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  1. Q29. What did the pager say Lieutenant? "Use of force incident, do not recall the full details." Q30. What did you and Stefan Castillo discuss? "We discussed the purpose of the pager." Q31. What was your impression of Mr. Castillo? "No impression taken." Q32. Why did you select Mr Castillo as opposed to the other individuals on scene to speak to? "Castillo was identified as the individual who used force." Q33. When you spoke to Mr Castillo did you intend to conduct an investigation? "No." Q34. Did you Mirandize or Garrity warn Mr Castillo in the hospital? "No." Q35. What if anything did Mr Castillo admit to or deny during your conversation at All Saints? "He did not admit or deny anything, as far as I recall." Q36. Did you request an interview in a different location? If so, where? "The Internal Affairs Bureau offices." Q37. When did you request a second interview? "After midnight.” (( @Michael@Fabi@Kotwica ))
  2. Q14. Who are the current members of Executive Staff?: "Sheriff Roderick Hayward. Undersheriff Francis Hopkins. Division Chief Timothy Knight." Q15. Were you alerted to an event that occurred on June 26?: "Yes." Q16. If so, how were you alerted? "Pager." Q17. Did you respond to a scene? "Yes." Q18. If so, where did you respond? "All Saints General Hospital." Q19. Did you respond to the scene with other members of internal affairs, or meet members of internal affairs at the scene?: "I responded with other members of the internal affairs bureau." Q20. Who else from internal affairs were on scene?: "Sergeant Brandon Dukes and Sergeant Robert Geisbauer." Q21. What did you observe when you arrived on the scene?: "LSSD members were present at the hospital and waiting for us." Q22. How many deputies were on scene when you arrived?: "Two, as far I recall." Q23. Did you make contact with a Deputy Castillo when you arrived on scene?: "I did not immediately. I had to wait for him." Q24. Why did you make contact with Deputy Castillo?: "Cause of the pager." (( @Michaelm @Kotwica, @almightybounter ))
  3. "I think we misunderstood each other. You asked if I keep records of my interactions with deputies, as in record all interactions with deputies. I do not. We only record stuff like interviews, for example. The people who has access to all Internal Affairs Bureau records is, Internal Affairs Bureau and Executive Staff." (( @Kotwica, @Michael, @almightybounter ))
  4. Q10. As a member of internal affairs do you keep records of your interactions with deputies? "Not all." Q11. As part of that record keeping, who has access to the records? "Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Internal Affairs Bureau and Executive Staff." Q12. Were you working on June 26 2024? "Yes." Q13. Did you open a record about an event that occurred on June 26, 2024?" "Yes." (( @Kotwica, @Michael, @almightybounter ))
  5. Q2. "Elise, I might've misspoke - who if any organization are you employed by?" "Los Santos County Sheriff's Department." Q9. What additional trainings did you take? "POST, BSSS, middle management, professional standards course, EBD course."
  6. Q1. Can you spell your name for the record?: Elise Crawford. Q2. Who if any organize are you employed by? I do not understand this question. Q3. What position do you hold? Lieutenant. Q4. What is your current assignment? Acting Unit Commander, Internal Affairs Bureau Q5. When did you graduate the academy? 2004 Q6. What organization hosted your academy? Los Santos County Sheriff's Department. Q7. Did you work in another law enforcement agency prior to your current position? No. Q8. Have you taken any additional training for the position you have in your current position? Yes.
  7. ** Elise Crawford enters the courtroom, standing on the defendant's side. "Lieutenant Elise Crawford, Los Santos County Sheriff's Department, your honor."
  8. Very hot. Can't wait for more.
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