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  1. I skimmed through the topic a bit, and this is something I can get behind. LS-RP nowadays is focused on features. The documentation of those features and stuff like feature previews for each new system being added isn't a priority right now. When a new update is published, there's a blog post, but often times it's just a quick changelog. Sometimes that changelog actually includes whole new features, and I believe there was an attempt at a feature showcase in the last major update. When a bunch of new vehicles were added, there was no gallery, there was no list. It was all just barebones text. This ties into what I believe is an area LS-RP can improve: marketing. Because Management were often times developers, their focus was on code and functionality, rather than advertising the features. Yeah, the blog posts with the occasional art made by someone in Staff are a good start, but more needs to be done, which leads me to mention player acquisition. I used to check for LS-RP videos on YouTube daily (sorting by upload date), and even on LS-RP:V, that trend continued. Until there was an interruption of service for a few weeks, and I don't think many people, including myself, have posted videos since then. LS-RP:V has come far from when it launched in terms of features. The new additions to the development team were the best move, and it's unfortunate, it couldn't happen sooner. I'd argue in terms of retention, LS-RP has done what it can to retain players, and the 70 or so daily that log on will probably stay (although the decline after a week without updates is evident.) Now it should start focusing on acquisition through marketing. Whether that be an expansion in the communication team or a marketing team that focuses on generating leads (interested people) and then achieving a conversion (person applies and plays a bit). From my personal experience, marketing is such a diverse field, so I'm sure there are a few people that have the skillset and are willing to help out with that.
  2. I can agree with the first change although it will just incentivize PK and suicide by cop more than it already is because most people don't want to spend a long time in jail, not to mention actually roleplaying the process. I don't think a plead system is going to do anything to counter the amount of crime. Instead it will just complicate the arrest process. I speak from experience and know of others who don't wish to file even more paperwork than already is required. The whole plead thing seems like a carbon copy from another server. It's something to keep an eye on but in my opinion there are other features that need to be prioritized. The excuse of it being "just a game" shouldn't be brushed aside. At the end of the day if you implement 1:1 procedures of the Justice system in real life no one would play.
  3. this is a good first step.
  4. This is going to do more harm than good. Forcing people to CK after X amount of respawns will lead to more arguments because namechanges cost money. This has been tried elsewhere and didn't go so well. When you start imposing penalties on people a cycle begins. Yes they value their character life more but they'll also fight harder to defend it. Instead of having someone pull a gun, get PK'd and move on they're going to complain and try and avoid jailtime which leads to A LOT more OOC arguments when it could've just been kept IC. I get the point of making people roleplay more fear and value their life more but that will just end up causing more scenes to go OOC as has been demonstrated on other platforms.
  5. Consistency

    We're done.

    and so it begins again
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