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Can we bring back the old playerbase count?


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2 hours ago, Mixo said:

The talks of LSRP dying kills LSRP faster.  The playerbase is hitting 200+ and it's playable for now. Let's enjoy the nostalgia.

just bein straight up wit u bro i want to see this succeed but its even still the same bullshit with management / administration / player communication 



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It's really depressing how LS:RP has devolved from what I have loved, and what I thought as a second family. Los Locotes' membership, the great fun I had with them, YLONEN, Joey_Cortez, Cailiz etc. The great fun I had in Seville with Edward Linus, Mike Elefe, Frank White, etc. Valenti's crew, and associates... DamianC as the head of the staff... all that story I had with them is pretty much gone, thanks to the action of few who decided to bring down the work of so many people. The sheer amount of incompetency before and after the takedown of the forums, to switch to GTAV. The soulless amount of content until now.


Why did someone decide to go for GTAV? Did they really think that LS:RP was dying due GTASA being outdated? Did they really not see that they were at fault? Obviously LS:RP had its issues, but they were inside the game. Not outside of it.

The removal of the forums was the biggest stab to the heart. The constant delays up until today, were just twisting the knife deeper. The community will realize how awkward and goofy the aesthetic of this game is. The giant lack of skins because the Multiplayer engine cannot use existing NPC skins, so everyone will look the same or similar, using shitty presets. Pray that you can use ped skins.

Edited July 7, 2022 by ezkNYNE




I'd genuinely love to hear a response from what he said from Management and whoever's decision it was to move to :V. LS:RP isn't and wasn't declining due to :V being a new thing, the statistics are there - SAMP, even if it's discontinued, was still progressing. The issue? The issue is straight, the community fell out of touch and the faith in once a staff team so majestic and elite no one wanted to step a foot in the wrong and miss out on what once used to be a hotspot, LS:RP. 


I don't, and still don't have faith in the way things are ran on here. I think the staff team / management are way out of their depths, specially seniors. People who is somewhat still in charge yet is at fault for the decline of LS:RP SAMP. It's actually humorous how people who still try to make a positive effect(Plannit + FM) yet are side by side with dude who don't have the slightest idea what is needed and required from certain positions within this community.  The same management is still running this server and couldn't even manage to bring out a GTA:V server without delays and false promises -- suddenly, the SA:MP servers back and now its all back to normal? I'd be shocked if MMartin still communicates, feels like we've even gone downhill from the days when Davis and Kane was pulled in for development and even did more than MMartin has done.


If the development and server owner can't even release and be genuine with their releases dates, how else is anything gonna push forward? Genuinely.

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4 hours ago, drumj said:

The game is still here, and so are the people that want to play it, more will follow if others do the same and enjoy it, stop worrying and just enjoy what we have.

Some people will stay forever 😄

This has to be one of the most ignorant comments I’ve seen in a long time. The community obviously needs to evolve to maintain people’s interest in the server. Without development, it will inevitably fade away over time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What can we do now in order to make the playerbase grow? I don't want to read things like "we need to make it grow" or "can definetly improve if we all put a little bit of work".


I want actions, list of actions we can do to make it happen since I have no idea apart from inviting people that we know to the server.

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1 hour ago, Foli said:

What can we do now in order to make the playerbase grow? I don't want to read things like "we need to make it grow" or "can definetly improve if we all put a little bit of work".


I want actions, list of actions we can do to make it happen since I have no idea apart from inviting people that we know to the server.

We must admit that the majority of players are more interested in SAMP than RAGE. Management gotta show commitment by concentrating all staff resources, activities, and updates on enhancing the SAMP experience and stop with the delusions on the RAGE server. If the current SAMP player base isn't sustained and prioritized, the server risks following the same path as the RAGE server which is fading away entirely. The leadership of the server must establish a more transparent channel of communication with the community. Start holding frequent forums or Q&A sessions so that players may voice their worries, offer suggestions, and learn how management intends to handle problems. Loyalty and excitement will increase when one feels heard and participated. Then also address and take action on allegations or complaints against staff with the same urgency as you would with players. By establishing trust and demonstrating that everyone is subject to the rules, this promotes a more positive relationship between the community and the staff. At the same time, reevaluate the admin team. Inactive staff or those out of touch with the server's needs should step aside for people who are active and passionate.

