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What kind of roleplay is overratted/underrated?


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On 10/3/2021 at 3:53 PM, Dwayne Smith said:

Underrated: television roleplay, construction roleplay, mechanic roleplay.
There are many things that are underrated and many players does it on forum, like on the court etc.

My question is: Why do players start with mobs, gangs? Illegal factions is so overrated than any legal roleplay. Start with some legal roleplay.


Easily accessible. People play gta for the racing, shooting and other action so naturally they're going to aim for that experience on a roleplay server aswell. Gangs and illegal factions are a lot easier to join than PD/SD and there's only a small percentage of players who are inclined to play as medics or passive roleplayers such as construction workers.

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Too many stereotypes during gang, mafia or police roleplay. Be nice to see some real character development and I'd like to mirror the above - fear of injuries or situations. People who actually role-play fear of injuries or situations in general is hugely underrated. Unfortunately seemed to become the norm to role-play super humans despite which faction they were in which is a shame.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I loved to roleplay as truck driver out in the country with my character. I actually I don't think I was ever arrested out the many years I played on SAMP LS-RP; stayed all legal. Anyone remember Reg's Trucking Association back in the day? Gosh, so many wholesome memories to think of. And ROUX, did some security work for them.

I remember riding around in my pick-up truck on some dirt roads at night. I ran into someone tied up in the headlights with some dude with a gun, it was absolutely terrifying lol. I backed the hell out of there and tried to call for help on the CB because I didn't have service with my phone; but nobody came; don't blame them neither.

Maybe with GTA V, aviation role-play will alot better with the better view distances (as it sucked in SA), many air fields and all. I remember owning a fixed-based operator business on the old game for a period of time and it was a ton of fun. Just hope there isn't alot of cheese of peeps trying to hijack aircraft; that would kind of ruin it.

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