanic ] /vehicleupgrades — Through this command you can check all available vehicle upgrades ( Alarm / Lock / Immobiliser / GPS Tracker etc.. ) [ Mechanic ] /offerupgrade [ Customer ID ] — This command is self-explanatory [ Mechanic ] /vehicletints — Through this command you can check all available vehicle window tints. [ Mechanic ] /offertint [ Customer ID ] [ Tint ID ] — This command is self-explanatory [ Company ] /hire — Through this command you can hire people in your company. [ Company ] /fire — Through this command you can fire people from your company. [ Company ] /companyposition — Through this command you can change someone's rank in your company. [ Company ] /pos — This is something that would come very useful for company owners where you want to sell something such as entry tickets, and you want the money to go to the company bank account. [ Company ] /rewardmember — This is the command to be used to pay your employees and will be deducted from your company bank account. [ Company ] /servedrink [ ID ] [ Glass/Plastic Cup/Bottle ] of [ Drink Name ] — This command is self-explanatory Faction Commands /factions — Through this command you can see a list containing all factions. /f [ Text ] — Through this command you can use faction chat /factionon [ Faction ID ] — Through this command you can see how many members of a faction are online. /invite [ ID ] — Through this command you can invite a player to the faction. (Needs to have the proper faction permission to do so.) /uninvite [ ID ] — Through this command you can remove a player to the faction. (Needs to have the proper faction permission to do so.) /setrank [ ID ] [ Rank # ] — Through this command you can set the rank of a faction member. (Needs to have the proper faction permission to do so.) /gov [ Text ] — Through this command you can send out a server-wide message in the faction that is a government announcement. (Needs to have the proper faction permission to do so and the faction must be a legal faction.) /setdept [ All / Police / Sheriff / Fire / City / Courts / SADCR / LSCDA ] — Through this command you can set which government agency frequency you want to broadcast to on your departmental radio. (Restricted to legal factions.) /dep [ Text ] — Through this command you can communicate with other government agencies. (Restricted to legal factions.) /fixsiren — Through this command you can fix a siren/bullhorn that is broken on your vehicle. /dutytime [ Faction ID ] [ Month in # ] — Through this command you can see your faction members' activity through on the month. (Needs to have the proper faction permission to do so.) [ PD / SD / GOV ] /roadblocks — Through this command you can a list of the current deployed roadblock scenes. [ PD / SD / GOV ] /disbandscene [ Scene ]— Through this command you disband an entire roadblock scene, which will remove all the roadblocks spawned in said scene. [ PD / SD / GOV ] /togroadblock — Through this command you can toggle the blue /roadblock messages on or off. This can also be toggled in /settings. [ PD / SD / GOV ] /selectroadblock — Through this command you can target the closest roadblock and see information about it. If you click on the item, you get a list of actions; Info, Move, Duplicate and Disband. LSPD / LSSD Commands /duty (or) /duty [ Callsign ] [ Auto ] — Self explanatory. Through the command /duty [ Callsign ] [ Auto ], it allows you to go on duty with the last loadout you used. /towcars [ f/c (faction or company) ] [ Faction ID / Company ID ] — Through this command you can tow all the faction or company vehicles you have access to. /mdc — Through this command you can open up the MDC (Mobile Data Computer) User Interface. /meg — Through this command you can use the megaphone. /hq [ Text ] [ 1, 2 or 3 or none ] — Through this command you can broadcast a priority message in blue. By adding 1, 2 or 3 at the end of the message, it beeps the same amount as the number. If no number is added, there won't be any beeps. /uniform — Through this command you can select the uniform you want to use. /saveuniform [ patrol, patrol2, patrol3, patrol4, tac, tac2, tac3, plain, plain2, plain3, special ] — Through this command you can save your uniform. /handcuff [ Target ] — Through this command you can handcuff another individual. /unhandcuff [ Target ] — Through this command you can remove the handcuffs of an individual that has been put in handcuffs. /ziptie [ Target ] — Through this command you can place zipties on the wrists of another individual. /ticketvehicle [ Vehicle ID ] [ Ticket Item ID ] — Through this command you can place a printed out ticket on a vehicle. /togfac — Through this command you can toggle the faction chat on/off. /nofac — Through this command you can turn off/on the faction chat for all members. (Your rank needs to have the permission set to do so.) /confiscate [ Target ] [ Item Index or Name ] — Through this command you can confiscate items from another person. /spikestrip | /ss [ Type (0, 1, 2 or 3) ] — Through this command you can place down spike strips. If you just do /spikestrip, it spawns the default type, which is 0. /roadblock [ Scene ] [ Model ] — Through this command you can place many different kind of roadblocks. If you just do /roadblock, a menu will pop up there you can create a new scene and see a list of all active scenes. /disband — Through this command you can disband the nearest roadblock or spike strip that has been placed. [ PD Exclusive ] /swat — Through this command you can go on