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Everything posted by jack

  1. jack


    depends who asks
  2. jack

    Release Update

    Take care, safety is main priority! Thanks for the transparency, keep it up 💪
  3. jack


    i'll make sure to ignore the pm 🏃‍♂️ elllo
  4. It's not being reluctant, it's knowing what is needed for launch. Right now the main priority is to make the server playable, if we start adding other ways into making a character it means things will be delayed and ultimately won't be playable on the date set. Once the server launch is over and done with and a few weeks down the line to flatten any bugs that might occur, the development team will start adding to the server and start listening to suggestions. Right now everyone can make a character that looks different from the rest, so it's not exactly a urgent priority.
  5. Too add on this, you can do similar on a motorbike but wheeling will make you go much faster. Similar to the tapping.
  6. Was a server with a 100 PB called International Roleplay, went from someone who didn't know RP to being Chief of Police there. Eventually joined LS-RP after a Smokezherb video, then I find myself here nearly 10 years later.
  7. Great guide for anyone looking to get started with roleplay or needed to refresh their mind!
  8. Character customizations will be a thing after launch and more information on it will become available in the coming weeks.
  9. jack

    Faction Complex Scheme

    Great work for the illegal community.
  10. Moved to about staff.
  11. Not a fan of journalism, but this thread is very well made!
  12. jack


    No longer an Insider.
  13. jack


    Moved to About the Staff.
  14. Moved to About the Staff.
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