Give active testers or head testers a real chance to step up and contribute. Everyone is older and has responsibilities and other priorites in life, but even 20-30 minutes of effort can make a difference if people care enough. That difference can be for both older and young new players. Organize ''feedback weeks'' sometimes on forums where players are invited to express their opinions about particular features of the server. To gather useful information and see which changes should be prioritized next. Nostalgia is the main reason why many of us come back to SAMP, but it won't keep us going if our requests aren't heard. It begins with the leadership hearing what the community has to say and acting upon it. It all starts from the top and they have to care as much as we do or else there’s no use in any of this. 

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@asapdev For Developer!

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  • Management
5 hours ago, Salazaros said:

Management gotta show commitment by concentrating all staff resources, activities, and updates on enhancing the SAMP experience and stop with the delusions on the RAGE server. If the current SAMP player base isn't sustained and prioritized, the server risks following the same path as the RAGE server which is fading away entirely.


The only people who have put any measurable amount of effort towards Rage ever since SA-MP's launch was a small task force which consisted of staff members (mostly 3, really), who weren't interested in SA-MP at all and would've left otherwise. Literally all focus of the leadership team, staff team, and development team with the exception of danut was and to be quite frank, still is on SA-MP. What you're saying about focus is simply not factual and it's hard to take at face value as there's plenty of channels to verify this - see blog post, discord's #snippets, discord's #updates, discord's #git and so on. 


5 hours ago, Salazaros said:

Give active testers or head testers a real chance to step up and contribute.


What does this mean exactly? You're responding to a message asking for less vague examples with more vague filibuster. Within very recent history, we started letting Testers into virtually any teams and leadership positions. You've tester/s in FTC. We promoted people from tester straight to Lead when we saw potential and people taking charge. We expedited people from lower staff ranks to Lead in record time when we saw potential.


The component you're missing is that in an overwhelming majority of the cases, after a person assumes position where they can make a difference after loudly and proudly proclaiming they'll be able to, they become inactive almost immediately. After achieving what people are after and being faced with gratification and validation, any and all efforts tend to go out the window. This brings a genuine attempt of trying to delegate work into a full cycle of finding a replacement after a replacement. God bless the exceptions, because we've had, or have some really hard working folks with us - but those get overwhelmed by the lack of people to support them so they face the good old burnout instead. What are you left with?


On another hand, the moment you refuse to give someone what they're after, be it rank, position assignment, official status, or whatever, you're going to be met with a hellfire of how you're incompetent and refusing to give people chances they deserve. Maybe not everyone is fit for everything they dream up. This has been a theme I witnessed over the years of the community turning from driven to entitled.


5 hours ago, Salazaros said:

It begins with the leadership hearing what the community has to say and acting upon it. It all starts from the top and they have to care as much as we do or else there’s no use in any of this. 


5 hours ago, Salazaros said:

Loyalty and excitement will increase when one feels heard and participated.


I do not necessarily disagree with any of the other points you've made, but I'd like to turn these two around. I've seen this community go through a lot of different stages and faces over the last nearly 13 years I've been a part of it. The reason why I took charge when Mow left the community to die and disappeared forever into Norwegian fjords in 2018, why I spent thousands and thousands of hours working on it, basically put my personal life on hold for months at a time, was for the way the players made you feel when you put in effort. There's nothing I loved more than working on a feature for days or weeks at a time, only to witness players use it ingame and genuinely appreciate it. This filled me with purpose, and eventually made me choose a career in software development.


At that time, LS-RP was also much easier to run. It practically ran itself and as long as you put basic effort into it and kept the wheels greased, it was smooth sailing with the occasional hiccup. The community always came together when needed and moved onwards and upwards.


None of this is the case anymore. It is no longer enough to grease the wheels and keep inertia to make the server succeed, it requires much more hard work and determination to push forward, innovate, take charge and keep us level with competition. This proves to be a challenge when the community is filled with toxicity and vultures that will eat you alive at any sign of a misstep. Honestly I don't even blame leadership (I use this term to encompass both Leads and Heads of) for not sticking around and active for long enough with the shit they've to deal with on every day basis. What once used to be a supportive community has over the years evolved into a shell of its former self with unchecked toxicity in every thread and channel you open, with unforgiving members who expect flawless and cater to their exact vision without any consideration for the bigger picture. So once again - who's gonna push hard, innovate and dedicate countless hours of free time if there's seemingly no way to be good enough, and the goalpost is always moving? There's a reason why more and more people give up after being given access to do what they want to do - and it may be a hard pill to swallow but it's the community. It takes two to tango and there's two sides to every coin. 


