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LCS-CV-2024-001 - Post-Award - Castillo v. Los Santos County Sheriff's Department

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Q1. "We wanted that private moment to discuss a question."
Q2. "Yes, I felt like we couldn't leave at that point."
Q3. "Yes, we don't conduct investigations like Interal Affairs.  We allow people to feel like it isn't an investigation, we keep it casual."
Q4. "I think that tactics are different and there are multiple ways to conduct an interview and investigations.  However, I felt like we were being treated like criminals."

Q10."Yes, Castillo was on administrative leave during the interview."

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Superior Court of San Andreas
County of Los Santos

Case Number: LCS-CV-2024-001
Case Title: Stefan Castillo v. Los Santos County Sheriff's Department

Sergeant (now-Lieutenant) Elise Crawford
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department (LSSD)
2807 Macdonald Street, Los Santos, San Andreas, 90012

You Are Hereby Summoned:

In the name of the people of the State of San Andreas, you, Sergeant Crawford, are hereby required to appear before the Superior Court of San Andreas, County of Los Santos, as a witness in the case of Stefan Castillo v. Los Santos County Sheriff's Department (LCS-CV-2024-001).

Details of Appearance:

Date: 10/08/2024
Time: 08:30 
Location: Antonin Scalia Memorial Courthouse 
1817 Hopkins Avenue, Market, Los Santos 343, San Andreas 
Courtroom: 1

Purpose of Summons

You are summoned to provide testimony in the above-referenced case. Your testimony is critical in establishing the facts relevant to the matter at hand.

Legal Consequences

Failure to appear at the specified date and time without lawful excuse may subject you to penalties, including but not limited to contempt of court. You may also be liable for any damages caused by your non-compliance with this summons.


You may bring any documents, records, or evidence in your possession that are relevant to the matters for which your testimony is sought. You are encouraged to consult with your legal counsel prior to your appearance if you have any questions about your testimony or this summons.

Issued By:

Martin Hockenbeyer
Honorable Judge
Superior Court of San Andreas, County of Los Santos

Date of Issuance: 08/08/2024

Seal of the Superior Court of San Andreas
County of Los Santos



(( @Kayayday @Michael @Kotwica))

Edited by almightybounter
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** Elise Crawford enters the courtroom, standing on the defendant's side.
"Lieutenant Elise Crawford, Los Santos County Sheriff's Department, your honor."

I have not broken your heart — you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine


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"Thank you your honor. Lieutenant Crawford, I'm going to ask you a set of questions, as you know during this proceeding is around your conduct and the conduct of other members of the Los Santos Sheriffs Department. Lets begin with some basic questions.

Q1. Can you spell your name for the record?
Q2. Who if any organize are you employed by?
Q3. What position do you hold?
Q4. What is your current assignment?
Q5. When did you graduate the academy?

Q6. What organization hosted your academy?

Q7. Did you work in another law enforcement agency prior to your current position?
Q8. Have you taken any additional training for the position you have in your current position?"

Donald continues to stand at the podium after asking his first eight questions.




Edited by Kotwica
Tagging appropriate parties.
donald j. wright, esq.
founding partner of Wright and Wong Law Firm, San Fierro.
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Q1. Can you spell your name for the record?: Elise Crawford.
Q2. Who if any organize are you employed by? I do not understand this question.
Q3. What position do you hold? Lieutenant.
Q4. What is your current assignment? Acting Unit Commander, Internal Affairs Bureau
Q5. When did you graduate the academy? 2004

Q6. What organization hosted your academy? Los Santos County Sheriff's Department.

Q7. Did you work in another law enforcement agency prior to your current position? No.
Q8. Have you taken any additional training for the position you have in your current position? Yes.

I have not broken your heart — you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine


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48 minutes ago, Kayayday said:

Q1. Can you spell your name for the record?: Elise Crawford.
Q2. Who if any organize are you employed by? I do not understand this question.
Q3. What position do you hold? Lieutenant.
Q4. What is your current assignment? Acting Unit Commander, Internal Affairs Bureau
Q5. When did you graduate the academy? 2004

Q6. What organization hosted your academy? Los Santos County Sheriff's Department.

Q7. Did you work in another law enforcement agency prior to your current position? No.
Q8. Have you taken any additional training for the position you have in your current position? Yes.

Q2. "Elise, I might've misspoke - who if any organization are you employed by?"

Q9. What additional trainings did you take?


Donald continues to stand at the podium.

@Kayayday @Michael @almightybounter

Edited by Kotwica
donald j. wright, esq.
founding partner of Wright and Wong Law Firm, San Fierro.
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Q2. "Elise, I might've misspoke - who if any organization are you employed by?"

"Los Santos County Sheriff's Department."

Q9. What additional trainings did you take?
"POST, BSSS, middle management, professional standards course, EBD course."

I have not broken your heart — you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine


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"Outside of POST, I am unfamiliar with the acronyms you used, for the sake of a clear record I need you to refrain from using acronyms.

Q10. As a member of internal affairs do you keep records of your interactions with deputies?

Q11. As part of that record keeping, who has access to the records?
Q12. Were you working on June 26 2024?
Q13. Did you open a record about an event that occurred on June 26, 2024?"

@Kayayday, @Michael, @almightybounter

donald j. wright, esq.
founding partner of Wright and Wong Law Firm, San Fierro.
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Q10. As a member of internal affairs do you keep records of your interactions with deputies?
"Not all."
Q11. As part of that record keeping, who has access to the records?
"Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Internal Affairs Bureau and Executive Staff."
Q12. Were you working on June 26 2024?
Q13. Did you open a record about an event that occurred on June 26, 2024?"

(( @Kotwica, @Michael, @almightybounter ))

I have not broken your heart — you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine


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"Lieutenant, you contradicted yourself. Do you as a member of internal affairs keep official records of your interactions with deputies. You answered that executive staff and internal affairs have access to the records. Which one is it?"

@Kayayday @almightybounter @Michael

donald j. wright, esq.
founding partner of Wright and Wong Law Firm, San Fierro.
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