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Everything posted by Tudounaozi

  1. Just roll back to SAMP where people get paid the maximum reward every hour. People had a lot of fun when they have had 20m in their banks.
  2. 1 day delay = 1 day of people cannot find people to RP with and not wanting to be online and leaving the server. I think you know this deeply in your head so I will keep my mouth shut.
  3. I've been working on it with him ICly and OOCly. It won't work without admins actually show up and post an announcement - "hey if you need a place to go, we assemble at XXXX place"
  4. When can I have some place to go as RP hub and stop driving around like a mindless NPC zombie? EDIT: I've been crying to have RP hub and stuff for weeks on forums. I was active 10 hours a day but recently I stopped playing because of that reason. Probably won't play again until we have RP hub and I have place to go.
  5. Nobody RP with me. I drive thousands of hours to find people to RP with me. Get us some RP HUBs, NOW!
  7. If theres open businesses no wonder people will go, I totally agree. But if there's not any businesses or events open? For example, right now? I am from another timezone.
  8. Could you please link a map icon and show me where it is?
  9. Right now the server has 25 players and I am roaming around the city with nobody to RP with. This has been the case for 2 weeks for me. Let's decide and have an RP hub before you lose one more player. A. S. A. P.
  10. Bumping this until a Staff announces an official RP Hub that everyone can go to.
  11. Let's not underlook this issue - this is very important. We need RP hub ASAP. Wherever is fine, but we have to have it ASAP.
  12. Illegal usually have their own places so we should focus on civilian / legal side. Thus I agree with it.
  13. Sure. You just explained that why we are losing players. I wish you nothing but best luck.
  14. Oh I do like RP, I just do not RP here. I agree with you. GTAW Admins suck too. I am not saying GTAW values realistic roleplay, I am saying GTAW values unrealistic roleplay and that is the point. Shooting people is fun. It really is. Chasing people 200km/h is fun. Ramming other cars and drive-by is fun. Find no cover and rush into a scene to spray your enemies and die is fun. Remember the Dickens Family? They should've been banned long ago with today's standards. But how much joy did they bring to other people? Didn't people have fun with them? I did. You cannot portray Los Angeles. Los Angeles has 5 million people, you have 50. If I can have more fun doing no research than having fun doing pages of research, well both you and me will pick the latter which I do not for a moment doubt, but what about other people? RPing in Booty Bay is really just more fun than here, really. It is not more fun than LSRP in 2016, but it is more fun than LSRP 2023. I do not like the server and I am not here. I do not play, I used to play. I am here saying why I am not here. I am here because I want to tell y'all that the pursuit of realism over all will not succeed. It is wrong. I am here saying this because in the very unlikely event that my voices are valued, I can come back to where I once loved and continue playing. If you think this is the perfect heaven for you then by all means, continue doing what you are and I give you my wholeheartedly support. There is a reason why GTAW has 900 people and LSRP has less than 90. I have stated my reasonings. Now since you ran factions in both communities and you love LS-RP so much. I humbly ask you this simple question. Why?
  15. Sorry I just updated my posts if that interest you. GTAW has 900 people, LSRP barely get 90. Oh by the way, I do not play GTAW. RP is fun. Turtle WOW is even more fun. I have never been admin punished once or been called unrealistic once. However, where all those illegal factions go? Who kicked them away? I do not want to disclose who I was back then but I encountered far more illegal factions and other factions than you can think of. When you remove a player-made faction due to "unrealistic" roleplay, people will go to somewhere that will value their "realistic roleplay", guess where that is?
  16. Because RP LSRP is not fun anymore. Because RP LSRP is like a second job to us. Because anything we do is unrealistic portrayal and will result in punishments. Because people want realism over playability. Because people want realistic over fun. Ever since 2016 when we wanted to be "REALISTIC", we started losing people. Ever since 2020 when we closed we thought it is because of the platform, the SA-MP, so we should go GTA5. Wake up yet? Did you wake up yet? No? Keep sleeping then. I am here to play games. Not to be a slave to be trained or punished. Fix it. How? I do not know how. Or I become the project lead already. Fix it. I cannot speak on behalf of people but I do not want to play it.
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