I may be biased but I don't think it's leadership or development or whatever else scapegoat that will save this community. This community needs to save itself. By driving yourselves (ourselves?) further apart from each-other, it doesn't really matter what effort anyone puts in. Players don't join the server because Mmartin or any other single person. They don't join for the script, or who's leading what. They don't decide to join and stick around for any of that. They stick around for you


I appreciate that my frustration is showing through. I also appreciate you might see this as a "No, it's the kids who are wrong!" moment. Maybe it is, and while you may not agree with me, that's honest to God what my experience is. 

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Agreed fully with Martin, nowadays everybody wants to win at something, everybody goes ingame and shoots at someone else, gets mad when they die and then get mad at the staff team for running a "shit server". Try and pump out big updates weekly and all you get is "ok but what about X?", or "this isn't game-changing enough", or "but my faction needs stuff too!!".


So how do we make LS-RP better? I've tried bringing new ways to roleplay to the server and other devs have too and it gets a "wow great update!!" comment on the post and then you wait 3 days and everybody is back to bitching about "devs don't care!! management don't care!!". Well perhaps if people weren't so entitled with their attitude of "if you don't do what I want, I'll just leave and then you have 1 less player, so you better do what I say!!"


I literally spent hundreds of hours a month ingame and all I discovered was people were entitled, wanted shootouts and wins, and car chases. If you don't facilitate that or, god forbid somebody dies and they report and you say "no action", all you get is abuse. The players that sit there and yap "make LS-RP better!!" and then don't log ingame for 3 weeks at a time are the reason LS-RP needs to be made better. Have you considered that maybe you are the problem, sitting on the forum and refusing to go ingame?

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I appreciate the response! @Mmartin

I get the frustration about people stepping into roles and then going inactive after promising to make a difference. It's a pattern that's hard to ignore, but instead of just calling it out, y'all need to figure out why it keeps happening. Burnout is a big factor. A lot of times, people come in with great intentions, but without the right support or team work behind a task around them to share the load, it quickly becomes overwhelming. When someone is expected to carry everything on their own, it's no surprise they check out and we as players see them go inactive. It's also worth addressing the ''entitlement'' point. Sure, not everyone is suited for every role they aim for, but maybe the issue isn't about giving or denying opportunities. It's about how those opportunities are handled and possibly given to the suitable people. If someone gets a position, they need guidance, team-work, and accountability. Y'all gotta figure out where they can contribute effectively instead of leaving them in a sink-or-swim situation where they handle 2-3 reports and log off. The community sees both good and bad in the staff team, but there shouldn't be a mix. Because every staff member should be held to a standard to build trust and unity.

Now, about the community yes, the negativity and toxicity can be draining, but it didn't just appear out of nowhere. When players feel ignored, dismissed, or that their feedback doesn't matter, frustration builds, and it shows. Leadership sets the tone here. Staying active, engaging with players directly, and showing that feedback leads to action could help rebuild some of that trust. But along with this there is a portion of us that go both ways. We appreciate the updates but we also give criticism about the overall experience. The community will follow if leadership leads by example. At the same time, players need to take responsibility for creating the environment. Criticism is important, but it needs to be constructive and aimed at improving things, not tearing the server down. Everyone needs to remember we're all here because we care about this server and the nostalgia behind it.

Ultimately, it's not about blaming one side or the other. The community and leadership need to work together. Leadership has to create the structure and environment that supports active participation, and the community has to meet them halfway by being constructive and interactive. If we want this server to thrive again, it's going to take effort on both sides. At the end of the day, people do stick around for the community, but they also need to feel that the server they're investing their time into is going somewhere. By fostering relation between leadership and the players, we can reignite that sense of progress that once defined the server. It's not about assigning blame, it's about improving the server. Hopefully you understood my points and will reconsider some things overall with the community.

Edited by Salazaros

@asapdev For Developer!

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