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Everything posted by 30PiecesOfSilver

  1. At the end of the day it's a game, and inflation will happen regardless, and doesn't matter if you earn 10$ 100$ or 1000$ an hour. Vehicles needs to be made relatively affordable and easily available quickly so you don't have to walk around forever. Make supercars expensive, I don't really care. But people need a vehicle to get around and role-play. The fact that loans exists is really cool. But I would have an option for people to adjust the loan duration and frequency especially if you don't play 40 hours a week.
  2. Well he's played around 40 around since he's level 4, so the math checks out. I still feel like it's still too low for most people. I know they want most people to lease their cars and have monthly payments. But I hope that if that's the case the system is flexible and depending on how many hours you play the amount you owe monthly adjusts. And then add a mortgage on top of it if you want a property and eventually taxes? Money even how inflated it was on the old ls-rp it wasn't really dictating anything role-play wise, but right now it feels like if you are a factory worker in the early days of the industrial era. You earn pennies and everything is over-inflated.
  3. And I would imagine that your income comes from a faction pay? I don't see how someone with the current options could make 17,000$. With the current rates I'd be highly surprised you grinded that with the current jobs.
  4. First off, I'm not pointing fingers to anyone but right now the economy is really awful. So my thoughts after playing for a bit is that it's just way too low. Now I understand management doesn't want to pump money into the server to the point where we see supercars on every corner of every streets. Let's take lawn mowing and trucking for example. Usually you make about 20$ per lawn you mow once you fully completed the mission and it takes about 10-15 minutes per lawn. So let's say you manage to make a net income of 120$ per hour lawn mowing. Meaning if all you do on the server is mow lawns and you play on average 3 hours per day you'll be able to afford a scooter in about a month and a half of play.... I'm really struggling to understand the logic of this. Trucking makes very ever so slightly more money per run, and garbage is also very low. This doesn't seem to make much sense. I understand the reasoning of having low income and how it'll promote illegal role-play, so that selling drugs will be lucrative but if you want to promote role-play we're gonna need a bigger income otherwise it's never going to work. If you can't own a basic car in less than 10 hours or something like that. It's always hard to balance the economy and I understand the careful approach but I don't think that this is the right approach. And while I know we only really have one shot at tuning an economy system this will make players go away once release if it's not changed. Maybe it's setup this way to avoid donators to endlessly grind (which is fine) but personally if a player has to spend over 200 hours to own the very basic entry model of a car it'll turn them off pretty quickly. In conclusion, the economy needs a drastic change to make it at least playable since right not in it's current state it's unplayable and I haven't seen a single player owning a vehicle since pre-release... I'm not here to propose any number changes since I don't know jack about economy other than maxing out my 401k every year. I just hope this economy is adjusted before the 16th otherwise it'll be a massive complaint and will result in players leaving the server.
  5. I don't know if it's bugged or not, but if the price for a scooter is 18,000 and you make 20$ per garbage run it'll take you 900 runs to get a scooter. I didn't test the other jobs but I think it might be too low or something. Also adding more hair options would be cool, so far the server seems stable.
  6. Pretty simple idea, as you know on most server switch-blades and axes are "Illegally acquired" and cannot be bought from regular stores. I just hope that on this server every melee weapons (Except for golf club/stone axe/pool cue) can be bought. Not only are these items very easily purchasable at any Cabelas/Bass Pro shops you can see or any other hardware store. But they provide WAAAAAAY better role-play quality when you get mugged at knife point rather than the good old pistols. And before people say it, there should be a rule that you can't scroll weapons that don't fit in a pocket obviously goes without saying. Buying these melee items should require a minimum of hours on the server to avoid trolls. But yeah TLDR make these available publicly and legally as they are IRL. This will only fuel role-play rather than restrict it in the hunt for a knife where you can just buy one online or at a store. Would be quite nice for role-play!
  7. I mean honestly should be in the rules that anyone engaging into Erotic Role-play should ask oocly via DM in game if the other person or persons are 18+ and consent to the role-play. Now if someone lies about their ages by claiming they are above 18 then that's another story, a bit like going to a bar and hooking up with someone that's 17 but had a fake ID that said 21... Obviously illegal and disgusting to have ERP with a minor, no exceptions. And no one under 18 in game should do any ERP or have any kind of sexual oriented role-play or behaviour. Or add a system that proves your age but even then that's a lot of efforts for something that'll get breached. I'm not sure what's the point of role-playing full ERP when you can just fade to black, I personally don't see the purpose, maybe just role-play after the act, not sure on how engaging in a fully detailed sexual encounter vs faded to black adds anything but some people want it I guess? Also what's worse? Detailed erotic role-play of two adults having sex or detailed gore torture/murder? I think the latter is much worse...
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