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Everything posted by 1x1

  1. Cool guy. He is chill.
  2. 1x1


    Saw your topic. Do you enjoy bass music or just a character without any drawn inspiration?
  3. 1x1


    Roze, thanks for PMing me while I was sick this winter. Your warm words kept me afloat in cold times. - Your wife.
  4. 1x1


    You are one of the kindest souls I have ever had the honor of meeting on the internet. I have an inclination we're going to keep running into one another!
  5. I'm living through you guys. Keep up the good work. I can taste the iron and the gun powda on the street #church
  6. 1x1

    The Black Mob

    Oh boy. I miss this.
  7. Your kind words drift thousands of miles. Thank you:)
  8. I can't stop thinking about these guys
  9. 1x1

    May 2024 Staff Update

    I got your back staff. I would never allow the ideology of bullies get between our relationship.
  10. Thank you all for your feedback!
  11. Not so secret admirer here. Thinking of you.
  12. 1x1

    E/S Viper Mafia

    Vipers hiss, bite and aren't afraid to fight! Hoorah!
  13. We are all ONE! Not Ten. Thank you all for the endless support. We would love to extend a hand to those that are interested. Please PM @Joey We are excited to roleplay with you!
  14. Just read the topic again. Can barely contain myself rn
  15. 1x1

    N/S GBO​ ​🔴

    Oh yeah this is the type of shit I like. Makes me wanna ride on Eric Holders bitch ass. I would throw his ass to the wrong side of the tracks!!!
  16. 1x1


    wrote u a poem Nature's art in view, Gangstalked, in my heart, by you, Watching six months through.. its a haiku/ thanks for reading
  17. 1x1


    This guy fucks!
  18. 1x1


    Oh Spanion, my dearest friend, With you, my heart will never bend. Forever together, we'll roam this earth, Inseparable since our blessed birth. I call that poem. Spanion, my companion.
  19. 1x1

    1130 Funk Town

    Still going strong or taking a break guys?! WE need you more than ever! Hoping to see you in the strickity streets of Los Santos!
  20. 1x1

    The Irish Iron

    page is bugged
  21. Keep up the heat and I might just need an ice bath!
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