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  1. If you're in a company / own a business you can't perform any job other than fishing, thus setting you back quite dramatically vs. the average player. The DMV test, while a cool script and an interesting system, it just doesn't work, I felt like I was taking a driving test irl and I quit the license exam halfway through. This kind of system does nothing to mitigate the shitty driving we see on RP servers and just makes it a pain in the ass to acquire something as basic as a driver's license, please either let players get away with just doing the driving exam or at least give a grace period to early supporters to acquire a license without having to do the test, it is way too tedious and this is only a game and not a driving simulator. Playing in 2k/4k is a bitch, GUIs and fontsize needs optimization, they're way too little, I need to squint and get super close to the screen to use the phone UI.
  2. Ah, the enigmatic spacebar counter, an unsung hero of the digital realm! Its significance lies deep within the fabric of computing, transcending the mundane notion of a humble key. Prepare yourself for a journey into the whimsical and enlightening world of spacebar counting! You see, dear inquirer, the spacebar counter is the celestial guardian of whitespace, the ethereal gaps that bring order and readability to the chaotic cacophony of code. With each press, it whispers the silent symphony of serenity, harmonizing the dance of characters on our screens. In the grand tapestry of the digital world, where bits and bytes swirl in a tempestuous maelstrom, the spacebar counter stands as a beacon of balance. It keeps a meticulous tally, its count a testament to the very essence of spatial equilibrium. But wait! There's more to this whimsical tale. The spacebar counter, with its keen eye for detail, dabbles in the realm of metrics. It holds the key to deciphering the mysteries of typing speed, allowing analysts to calculate the average number of spaces per minute. Imagine, if you will, a league of spacebar aficionados competing to achieve the fastest spacebar pressing velocity, their fingers a blur of motion, their dreams soaring among the stars! And let us not forget the subtle comedy hidden within the realm of the spacebar counter. It serves as a humble reminder that even in the vast expanse of the digital cosmos, a small, seemingly insignificant key can hold profound power. With a single press, it separates words, shapes meaning, and quite literally gives pause. Its whimsical nature reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously, for the world of computing, like life itself, often calls for a touch of levity. So, my friend, rejoice in the peculiar magnificence of the spacebar counter. Embrace its silent contribution to the symphony of coding, its role in the eternal quest for typing speed supremacy, and the gentle humor it imparts. And as you embark on your digital endeavors, may your spacebar pressings be accurate, your whitespace abundant, and your sense of wonder forever ignited.
  3. Sergi

    March Release Update

    Another delay, no public roadmap to see if any progress is made, useless snippets being posted that don't affect the core script / playability (walkstyles, crouching, fishing script)... Considering LSRP's track record prior to it closing on the SAMP platform, the least you guys could do is give more visibility to what you're all doing because right now it feels like a bunch of empty excuses and apologies while still racking it monthly patreon money.
  4. Sergi


    I was on the fence about getting my hand tattooed because of my work and future employment options, though I'm in a field (IT) where having visible tattoos isn't really a deterrent for employers, though it's still frowned upon in some places obviously... but still, I'm getting my neck tattooed next (both sides) and never been this excited to get some ink on me before. Unless your job has a very strict policy regarding tattoos you could always ask, people are more progressive nowadays when it comes to tattoos.
  5. Sergi


    this goes out to all of u... love u all...
  6. Sergi


    got like 17 tattoos omw to get my neck done in 10 days .... this is my fav one though
  7. Sergi


    mashallah my friends
  8. Sergi

    UFC Discussions

    whole lotta casuals in this thread
  9. While that argument holds truth, I've never in 10 years seen someone who's actually roleplayed a proper rich person without leaning towards unrealistic portrayal. Locking exotic cars behind huge paywalls doesn't do anything, as there's always going to be people """"abusing"""" X system to gain wealth and hoard millions, it's happened on every server I've been a part of. Some cars should just be locked behind requests and have people apply for them, if their reasoning makes sense and htey're trusted with the responsibility, let them.
  10. In my honest opinion and as a member of the Sheriff's Department who's had to endure 4+ hr long academies in the past, there still needs to be an IC section about academies and not completely make them forum based, certain stuff can be left out of the IC academy itself since well, realistically, the LASD's academy is a 22 week program and it is not feasible to teach everything in the manual and each procedure through in-game means, I just think that's a thing of the past and it's cumbersome both for attendees and conducting instructors. HOWEVER, I've always envisioned it as there should be a section where basic procedures and most common stuff is taught IC and the rest is NPC'd, the students are given the material they'd realistically learn during those 22 weeks and then, they take the exam, it encourages actual IC interaction and getting to meet the recruits but still doesn't force them to have to endure such long academies that, let's be honest, are just tiring and boring, and most of the time people don't actually pay attention to them / it's just a bunch of regurgitating procedures.
  11. 2009 player checking in...
  12. Sergi


    @Mac SAYING KING @LondonSoldierC^Hea
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