I am personally unhappy with the way drugs work in the server and I think some of the drugs are useless. This is a pretty major suggestion but perhaps changing the drug system to be less convoluted and making drugs more generic with clear game mechanic buffs so that real demand and therefore incentive is established for players to actually procure drugs. Hopefully this would also lead to economics of scale for drugs where organisations that control larger supplies can dictate prices, purity/strength would obviously also dictate this if the buffs were impacted by the purity of the drug.
Just for an example of what I am talking about: Ketamine can roll buffs based on purity, lower purity may also lead to a debuff instead being rolled. High purity Ketamine can roll a buff that means less damage is taken from weapons to limbs, however damage to the head is maintained at regular rates. If you are unlucky or if the purity of your Ketamine is low enough, you may roll a debuff that means you take more damage to all limbs than usual. The status of your buff or debuff shouldn't be revealed until you actually take damage.
If we can agree on fair, legitimate and "realistic" buffs and debuffs for drugs we could reorganise them into: stimulant, narcotic and perhaps psychedelic leaving Cocaine, Heroin, Meth, Steroids, Ketamine and MDMA to serve as the script-based drugs with status effects and everything else could just be left just for roleplay use only.
It would also be nice to see drug supply turn into a game event that randomises the flow of drugs similarly to how the trucking system works. This paired with the debuffs rolling off of purity and drug decay I think is a good foundation for a fair but also utility based drug system that shouldn't require too much code to adjust the current system.
Keep in mind this is all just theory crafting to serve as concept for a similar change and by no means something that I would suggest as being final for the server. Consulting the community on something as monumental as this would be paramount in ensuring the system is well received, balanced and fair whilst also not sacrificing the pieces of the system that may already be thoroughly enjoyed.