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Natasha Valentine

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Everything posted by Natasha Valentine

  1. I'd like to see several news companies rather then just SANN that way there's a bit of competition between each company to get the best stories etc and it'd just promote ic events more often which I think would be great.
  2. Um, right.. obviously I'm the most qualified player to answer your question! It's on the map, look for that one girl that's available at that one place!
  3. I was aiming for more of a dedicated spot for additional information on player profiles for when someone views them rather then spamming them just in your signature. Was just a suggestion though.
  4. I remember being let into the high-school and shown around before it ever even opened. I forget which administrator created it but credits to them of course. But it was really neat and the aspect of it seemed fun for people to experience but over-all it didn't last very long. I'm sure a high-school could be done way better in GTA V with what it has to offer to the development team and that this should be attempted once again for players to experience. I'm very fond of all sorts of role-play and it's what makes role-play fun!
  5. Government Contracting, so like maybe electric utilities around the neighborhood. For example handling transformers or street pole lights etc.
  6. I think it'd be neat to have a certain area for character stories and having it linked to your profile on the forums. When someone views your profile, people should be able to easily view the characters you have and what they might be about, listed along the side of your profile kind of like the (About) ( Follower ) boxes on the side of your profile, but one separately for character selection to read about if wanted. OR have a box where we can separately add our own links inside of the box for people to select from, which you have interest in or shares information related to your character from other posts/topics like SAN NEWS writing an article about your character or something ic, perhaps you'd link that on your profile page? I don't know, just an idea.
  7. I'd love to see wild-life on the server, including pets like cats & dogs. I wouldn't mind it being behind a ONE TIME payment, not a monthly payment. If I could dish out $15 to keep my poodle forever, then well I'd be happy with that. That way the server gets supported and I can keep my puppy or kitten. Also, I'd be fine with each animal being sold separately which then would be added to your account or character. So I could spend $15 for a poodle, $15 for a bulldog and $15 for a kitty. That's $45 for you to keep 3 different animals permanently on your account. That's a great way to handle pets in my opinion and the server could add more pets with server mods. It would make no sense for your pets to randomly disappear because you didn't pay ooc money for one month and would disrupt RP because of money paywalls.
  8. I do you one better, you can ask me anytime!
  9. A & B, Don't over think it. Players are more then welcome to depict how far a place is depending on what sort of RP is handled, for example: Role-playing that you're traveling to a distant town or going away to a cottage with a group of friends in a mini-van as an "adventure", you might rp that as several hours away. It's really up to the player and the scenarios that happen to make calls like that, especially if posting on social media websites icly relating to your "vacation travels."
  10. I see, makes sense! So more like scripted jobs you're looking for. - Sweeper job! ( Keep the streets clean! ) -Spoiler for vehicle. ( You can probably get a moded one for GTA V to use. - Trucker jobs! ( Legal transportation delivers less money, illegal transportation pays more money but can lead to prison if caught! That way adds variety and risk. Maybe even allow items to be stolen by robbers. ) - Boating/legal/Illegal shipments, basically like the trucker script but boat style. - Hunting Script. ( Leave Bambi alone! ) - Paper Boy - BMX Route ( Get todays news at a slow pace! ) - Movie theater script! ( Time to watch real movies with friends! ) - Soccer Script! ( Tournaments/Money Betting) - Golf Script! ( Tournaments/Money Betting.) - Bartending Script/Hire bartenders for home parties ( Be able to make drinks inside your own house ) - Bodyguard script ( Need weapon license. - Gives access to half vests rather then full vests, can also give vests to people they work for. For example, protecting someone special/VIP, you can give them a vest for protection. ) Being able to do 2 script jobs at once also makes sense, for example being a Bodyguard and a Bartender at the same time.
  11. The G in your profile picture really represents your name well, I also love the blue background!
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