S.W.A.T. duty. [ SD Exclusive ] /swt — Through this command you can go on S.W.A.T. duty. LSFD Commands /dep ( or /deplow ) [ Text ] — Used to communicate with fellow government agencies. Broadcasts to all factions by default. See /setdep. /duty — Used to set yourself as on duty through the script. Gives access to certain faction commands. /f [ Text ] — Used to type in faction chat. /factionon — Used to showcase which faction members are online. Faction members are color coded based on duty status: faction color represents on duty, grey represents off duty. /hq [ Text ] — Used to broadcast pagers and important announcements to members. /nofac — Disables faction chat for all members. /offduty — Used to set yourself as off duty through the script. Revokes access to certain faction commands. Must be on duty through the script to use. /rescue [ ID ] — Used to revive a player out of the brutally wounded system once roleplay has been performed. /heal [ ID ] — Used to heal a player once roleplay has been performed. /v setpark — Alters the position of a factionized vehicle upon spawn. /putinambu [ ID ] — Used to place a player in the back of an Ambulance. Must be used inside of an Ambulance or helicopter. /setdep [ All / Police / Sheriff / Fire / City ] — Used to set which agency you will communicate with when using the /dep command. /togfac — Disables faction chat. /towcars — Tows faction vehicles. GOV Commands /duty — Used to set yourself as on duty through the script. /offduty — Used to go off duty through the script. /uniform — Through this command you can select the uniform you want to use. /saveuniform [ Patrol / Patrol2 / Patrol3 / Patrol4 / Tac / Tac2 / Tac3 / Plain / Plain2 / Plain3 / Special ] — Through this command you can save your uniform. /impound — Used to impound vehicles while within the impound lot. /attachcar — Used to attach a vehicle to City Tow flatbed. /detachcar — Used to detach a vehicle from City Tow flatbed. /mdc — Through this command you can open up the MDC (Mobile Data Computer) User Interface. Chat Commands /chatsize ( or /pagesize ) [ Lines ] — Through this command you can change the Chat Size ( add / remove lines ). /low ( or /l ) [ Text ] — Through this command you can speak quietly. /shout ( or /s ) [ Text ] — Through this command you can shout. /whisper ( or /w ) [ ID ] [ Text ] — Through this command you can whisper to someone. /cw [ Text ] — Through this command you can whisper to those that are in your same vehicle. /ame [ Text ] /me ( or /my ) [ Text ] — Through this command you character can perform an action. /melow ( or /mylow ) [ Text ] — Through this command your character can perform an action. The message will be visible at a smaller radius. /do [ Text ] — Through this command you can make descriptions. /dolow [ Text ] — Through this command you can make descriptions. The message will be visible at a smaller radius. /b [ Text ] — Though this command you can speak in the local OOC Chat. /blow [ Text ] — Through this command you can speak in the local OOC Chat. The message will be visible at a smaller radius. /cb [ Text ] — Through this command you can speak in the local OOC Chat. The message will only be visible to those who are in your same vehicle. /ooc ( or /o ) [ Text ] — Through this command you can speak in the global OOC Chat. /pm [ ID ] [ Text ] — Through this command you can send an OOC Private Message to someone. Phone Commands [ Default Keybind ] Press X to open the Phone /call ( or /c ) [ Number, or Contact ] /pickup ( or /p ) /hangup ( or /h ) /phonenumber ( or /pn ) — Through this command you see your phone number. Animations & Interactions with People /animlist ( or /anims - /animations ) — Through this command you can see available animations. /anim [ Animation ] — Through this command you can play an animation. /stopanim ( or /sa ) — Through this command you can stop playing an animation. /hostage [ ID ] — Through this command you can take a person hostage. /helpup [ ID ] — Though this command you can help someone who is knocked out. /damages [ ID ] — Through this command you can check the damages of a corpse. /carry [ ID ] — Through this command you can carry a corpse. /entertrunk [ ID ] — Through this command you can put a player in a trunk. /exittrunk [ ID ] — Through this command you can kick a player out of a trunk. /item [ Slot ] [ Action ] [ ID ] — Through this command you have the possibility to perform several actions. ( eg. /item 1 give Mikee ) Vehicle Commands /vehicles — Through this command you can manage your vehicle. /v get [ Slot ] — Through this command you can spawn your vehicle /v list — Through this command you can see your vehicles. /v setpark — Through this command you can change your vehicle’s parking spot. /v park — Through this command you can park your vehicle. /lock — Through this command you can lock your car. /engine — Through this command you can turn on / off your car's engine. /rw [ Window ] — Through this command you can roll up / down your car's windows. [ Car Theft ] /breakin — Through this command you can bypass the lock in order to steal a car. [ Car Theft ] /hotwire — Through this command you can plug the cables in order to turn on a car engine without its keys. Frequently Asked Questions Q: How can I check my phone? A: Press X in order to check your phone. You can even change this keybind through /keybinds. Q: How can I check my inventory? A: Press I in order to check your inventory. You can even change this key bind through /keybinds. Q: