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Everything posted by jack

  1. jack


    well in the screenshot it explains it. the forums will come back up eventually, when we don't know. again, not something i can answer and only management and leadership can answer the reason why it has taken a year. as for those threads, you wasn't clear you meant those. i dont know why they were removed, but only reason i can think of is that those threads had run their course.
  2. jack


    it wasn't done silently, if you remember when LSRP closed, there was a message when ls-rp closed explaining why. i've tried to find it but can't i'll continue to do so the forum will come back as its online, just like the old legal factions. i have no reason to believe martin would just delete like 15 years of peoples work for the sake of it
  3. jack


    It's not as if they have been deleted. They still exist their just inaccessible right now and will be made public soon. They were taken down so we could transition over to this new forum and for the V platform.
  4. Moved to about community.
  5. I think limiting peoples roleplay shouldn't be the the case here. I think the way it was on SAMP was fine and everyone followed it accordingly. Everyone has the option to be involved, be detailed and whatever they want it to be. As many other niches of roleplay people enjoy this category and ultimately as long as the end user is having fun then that should be it. As it's always been this type of roleplay is expected to be roleplayed away from everyone and with consent from both parties. I don't see what's drastically changed here to ban the whole style of roleplay. We have rules in place to stop anything disgusting or illegal happening such as paedophilia and such. The rules even states that any form of romantic or sexual roleplay with minors is forbidden, if you choose to break it then I'm sure you'll never play here again, so it's on you. If you want to bring in ID Verification then enable it for the whole server and not one area of roleplay, as many other areas are similar and can have the same affect on people. This is a GAME at the end of the day and we shouldn't limit what people do. Issue is too many people are hung up on what other communities and people are doing so think it actually affects them, when in reality those participating in such roleplay they've probably never interacted with on IC or OOC basis.
  6. jack


    why u even in my thread
  7. jack


    yeahhh courseee la.
  8. jack


    depends who asks
  9. jack

    Release Update

    Take care, safety is main priority! Thanks for the transparency, keep it up
  10. jack


    i'll make sure to ignore the pm elllo
  11. It's not being reluctant, it's knowing what is needed for launch. Right now the main priority is to make the server playable, if we start adding other ways into making a character it means things will be delayed and ultimately won't be playable on the date set. Once the server launch is over and done with and a few weeks down the line to flatten any bugs that might occur, the development team will start adding to the server and start listening to suggestions. Right now everyone can make a character that looks different from the rest, so it's not exactly a urgent priority.
  12. Too add on this, you can do similar on a motorbike but wheeling will make you go much faster. Similar to the tapping.
  13. Was a server with a 100 PB called International Roleplay, went from someone who didn't know RP to being Chief of Police there. Eventually joined LS-RP after a Smokezherb video, then I find myself here nearly 10 years later.
  14. Great guide for anyone looking to get started with roleplay or needed to refresh their mind!
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