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Community Meeting: 11th June




Hey everyone, another big community meeting update for you all.


We covered a hell of a lot this week but mainly Q+As from players - if you didn't get your question answered be sure to come along to next week's meeting. In the meantime here's a rundown of what we went over this week:


Sub-team Activities

- The Modding Team has been working primarily on animations this week, but the overall plan is to have many more hairs/clothes available after launch.

- The Mapping Team has had to deal with a fairly major last minute change to how interiors work in the game, meaning that shells for certain interiors have had to be created. These are already in place however, so thank you to all mappers who contributed to this!

- The Communications Team has been focusing on social media, recruitment and monitoring for pre-release feedback.

- The Content Management Team has been assisting with property setup for the pre-release, which is now in place.

- The Legal Factions Team has been focusing on migrating legal factions over to the production server, and finishing off Teamspeak setup.

- The Company Management Team has been setting up companies on the production server, and discussing the potential for company loans to be used to help businesses open in the short term.

- The Property Management Team has been setting up many, many different properties for rental on the production server.

- The Player Support Team continues to work on the Wiki, with the final articles being assigned.

- The Event Team is eagerly awaiting release, and still has applications open.

- The Faction Team has opened its Contraband Scheme and Property Scheme - get applying now!


Pre-release status

The pre-release, which is open only to staff and Premium members, went off smoothly on 9th June. We have peaked at 91 players so far, with an average of around 70 players online during the evenings.


We've even had our first business opening up, The Vault, which will no doubt be one of many nightclubs active in Los Santos after launch. Over 300 characters have been created, 50 players renting properties, 1900 hours in the game in total... the stats are looking good, even though we're only at pre-launch. Roll on the official launch!


Our focus has been on ensuring that bugs have been fixed promptly, and any essential Quality of Life improvements have been made wherever we can. You can find the changelog here, and if you have any suggestions, you can post them here. Likewise if you come across any bugs, you can post them here


The Economy

A big topic this week has been the economy itself; it's something we absolutely want to get right in the long term, and a considerable amount of thought is going into it. We already have a system in place for tracking money in/out, along with more useful statistics, and we'll have an Economy Taskforce on the case for ensuring we make sound decisions moving forward. If you have real life experience and credentials in economics and finance,  please get in touch with ROZE on the forums.


At this point we are a little reluctant to pump too much money into the server; doing so might end up with money being taken away from players, which we'd naturally rather avoid. Later down the line we're also going to be looking at taxes and budgets: the ultimate plan being that taxes will fund the public services such as PD, FD and SD in an entirely circular fashion (so we're limiting the amount of money spawned into the server).


Other Priorities

We have a big list of priorities to tackle over the coming days and weeks, but to give you a snapshot:

- We'll be applying additional Quality of Life fixes as-and-when they are suggested. Either use the suggestions board or this forum post - these are monitored regularly.

- Support for 4k / higher resolutions. This isn't a quick job as it requires all UI components to be updated, but we know that many people do play on higher resolutions, and will be actioning this as quickly as we can.

- Adjusting text size. Linked to the above: it'll be possible for you to change the size of in-game fonts to make them easier to read.

- Ability to move your position when in an anim. We know this is essential for allowing your character to sit properly in chairs and so on, so we'll be looking into this.

- More missions. Scripted jobs are very popular at the moment, and so we'll be adding more missions for players to complete ahead of launch.

- Additional hairstyles and clothing mods. We know that player customisation is incredibly important to everyone, and we'll be adding these too. However we're not just going to add a load of packs at once; we're going to be a little bit picky and ensure that they're good quality.


What to expect at launch

- There will likely still be bugs - we will work on fixing these as quickly as possible

- The DMV will be busy - remember there’s a grace period of two weeks

- Scripted jobs are likely to be busy. We’re addressing it by adding more routes, vehicles

- Evenings CET will be the busiest time

- Remember to use /wiki in-game for quick answers

- Remember: not all features are currently in the game. We’ll be asking for your opinions on what to implement in terms of priority


Communications Update

Our focus, as ever, is ensuring good communication between the staff/leadership teams and the community. Hopefully this has been better over the past few weeks. However, we're also now starting to focus on marketing efforts. As such:

- We’re on social media, and the countdown begins!
- Follow us on Instagram: @lsrpgta

- Follow us on TikTok: @lsrpgaming
- Anything you post on #media is fair game - turn off nametags and HUD for a better chance of being featured
- We're still accepting Comms Team applicants to help with content production
- Next survey will be about two weeks after launch, but keep suggestions and feedback coming as we’re reading everything on-the-fly


The SAMP Forums

Yes, they're coming back this week... 


Thanks to everyone who came along to the meeting and sorry to those of you who didn't get a direct answer to your question. Please come along to our next meeting and we'll hopefully get around to your queries then. 


See you at launch on the 16th - it's actually happening!!!

  • CJ 1
  • Bigsmoke 1
  • Ryder 3
  • Clap 1
  • Thumbs 3
  • OK 2
  • Strong 2
  • Love 4


Recommended Comments

Good job, everyone!

I have been quite happy with how helpful staff has been in game, as well as how hard at work developers have been to fix last minute bugs that could be bothering during gameplay.


Looking forward to playing with everyone in five days!

  • Ryder 1
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