How do I put someone in my car trunk? A: Type /trunk in order to open the trunk, then /carry ID and once you're near your car trunk type /entertrunk ID Q: How do I go about creating a safe in my property? A: You need to go onto /furniture - and select the safe and then go back onto /furniture and click on the object and then select "Create Inventory" you then need to go into your inventory via "I" and then move the objects to your inventory Q: How do I go about creating a safe in my property? A: You need to go onto /furniture - and select the safe and then go back onto /furniture and click on the object and then select "Create Inventory" you then need to go into your inventory via "I" and then move the objects to your inventory. You can also create an inventory with other items that are not a safe. It doesn't work with all, but several couches are available, and beds. 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    4 points
  2. @SCANDALOUZ I agree with a lot of your points. But something is flagrant right now on the server, the issues with street gangs. No specific ones in particular. But if you take a look at the amount of killings that happens and the INSANE amount of forum reports on the daily.... Clearly something needs to be done, because these players don't seem to care about dying. The PF license regulations are too loose for criminals. I'm not against using a PF license gun to commit crimes and robberies but something HAS to be done. It feels a lot like a cops and robbers down in Davis/Rancho/Strawberry. The amount of toxicity OOC from these street gangs is a joke right now. So, I feel like something has to be put in place to maybe limit the shootouts a bit, and my solution would be with prison. First off, switch to a days system instead of 10 hours for a murder. You get caught killing or with a felony, well I'm sorry but your guy is in prison for the next 7 days. And it goes down offline. That would promote the future DOC and maybe slow down the rampages. And bring a 3 strike system. 3 bad felonies like murder and violent crimes and your character is now in perma prison forever. Enough is enough, it's not role-play but dm out there.
    2 points
  3. Hiya, I am running the District Attorney's office, which is not part of courts. I inquired to courts about the possibility of traffic court and was asked to gather data on if people would be interested. There is a forum section for it - https://community.ls-rp.com/forums/forum/284-traffic-division/ My idea when I was still running courts was: Person issued ticket Person can choose to go to court If person goes to court, they file the paperwork to dispute the charge Case accepted Person who issued the ticket (Cop or Parking Enforcement) called to testify their side incl. any evidence Person issued ticket gives their side incl. any evidence Judge concludes
    1 point
  4. thanks brother, much love
    1 point
  5. I agree with you. As long as the entire process runs smoothly, cases are handled in a timely fashion and it doesn't stall RP for all the parties involved I am fine with implementing such system. Another thing I'd pay attention to is reducing the amount of paperwork involved: many players don't wanna go through bureaucracy just to have an enjoyable experience IG, so I'd try to develop a system that is both functional and easy to access for everyone.
    1 point
  6. Category: Mission / Company Commands Command(s): /vehiclecolors — Through this command you can check all available vehicle colors and their prices. /offerpaint [ Customer ID ] [ Primary Color ] [ Secondary Color ] [ Pearlescent Color ] — This command is self-explanatory. /vehiclewheels — Through this command you can check all available wheels, their prices and their code ( TYPExINDEX ). /offerwheels [ Customer ID ] [ Code ( TYPExINDEX ) or "default" to remove ] — This command is self-explanatory. /vehicleupgrades — Through this command you can check all available vehicle upgrades ( Alarm / Lock / Immobiliser / GPS Tracker etc.. ) /offerupgrade [ Customer ID ] — This command is self-explanatory /vehicletints — Through this command you can check all available vehicle window tints. /offertint [ Kuster ID ] [ Tint ID ] — This command is self-explanatory
    1 point
  7. You can add /pn, good to get your phone number in the chatlogs.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, 4 am shootouts without a cop on duty. Pretty bad.
    1 point
  9. Go look at GTA:W and how they implemented permanent corpses but left detectives out to dry with no way to actually solve the crime. Why? Because you have players abusing the shell casings script by spamming Y over all the casings which is basically the detectives only way of retrieving evidence with nothing else to go off of. That's the biggest takeaway here. Then there's also have LEOs over there complaining that there's no real incentive to even RP securing scenes because 9 times out of 10 the crime goes unsolved anyway due to the lack of resources and script support for detectives. This is the better approach because everything could be handled IC but it relies on the devs to give detectives the tools they need to solve the crime in the first place. You're effectively introducing risk for players committing the crime. If they get caught then their character simply goes away for a long time. No imposed OOC CK is necessary.
    1 point
  10. Welcome back to Los Santos Roleplay. Enjoy!
    0 points
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